"I'm sorry to come without telling you b-but I brought these for Kaution...and I hope you let her enjoy them because I thought she would love them since -w-well-"

"Beyoncé, you don't have to explain....calm down" she says chuckling as she cuts me off

She walks halfway passed me going into the living room putting Kaution into her walker. I watch as she sits on the couch then looks at me.

"I know you not just gonna stand there" she says giggling

I nervously chuckle as I grab the bag and take a seat next to her but not close to her on the couch. I open the bag and pull the first gift out; and Megan awes at it.
"Oh my gosh Bey!!! This is so cute" she semi shouts as she turns the pages of the custom book I made of both Kaution and her

I watch as she reads a bit to herself smiling. I pull the other gifts out but Megan is too invested into the book.

"B-Beyoncé......this....this is something we'll treasure forever. Thank you" she says looking at me

Before I can answer Kaution happily screams as she starts to run in her walker. I chuckle as I admire her. I watch as she walks back and forth laughing as she does. She comes running to me nearly hitting my toes with the wheels.

"Hi Kaution. Hi beautiful girl" I say as she giggles showing all her gums. I softly tickle her stomach as she smiles laughing even harder. She grabs my left hand as I continue to tickle her. Till I stop and just give both her cheeks kisses making her laugh again.

"You look at her as if she's yours" I hear Megan say making me stop to look at her

I slowly pull my hand back sitting up straight.
"I'm sorry"
"Nothing to be sorry for.....just that you treat her so sweet......as if she is yours..... the way I wish Pardi would" she says mumbling the last part

"You both deserve so much more....so much more. He doesn't see the precious jewels he has" I say then quickly look down when I realize what I just said

"So we're precious?"
"Okay this one here is a precious baby. Innocent" I say pointing to Kaution
"Now you! .....I don't know if you are" I continue to say looking at her

She laughs, "what? I am precious"
"Yeah....okay" I say rolling my eyes
"Why aren't I?......I've always been"

I turn to face her as I know I'm about to ask the most burning question I've ever had.....the question that stays in my mind
".....if you are then why was it so easy for you to sleep with Pardi again?"

She stares at me wide eyed not saying anything.
"I-I didn't mean to....."
"But you did...so why? Why go back to him?"

"I know people say it just happened...but this really did just happen. He told us about that whole thing with Alicia and Kasseem, and I was weak...we were in his room talking. Then he said he missed times like that where we would stay up all night and talk for hours. And- And-"

"And you opened your f- dang legs to him" I say feeling anger raise within me but then calm myself realizing that Kaution is in front of us

"W-Was I not good enough...." I mumble feeling tears come to me
"You was! You are!! It was me! I was taking you for granted and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Beyoncé... cause of me, I went and fucked it all up"

"Hey no cussing in front of her" I say nodding my head off to Kaution as she giggles making us both chuckle
"You think we could ever give us a try?....again?" She ask

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