Jack: "Hey! Breath in you stupid! How weak lungs do you have?!"
It was for a while when she suddenly stopped struggling.

He squinted his eyebrows. Until, she stuck out her tongue.

Y/n: "I scared you, didn't I?"
Something churned inside his stomach, but he couldn't point out what that was.

He looked away and stood up.

Jack: "Go and cook food!"
He spat and walked away. Y/n sighed.

Y/n: "I survived.."
She stood up and caressed her throat as she made it downstairs.

Y/n was just making some good breakfast, until her vitals gave up.

She was hungry as heck. Absolutely having nothing since a day already, she felt sick.

She looked around and upon finding no Jack watching she decided to shove bread in her mouth.

She took a small bun and shoved it all inside her mouth, biting on it rapidly.

She froze once she heard footsteps again. She munched on the bread as her life was dependent on it.

She tried to gulp in, only to choke. She hit her chest rapidly.  Jack had no idea what was going on, he leaned in to look at her fearful expression, only to frown.

Jack: "What the heck is happening to you?!"
He yelled.

Jack: "Such a careless stupid you're under the name of an adult!"

He grabbed a glass and filling it with water he handed it to her.

Y/n took big sips, pushing down the lump of bread, finally breathing. She didn't look up to see Jack's expression, but she could notice his stare on her.

Jack: "Eating without my permission, right?"
There comes his smile again.

Y/n: "I-I was just hungry.."

Jack: "You're always hungry! Are you a pig?"
She looked down and continued with the cooking.

Jack: "Why did you even marry me? Go and look at the other girls. They care about their figure more than you do. Here eating like a pig! For once pig will be satisfied but you.. you would never stop eating!"

(A/N: pigs are cute tho ;))

He stated calmly, but the words held poison themselves, enough to break her self-esteem.

Y/n looked at him with her glossy eyes.

she yelled and placed the cooked egg on the plate.

Jack grabbed her wrist tightly and pinned her against the wall.

Jack: "I don't really know where you are getting that confidence from, am I not punishing you enough? Huh? Aren't you afraid of me?"
He grabbed her cheeks, squeezing them.

Y/n hissed in pain.

Y/n: "I-I'm not used to it"
And it just made him angrier than he already was.

Jack: "I feel like killing you right at this moment but--"
He took a deep breath and gripped her hand dragging her towards the bedroom with absolutely no words.

Y/n panicked when he did that.

Y/n: "J-- M-master.. master leave me! W-where are you dragging me?"

Jack: "Dragging where you belong!"

Y/n: "M-master.. spare me"
She hated it, hated it to call her own husband master.. the same person who have loved and protected her like the gem she was.

His Multiple Personality DisorderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang