This annoyed atlas personnel but what could they do if she was right we

Sun: "before killing them."
Neptun: "he killed 20 prisoners?"
Scarlet: while actually I heard it was more like 30."

This got Jaune a lot of angry stares others of disbelief but all eyes on Jaune the same

Mercury: metal as fuck

Roman: a goody two shoes like you butchering those animals in such a manner. I mean wow.

Blake: I take what I said back, you're worse then atlas.

Jaune just lowered his head

Ozpin: remember what we heard at the start whitefang and the world are in a full blown war im sure Jaune had his reasons

Narrator: somewhat? During the reclamation of mistral during an event called
D-day the speed and size of the operation didn't open up the logistics for prisoners in the opening stages and some took it upon themselves to 'un-surrender' enemy combatants to continue the assault or to kill them outright a famous event of this is during D-Day 156 vacuo personnel were massacred after they surrendered to whitefang and thus vacuo didn't take kindly to surrendering whitefang ever again.

This revelation left many moths agape

Narrator: in short taking prisoners was a luxury he didn't care for

Ruby: but did he actually do it?

Narrator: all will be revealed at the end

Ruby pouted and a thick layer of tension filled the room

Jaune: "sun."
Sun: "Arc."
Jaune: "I got the name right, didn't I, sun?"
Sun: "yes, sir."

Yang: they don't look very comfortable with vomit boy around

Weiss: I wouldn't be comfortable either considering all that has been said

After a pause
Jaune: "what're you men doing out here?"
Sun: "we're watching the line."
Jaune looks over and into the white out conditions before giving a small nod
Jaune: "keep up the good work, while you're at it you might want to reinforce your cover"
Scarlet: "while actually jaune, sage said not to bother, that were only gonna be here one day."
Scarlet started brushing his teeth
Jaune: "Sage said that, huh?"
Scarlet gave a shy nod
Jaune shrugged
Jaune: "then forget what I said. Carry on."

Jaune: am I leading them or something?

Narrator: yep, you are their commanding officer.

Jaune stood up and began walking away
Stopping a few paces away before turning around
Jaune: "oh, anyone care for a smoke?"

Nora: does fearless leader know that they know about the prisoners?

Mercury: it's probably why he's doing it

Qrow: I hate to agree but yeah, they probably don't drink or smoke with him around out of fear he'll kill them as well

He offered a pack of cigarettes
Sun looked at the smokes then back at jaune
Scarlet looked down brushing his teeth
Jaune turned to Neptune
Jaune: "you?"
Neptune shook his head rapidly
Jaune turned around and walked into the snowy fog disappearing from sight

Narrator: so how was it?

Ruby's hand shot up before asking

Ruby: did he actually kill them?

Narrator: for the incident about shooting his own teammate because they were drunk is true but in self defence that has been twisted by rumours

Team JNPR was shocked to say the least

Pyrrha: s-so who'd he kill and why?

Narrator: Jaune gave the order to hold position but Nora was drunk and refused to obey and wanted to charge the whitefang lines. Jaune told Nora that she was to drunk and he'd send her to the rear to recover and then she'd join the battle again but she refused and reached for her weapon and brought it up to attack so Jaune killed her in self defence.

Coco: what about him murdering the prisoners?

Narrator: Jaune was assessed as one of the finest combat officers and had worked hard to earn his reputation as a killer. Someone who won't hesitate to do what is deemed necessary.

Blake's face twisted knowing that this was setting up to say that Jaune killed them

Narrator: although ozpin and all higher ups knew of the allegations they choose to overlook this as the need for competent combat leaders was too great and Jaune was amazing at what he did.

Ozpin: team rwby you must remember what I have overlooked on your behalf before you make a decision on how you judge Jaune. This goes for all of you, how much have you gotten away with because you're good at what you do?

Rwby lowered their heads as they remembered the highway

CVFY looks away as they themselves where big trouble makers in the first year

Raven rolls her eyes and Qrow takes a sip from his flask

Narrator: Jaune had often killed for shock value and when Qrow, his commanding officer alleged that Jaune killed six POWs during the war and when later confronted after the war Jaune confirmed the allegations of killing SIX POWs in a letter to Qrow describing in great detail what happened.

Raven: he sounds more like my kind of people than a huntsmen

Tai : the rumours said 20-30 I say six is reasonable compared to that. As a huntsmen I've done more then my fair share of questionable decisions

Yang: but he said the he killed for the shock value

Narrator: it's also said that if the situation wasn't as dangerous and the allies had slightly more wiggle room he would've been court martialed

Jaune: I'm not trying to defend the action but if you hear me out for a second in that this is ANOTHER DIMENSION AND NOT ME, that would be much appreciated.

Jaune reminded the room of the fact that often gets overlooked


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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