Chapter 1

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Shelby POV

"Hey you coming?"

A pair of sky blue eyes were staerring at me with great enthusiasm and interest. She bent over me and sat down next to me.
I sighed and put down my grimoire even tho I could've just kept it in my hand.

"What is it? Do you have some issues with Joey again?"

Catherine shrugged and rummaging through her sac, took out two hard paper tickets. Giving her a confused look, my friend sighed theatrically and her face lit up.

"Geez Girl! These are tickets to take a boat that will lead us to the Nameless City! Down the River of Lives! That's spectacular!

-Nah. Seems ordinary. *I snorted* Waaaiiit, how did you get them?

-Oh from Scott. I held Owen and Jimmy hostage for three days until Scott surrendered and decided to give me the tickets.

-I mean what is so special about  these tickets? And like the city itself?

-You don't know? It's a multicultural Asian City! You ask them if there are any Bengals? Yes! Koreans? Yes! Indians? Yes! It's something not to miss!"

I groaned and looked at her.

"Fine. But we leave this afternoon.

-Yes Yes yes! I already have my luggage ready!"

What was up with her? She seemed so hyper. Maybe it was some coffee that might have flipped her brain or made her brain go on some drug or something like that.

I shrugged as she summoned her suitcase in front of me. I stood up really loudly from the grass and walked back to the Evermoore.

Just before I entered home, I looked in the mailbox to find a letter.

"Dear Rose

It's me, your slay pal Scott Rivendell Chromia, I found in the church basement a knife. It's not really a spectacular knife but the blade is red and turns red depending on the aura of magic close by. I don't really how it ended here, but either Aeor or Alinar kept it there. The lore says that the writing on the rim of the knife is the writing of the Northern People. Alas, I must go because Owen and my brother are asking me to come so we can finish the last episode of Demon Slayer.

Scott Rivendell Chromia"

I scratched my head and took out the knife from the letter. There was something to cover it, like a wooden cover with a sort of white thing with the so called "Northern Language".

I tried to take out the blade from the cover but no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't work. I held tight on my diamond pendant as it started to blink a pale green. I felt my heart beating faster and my veins popping. My hands were crispy while some sort of vines were creeping up my neck. No no! Not yet! Breathing in, the pendant stopped blinking and I was back to normal.

You may be intrigued why Scott called me Rose in the letter. Well, the Evermoore family has this thing that every name which starts with and "S" is likely to develop stronger powers than before by just saying the name, and most likely...TOTAL DESTRUCTION. So to not reveal my True Name and my (so called) destructive power, I must hide my Name. So I decided to call myself Rose. It's very different from Shelby but at least, my Name is safe.

Preparing my luggage I joined Catherine at the new Glimmer Grove peer. She beckoned me to come and I came as fast as I could to catch up to her on the boat with the captain who was wincing if like I did something wrong.

"Hello dear people of the West, welcome aboard the Liao Sakura. Please go on."

The Liao? The River she meant?

"No dummy! The Eastern Empire Liao! The one near the Nameless City!"

I lifted my shoulder and folded my arms as the captain started playing on her ruan. The melody was calm and Asian. I went near the edge of the boat and sat there. The sky was midnight blue sprinkled with tiny little white stars and foggy white clouds. The turquoise flow stretched at the margin of the land. The wind blowed at an ordinary pace making my hair flutter all the time.

"Hey there"

I jumped and blushed hard realizing it was Catherine next to me. I coughed and stiffened.

"Next stop, The Nameless City!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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