Chapter 3- McGonnagal's Guidance

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When Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived at The Three Broomsticks by sidelong apparition, they found the place crowded with several people from the Ministry and Hogwarts.A few of the Ministry workers rejoiced the death of Voldemort over drinks, while some parents sat at a table, discussing about their kids' O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. A harassed looking Madam Rosmerta went from table to table serving drinks and delicacies. At table in the midst of the celebration and tension sat Professor McGonnagall. Hermione and Ron seated themselves on either side of McGonnagall while Harry had to sit facing her. This was rather uncomfortable because Harry knew that there was going to be a question and answer round to this conversation. After a quick exchange of greetings, she turned to Harry and said, "You know that the entire Wizard ing Community is proud of you, don't you?"
Harry felt the uncomfortable feeling ease out; not because of her words, but, because of the way her eyes glinted with pride at Harry. He merely nodded and McGonnagall continued, "I, the Headmistress of Hogwarts , now, am not unaware of how the three of you chased your ambition of bringing down the Dark Lord and had to forgo your seventh year for it. I have arranged this little meeting so that we can talk about your future after the battle. Let us start with you, Ronald Weasley."

Ron looked up from the table cloth he had been staring at for the past few minutes and said, "I did not think about being able to finish my education for this year. I thought I would just join George in his business. "

"Oh! Not really your fault, Weasley," said McGonnagall. "Seeing the times we all had been facing before the battle, you cannot be held responsible. Joining your brother's business would not be a bad idea. But, I was under the impression that you and Potter wanted to be Aurors before this academic year began."

"We still want to, Professor, " said Harry.

"And what about you, Miss Granger?"

"I wish to work in the Ministry of Magic, Professor. "

"Well, now that I am reacquainted with your goals, I have a few things to say," said McGonnagall. "Potter and Weasley, The Ministry of Magic is giving you a very good opportunity. Though many people might say Kingsley had been thinking about you when he made this decree, you both have a very good future in front of you. You see, the ministry has a new decree that allows anyone who participated in the battle of Hogwarts, with or without any N.E.W.T.s, to be employed in the Auror office. This is a very good chance for you two and you don't have to treturn to Hogwarts to finish your seventh year for becoming an Auror."

It felt like a huge weight had been taken off Harry's chest. While Harry and Ron smiled on the prospect of them being able to become Aurors, McGonnagall turned to Hermione and said, "Miss Granger, if you want to, as you confided in me earlier, work for in the magical creatures department of the Ministry, this Decree will be of no use to you. You will have to complete your seventh year and get your N.E.W.T.s for it. For that, I can say that you are welcome to join Hogwarts in its next Academic year."

"Thank you, Professor, " said Hermione. "I had lost all hope of returning to Hogwarts. "

"I understand that, but, you do know that you will need to work very hard for your N.E.W.T.s, especially because you will have to catch up with your sixth year as well, don't you?"

"I do, Professor, and I won't disappoint you."

"Well, that sums up the purpose of the meeting. If you three can stay why don't we catch up on things over some drinks? "
Harry, Ron and Hermione nodded. McGonnagall ordered three Butterbeers and the four of them sat there, drinking and reminiscing memories for a couple of hours. When it was time to leave, McGonnagall reassured Ron about Ginny not having to return to school before the first of September.
A/n:- Hey, guys! I know this was a very short chapter and you guys had some extra expectations from me; owing to the fact that I didn't publish anything for months now. I apologise for the delay. I have something brewing in my mind but I had to finish this chapter before I could execute my ideas. Hope you liked it. Make sure you vote (at least to encourage this poor aspirant who hardly has a galleon in her purse). Comment your views. I am always open to critics. And follow me for updates on what's cooking. (Pfft... I know none of you is following me, commenting or voting for this chapter.)

~This is Reddywriting, signing off! :)

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