(Chapter 2)(Bare Butt and Groceries)

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(Chapter 2)(Bare Butt and Groceries)

(BG's p.o.v)

I was up at 3 am, getting me something to drink from the fridge. I was very dry mouthed this time of the year.
I was standing in the kitchen butt ass naked. No one cared cause ... Well.. I lived here. Timberlyn did the same damn thing. We rarely wore clothes to bed. We were just more comfortable that way. And now that Timberlyn knew everything of the adult world she didn't mind it. I had change her diapers, I had seen her butt, she had seen mine, what was the big deal. It wasn't morally wrong unless we messed with each other, and trust me I sure as hell wasn't like that. Timberlyn came in the kitchen. "Nice butt, dad". She says. "Thanks". I say. She rolled her eyes. "What time is it anyway?" She asked. "3:30". I say. "Ugh". She says putting her head against my back. I sighed. "Go on back to bed, we got a big day ahead of us baby girl". I say. "Okay". She grumbled knowing that we were going to the grocery store today. She hated it as much as I did.

It was 8:30 now and I was dressed and half awake.
I shook Timberlyn's shoulder.
"Go away." She grumbled.
I picked her up bridal style, she was in her night shirt. I carried her to the bathroom. "Ugh, daddy". She grumbled.
I held her so that I was able to dunk her head in the toilet. I was almost about to when she realized what I was doing. "Woah!!! Hey I'm up I'm up". She says fast. I smirked and put her down. She smacked my arm repeatedly while yelling. "What's wrong with you I was getting up god, just give me time!!!" The I started laughing, and she stuck her tongue out at me. "You ass". She says. Damn she reminded me of her mother when she said that.

We were in the store now. She was tossing stuff in the cart.
"What's all this shit for?" I asked. "Me, you live on the road, and I live at home, I cook for myself old man". She says. I rolled my eyes. "Then why don't you cook when I'm home".? I asked. "Because cooking is more of a distraction for me because your gone". She says. I smiled. "You really miss me that bad when I'm gone?" I asked her. "Yep, gets kinda lonely, just me and ally". She says. Ally was my pitbull.
"Well maybe I can get you a present". I say. "Nothing will replace you old man". She says. I smiled. She threw another Mountain Dew in the cart. "Darlin, your gonna end up with four hundred cavities with all this damn sugar". I say. "Na". She says.

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