~ Prologue ~

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Julia's pov;

The huge dark-skinned man sitting across from me keeps giving me death glares.

Does he really think I would say one word to him?

Mom taught me better.

The back of my shoulders are starting to ache as a result of my arms being folded for minutes now.

If only I can get an access to a bubble gum, I'll just keep chewing it and then pop it right in his face to show how much I don't care about the questions he's asking me, not even to mention his ugly face.

Omo, you should see this man's face. Just imagine an agbero with serious tribal marks that carved half of his face, window front teeth that makes him spit while he talks—completely irritating, and then his dirty looking skin, you know that kind of dark skin but it's not giving, it's not skinning at all. In fact, you can think whether such individual hasn't had a shower for days and has been doing some vigorous work.

I can't believe I've been sitting on this hard chair getting to an hour now.

"I sincerely hope I would not repeat myself again, young lady," he barks impatiently, startling his colleague who is helplessly standing behind him like a hungry guard dog.

I wanted to feel bad for him but wo, shebi they are all the same?

In this part of the world, police can never be your friend. They are your worst nightmare.

I turn my face toward my mom.

She has been doing the talking.

"Erm, Oga officer," she draws the attention of the big man and say, "we will not utter a word until our lawyer comes, so you have to stop pressuring my daughter."

He gives her a shey you dey whine me ni look. "Your daughter here that was arrested for attempted murder? You must be joking, I will pressure her all I want, she must answer the questions, what are you telling me?!" He takes a pause to recollect his breath and pulls out a nearly dirty handkerchief.

My God! It's even white. I want to cry.

He wipes off the sweat on his forehead and continues to bash my mom. "You think this is America? We will not talk until our lawyer comes," he mimicks her.

Can I be permitted to finally hit his face with one leg of my sandals?

Who gave this disgusting man that badge he's wearing? Could be that he bought it, who knows? I wouldn't put it past him.

The man signals his colleague to bend over so he can tell him something. He whispers into his right ear, the colleague nods and exits the room.

I raise one quizzical brow. Did he just ask him to leave?

This got me unsettled and tempted to utter a word to him but my mom noticed and nudged at my thigh implying that I remain shut, at least until she can succeed in getting me out of here without appearing before the D.P.O.

When I glance at my mom from the corner of my eye I can read her countenance. She is disappointed. I had brought shame to the Adams name. I officially now hold a record for the crime of attempted murder.

All of a sudden it dawns on me that I'm being detained in a real station and I could be going to jail in a few weeks.

My name is Julia Adams. On the night of my 17th birthday I almost killed my boyfriend.

Presently in the state of coma at the hospital, the chances for Johnson Ike to make it out alive is 50 percent positive and 50 percent negative.

I could be sentenced to prison.

I was triggered. How did it happen?
It was the work of the devil. I never meant to inflict harm. I never meant to go that extreme.

He was cheating on me. I caught him red-hearted. Stark naked with my so-called best friend, Ruth Alex.

And now chances are possible death of Johnson, my now ex-boyfriend, and life imprisonment for me.

This is just a tip of the iceberg...

Next chapter coming up soon xD

Hey guys, if you liked the prologue, can you let me know? I drafted out two prologues just in case this particular one isn't intriguing enough 😮‍💨

P.s.s; 😆
My chapters will not be lengthy, I'm keeping it short and real. Less is more


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