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'Welcome back! Now it's time for the most eventful and spine-chilling moment of the day. But before going to that, I would like to thank our media partner Dawn Times, our beauty partner—', the host started announcing.

My heart started going up, while Aanchal stood by my side holding my hand firmly. Few minutes and my reality would change forever. Either for the better or for the worse. Well, not for the worse, I guess. Even if I don't get this today, this particular show, my presence at GFS would significantly affect Daffodils, and it's only going to be for the better.

'I have the results in my hand. But before announcing... who won the title of the "Best Designer"... I would like to call all our designers present today, on the stage.'

'All the best. You got this.' Aanchal whispered to me and I nodded, heading towards the stage. Everybody else made their way to the center of the stage and we all stood in a line. 'Your designs were amazing!' said Neha Duggal, the former creative head of Vintage Textiles turned aspiring designer. She stood right next to me. 'Thank you. It means a lot. And the same goes for you too.' I smiled at her.

'Time for the revelation ladies...' the anchor said to us. I crossed my fingers, taking one final deep breath, while she opened the envelope in her hands. She pulled out the card and eyed the name on it.

'Any guesses who could it be?', and the crowd started bustling among themselves. At this moment, my heart was beating so loud that I felt the pulse all around my neck and ears. I was mouthing chants constantly.

'All right! So, ladies and gentlemen...'

Oh my God!

'... please put your hands together...'

It's happening.

'...for the Best Designer of this year...'

This is it!

'Ms. Nityaa Aroraaa!' she yelled and my heart stopped.

I snapped my eyes open and looked around. Not knowing if I heard it right. I started searching for a familiar face. A familiar pair of eyes. To confirm that I was not imagining this. Muffled congratulations hit my ears, but I didn't, I couldn't respond.

It wasn't until I saw Rajat screaming and jumping 'Yes! Yes!' and found Aanchal's hands wrapped around me, congratulating me at the top of her lungs, I realized this has actually happened.

I won! I freaking won! I was the Best Designer. As soon as this hit me, I broke down. Weeping. Holding Aanchal for physical support, because I wasn't sure about my legs. My knees felt weak. My head buzzed from the roaring claps.

'You need to stand straight Nitya. It's show time babe!' Aanchal whispered in my ears. And I did as asked. She was right. It was, indeed, the showtime. The biggest show of my life. I wiped my cheeks and saw the judges approaching the stage.

All of them stood in front of me enveloping me in a semi-circle, and shared their blessings and wishes. Malini Chaubay tapped on my shoulders and said, 'Well deserved Nitya! I knew I didn't make a mistake exposing you to the world. Congratulations!' she smiled. I thanked her and wore the best smile I had in me.

The judges handed me a bouquet and slipped a sash that read "Best Designer 2023", followed by a memento and a contract that would allow me to closely work with the GFS for a whole year. If Universe stays in my favor, I would eventually become a member of the biggest institution in the fashion world.

Amidst all this celebration, my eyes met with Kriti who was glaring at me through the corner of her eyes. Her eyes had hatred and fear. Because by now she knew, what I said, I did. And this was an example of that very thing. Clearly, her stars had left her side, and they aren't going to show up for at least, another decade, now that I had won the title. Because I'm going to make sure, they don't.

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