Dallas x Reader Fluff

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Word Count: 1254

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Word Count: 1254

I got up from bed and immediately checked my calendar in excitement. It was the day of my and Dallas's date. At first, I was skeptical of the Dallas Winston wanting to go out on a date but I finally gave in. He has too much playboy past but said he was willing to change. I took a deep breath and headed to my bathroom.

I opened my shower curtain and turned on the hot water. I quickly watched my body thoroughly before rushing out of the shower. I shivered when the cold air hit my body and face, before drying off thoroughly. I grabbed my makeup, thinking about the look I wanted to do. I wanted to do something simple glam since were only going to the dingo and drive in.

I applied foundation all over my face not forgetting my neck or ears. Then with concealer i apply to my under eyes, chin, nose and forehead and blend out with a beauty blender. Then I set my face with some loose setting powder. I finished with some blush and lipstick.

Once I returned to my room, I grabbed my outfit and finished getting ready. I added my favorite earrings and I was all finished. After a couple minutes, I heard a hard knock on my door. I perked up excitedly, knowing it was my date. I opened it to find a nervous-looking Dallas. 'Hi, Dally" I said as I beamed. He gave me a toothy smile back, "Hi, y/n. this is for you by the way" He pulled a slightly wilted rose from behind his back.

"Thank you. I love it, you ready to go?" he nodded then grabbed my hand. He took me to his car and even opened the door for me. Dallas Winston being a real gentleman? He started the car and started to drive, using one hand to drive. I look at him, his hair blowing in the wind from the open window.

"So where are you taking me, Winston?" He shook his head and smiled, a real smile. "I wanted to take you to the dingo, that okay?" I nodded, examining his handsome features. "What are you staring at? Do i have something on my face" he asked, looking panicked. I giggled "No, you just look so handsome today" He winked at me and focused on the road.

Once we got there, he got out the car and told me to wait. He hurriedly ran to my side and opened my car door. I swooned at his kindness. "C'mon babe" We walked in the dingo, music inside playing loudly and laughter echoing through out. He walked me to a table in the corner kind of secluded from the rest. I sat down across from his chair and grabbed my menu. He grabbed his quickly to start browsing it. I guess were both hungry.

"What are you gonna get doll?" I looked up at him, smiling a bit. "I think im gonna get a orange juice" He told me he was gonna get the same thing. I chuckled at him. "So how long have you lived here?" I asked trying to start up a conversation. "Well I moved here when I was about 10 or 11 from New York. I needed to get away from there" He answered skeptically. I nodded in understanding. "I get it. I loved Michigan but it just to boring and I needed some more in my life" I told him.

After that, the waiter Tanya came to talk our order, "I'll get the old fashioned chicken" and "I want the baked ham sandwich...please" We said hurriedly. She took our orders and left quickly. "You look really nice today Y/n" I blushed at his words. "Thank you!" I replied trying to not squeal. I can't wait to tell my friends about this.

Tanya came back to the scene with two plates. She tilted her head with a sweet smile, looking at us "First date huh?" Dallas looked at her shocked. How could she sense it? "Y-yea" She laughed at his nervousness before setting down our plates. "Enjoy lovebirds" I gave her a "thank you" before she walked away.

We began to eat and converse. "So before we go any further, I want to make you really like me. Not anyone else just me" I looked at him strange, getting caught off guard by his question. "Of course, I like like you, Dallas. Theres absolutely no one else baby" He smiled. "You're perfect you know that?" I giggled at him and his words. "Well I try" I said with a small wink. He chuckled at my antics.

We finished our food and were driving to the drive in. Once we got there, we snuck under the gate. Were still greasers after all. He got me a coke and we shared a popcorn. It was one of those random beach movies so we spent the whole time mostly talking. I learned a lot about him. We talked about our childhoods and what it would be like to get out of this town.

I talked about going to Texas one day. "Im being serious as a funeral, Dally. How does someone named dallas not like Texas" I laughed at my own jokes. He playfully rolled his eyes "Hardy Har-har, doll." I was still cracking up at my self still. "Im sorry. Would this make you feel better?" I gave him a kiss on the cheek, feeling confident in the moment. He laughed along with me after that.

We finished the movie soon after, almost being kicked out for being too loud. He decided to drive his car to bucks and walk me home since it wasn't that far. As we walked, it felt peaceful. The town was silent for once, or at-least it felt like it was with him. We walked side to side in silence for a while till i stopped dead in my tracks. Dallas stopped with me, looking confused. I held out my hand for him to grab, looking in his eyes for acceptance. He grabbed my hand immediately with a small smirk.

I leaned towards him, our bodies nestled against each other. "Ive never seen Tulsa be this quiet." he said, breaking the silence. "I thought it was just me." I replied. He shook his head slightly as we continued to walk. We arrived at my porch soon after, wishing we had more time in secret.

I turned to him face-to-face. "This is it huh? I had a really good time tonight, Dal." He smiled down at me. "So did I. I have an idea to make it better tho" I smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Dallas started to bring his hands down to my butt but quickly caught himself, situating them at my waist. I smiled, taking his hands back down. The kiss was fierce and passionate. We stayed there for about 4 minutes before pulling away breathless.

"Ive been needing to do that all day, Dal" He smiled. "Me too. I'll tell you what..." he leaned into me, mouth close to my ear to whisper "we'll save the rest for our next dates." I giggled at his words. I gave him one last kiss before walking back up to my door. "I'll see you tomorrow Dal" I said as i blew him a kiss. He caught it and put it in his pocket, starting to walk away. "Bye doll."


A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this. Im finally out of school so I have so much free time so I will be writing more. Let me know if you guys want this to be a series because I really like these two's relationship. My request box is always open!! Love you guys!!! 💗

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