Chapter 48

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Two years later

For the past two years Y/N and Jihyo have been doing very well. Jihyo worked really hard to gain Y/N's trust back and she succeeded in that one. They're back the happy, loving couple that they were before. Jihyo's relationship with the kids got much better as well. Jihyo has spend so much time with them in the past two years that it seems like the kids forgot that Jihyo was absent for a while before that.

Jihyo's parents kept their word and they have stopped harassing the couple. Jihyo brings Yewon to her family's house once a week and they treat her very well. They feed her, play with her and they give her gifts and money as well. Even though they really love Yewon, they still hate Jihyo's marriage and they don't want to accept Jihyo back which Jihyo doesn't mind at all. As long as Y/N and the kids are by her side, she doesn't care.

Although Jihyo's parents don't want to speak to her, her younger sister has been trying to talk to her. Every time Jihyo takes Yewon to their house, Dahyun is the one to approach her. So naturally they build up a relationship again. They're not as close as when they were kids, but at least they contact each other now and then.

Jihyo has found a job at a clothing store shortly after she resigned from her previous job. Her current job is way different than being a journalist, but it's actually way more peaceful. No one is looking down on her, no one is bothering her and people aren't looking at her like she is the worst person to ever exist. She doesn't have long working hours either so she has lots of time to spend with her family.

She does get sad sometimes that she couldn't fulfil her dream of becoming a journalist, but seems like it was never meant to be. She's happy now and that's all that matters.

As for Y/N, she has been attending business classes for the past two years, which Jihyo found odd. Y/N never told her why she was doing it but she figured that it must be because she doesn't have a college degree. But it's still odd because Y/N has already lots of experience in business and Mr. Minatozaki had taught her a lot, so why is she taking business classes? She knows Y/N well enough to tell that Y/N is planning something but she has no idea what. 

"Mom, didn't I tell you to not carry Minseok all the time? He's heavy." Nayeon scolded her mother. Minseok is Nayeon's one year old son. She and Jeongyeon decided to have a kid after a long discussion. Both Jeongyeon and Nayeon are successful in their careers so having a kid wasn't something they wanted at first but after a while they both started to feel like they were missing something in their lives which happened to be Minseok.

"Yah, why do you keep acting as if I'm old and weak? I can hold him perfectly." 

"Mom, you're not as healthy as before. The doctor said you need to be careful." Jeongyeon reminded her.

"I can't see him, let me at least hold him. He's not heavy." This made both of them keep quiet. Although the woman lost her vision completely, she's doing fine. She still has her restaurant that she's running with her brother and Chaeyoung is now working with them full time. Since her mother lost her vision, she can't work like before so Chaeyoung decided to take over. They were all worried at first because Chaeyoung is lazy and doesn't like to work but to their surprise she's running the restaurant well. It seems like seeing her mother in a state like this made her realise how she can't keep living off of her sick mother.

"Today was so crazy busy at the restaurant. Mom, how could you handle all of that?"

"I guess it's a talent." She chuckled. "I was lucky to have your uncle by my side. Without him it would've been really hard."

"Yeah, thank you uncle for saving me today too." Chaeyoung hugged her uncle who was sitting beside her.

"We're here!" Yunseo ran into the house with his parents.

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