Smell of drugs

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Tw- drugs, hinted suicide and needle's

Waking up is not normally a nice feeling but when you add the numbing effect of the bottle and needle the night before it's very much not desirable.

The sanitary savour once in the needle, once running through his blood, once making his life easier now the cause of the agony and pain like a sharp stone blanket smothering his body.

He prayed to a god he never believed in for something better, anything better, for his brother to come in and read the list, the note and help him like always while saying things like "I'm so disappointed in you William you should have reached out" yet it would be loving, full of worry.

He know it was to good to be true as he felt the world spinning, new white powder from last night crushing entering his body.

He felt the relief as his senses faded, his once mangled brain slowing with his clashing heart.

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