(Chapter 16)(daddy's broken bird)

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(Chapter 16)(daddy's broken bird)

(BG's p.o.v)

I didn't wanna leave her, but I had to go back on tour, she graduated 4 weeks ago so she was a free bird. She was actually looking pregnant at this point, luckily when she graduated she didn't look pregnant. I went to leave and she cried. "Baby, I'll be back I promise". I say. I kissed her forehead. "What if it dies". She cried. "It won't". I say as I placed my hands on my daughters face. "But you don't know that." She says sniffing. "Trust him, the man upstairs has his ways". I say. She nodded. I kissed my daughters tears. Some would say it was wrong and gross to love your daughter as you did your wife but I did. The tour bus was about to leave. I kissed her cheek. "You need
somebody in a hurry you call Jax." "He ain't far off." I say. She nodded. "And as for you, kick, a lot". I say to my daughters belly. She laughed.

I left and she went back inside with sylo. I prayed the kid would be alright.

(Timberlyn's p.o.v)

I called Jax, I just wanted his company, I wanted someone to hold me. I was scared to death. "Jax, I need you here". I say. "What's wrong darlin'?" He asked. "I just want you here." I say. "Okay, I'm coming". He says. I smiled. "Thank you". I say. "When I get there you better be naked". He says. "Nice try". I laughed. "I'm just playin'" he says.

Later the door bell rang and Sylo barked. He ran to the door. He barked. I opened the door. Jax was there. I smiled. "Sylo easy brother, he's cool". I say to Sy. I smiled. Jax came in. "I thought I told you to be naked when I got here?" He says taking off his cutt. I laughed. I kissed his cheek. He was getting his scruff back. I loved facial hair on him. He looked at my belly. "Can I see". He asked. I lifted my fathers shirt. Jax rubbed my belly. "It better be a girl, I don't want it to be a boy go off and knock a girl up and leave her". Jax says. I knew Jax hated Ben for leaving me like that.
"I like wearing daddy's shirts but the only bad thing is, is that I'm starting produce breast milk and it's getting all over his shirts, and I have to wash them." I say. "That's alright, your producing food for the baby." Jax says. He walked to the fridge. "Every time you come over you eat everything". I say. "Can't help it, I'm a growing man". He says. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I laid with Jax on the couch. We were watching tv. I felt my underwear become drenched. I wasn't wearing anything besides my underwear and daddy's shirt. Jax looked down, cause apparently he felt it too. "Don't look down". He says. "Why?" I asked. "Just don't,please". He says. He sat up and picked me up bridal style. "Don't look down". He says again. "Close your eyes, and breathe". He says. I closed my eyes.
He carried me then I heard him open a door and then I heard him turn the shower on.
"Jax what's wrong?" I asked keeping my eyes closed and letting him pull my underwear down, and daddy's shirt off me. He placed me in the shower. "Stand up for me, but keep your eyes closed." He says. I knew what had happened before I even opened my eyes. He wanted to save my feelings but I had just had a miscarriage. I started to cry. "Shhh, it's okay, it'll be okay". Jax says as he washed me , so I wouldn't see the blood of my child. I cried. He kissed my mouth. "I'm so sorry". He says. I opened my eyes. I saw all the blood running down the drain of the shower. "Why would this happen to me". I cried. "I'm sorry". Jax says.

(BG's p.o.v)

My phone was ringing. I answered it.

Me: hello

Jax: hey it's Jax, Timberlyn lost the baby.

Me: fuck, dammit.

Jax: I'm sorry, I've cleaned her up, she's cried herself to sleep already... She's layin' here on my chest, I'm sorry brother, but your strong little bird , her spirit has been broken.

Me: I'm coming home, alright.

Jax: alright then, I'll be here.

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