Let us get to know the fan

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Hi, people! I am Reddywriting. For disclaimer- this is a fanfiction. If anyone wants to copy it or something, just text me, I might say yes. I only have the common copyright. Rest, we all know how fanfiction works when it comes to copyright. There are spoilers for people who haven't read the entire hp series.

Coming to me, I am Reddywriting. A hardcore Potterhead. This is an impromptu writing for me. Please forgive my grammatical errors. If any part of this fanfiction hurts your sentiments, I am sorry.

One thing I would like to say is that this is a very different fanfiction. Reason? Because I don't change anything from the books. My imagination is outside the books, but relative to the books. I can't promise that you will love it. I can only promise that this is going to be worth reading. I can even promise that it won't be like the regular fanfiction to some extent.


For behind the scenes, follow me on Instagram by the handle @mirrant .

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