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Two Years Later

Life has been busier than I thought it could be. Seems like yesterday, when Daffodils was born. And now within a month, we would be celebrating its second anniversary.

'Ma'am, should I send the next candidate? She is the final one for today,' Ketan asked opening the door to my cabin. I nodded and he disappeared. Daffodils was no more confined to my apartment and our three tailor kakas.

We had a workspace and factory, with more than five hundred people pushing Daffodils to be the unique style icon brand it has become. A fun fact about our workshop? It used to be Mehta's. That's right. I didn't plan it, but it just happened over time. Let's just say I kept the promise I made to myself after Mehta betrayed me.

I was getting a lot of attention after winning the title anyway. So, you know, a few words here and there, and disclosing some random sketches of mine in front of the media, guaranteed Mehta's bright future.

It wasn't until last year when I heard the news that Mehta Creations has officially shut down and their workspace was vacant. I am not going to lie; Mehta's workspace was quite nice. A spacious three-storied building, which had the factory setup in its basement and the other two floors for us to set up as per our requirement.

It was then I decided to buy the property for Daffodils and it has been an excellent decision so far. Our family has grown exponentially over time.

'May I come in, Ma'am?', a voice brought me back from my thoughts. I smiled at her and nodded. 'Please.' I gestured toward the chairs placed in front of my desk.

She took slow steps and eventually sat on one of the chairs. She seemed nervous. Her round glasses did nothing to hide the redness slowly spreading across her face. She had the sweetest face I have ever seen.

'Don't be so nervous. You'll do good,' I smile which earned me a nervous half-smile from her. 'Can I see your portfolio?', she nodded and handed me the file she has been clutching so hard that her knuckles turned white.

Daffodils was hiring design interns, as me being the only designer of a growing brand would make it 10 times harder for us to survive the market. This wasn't the first drive; I have hired people before this for designing.

Currently, our design team had six members and I wanted as many people to join our team as possible. Also, I wanted to do something for those talented people, who very often fade away in the crowd, due to the lack of right exposure.

'Nikita.' She gaped at me with her big almond eyes. 'These are some pretty impressive designs,' I said, not looking up from the sketches in front of me. 'Thank you, Ma'am.' She mumbled. I could tell from her designs that she had an eye for intricate details. Her color sense was on point.

'When did you start designing?', I asked, looking up at her when I found her chewing her bottom lip. I found myself smiling at the sight. 'Don't be so nervous. You have already won me over with these,' I lifted her sketches, and her face lit up.

I asked her some basic questions and she answered all of them with a lot more confidence this time. By the end of the interview, I asked her to come by on Monday for her paperwork. She thanked me not less than 10 times before leaving, jumping like a kangaroo.

Honestly, it felt nice. Watching people like her this happy after getting even the slightest recognition. I was one of them too, and nobody held out a hand of hope for me when I hit the bottom until I met my friends

They always had my back, but not everybody gets that right? Finding trustworthy and genuine people is one of the hardest tasks life can assign. And I am more than glad to have found people like diamonds amidst all the sparkling sand.

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