Chapter 2 - Aftermath at Ministry.

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(Turn on the audio clip for a better reading experience :)

"Harry," said Hermione, "where are you going to stay?" After Mcgonnagall's announcement, everybody was disoriented.

"I don't know, Hermione," said Harry. That was true. He couldn't go back to the Dursleys'. Even if he could, he would rather be an orphan than stay with them. He could go to number 12, Grimmauld place. Though the place did not feel much like home, he owned it. He had some authority over the place. His late godfather, Sirius Black, had left it for him.

"Harry, come with us," said Ron, "to our home. You can stay there, can't you?" Harry smiled. He knew he was always welcome at the Burrow. It was the only place he could call home, after Hogwarts.

"You're right, Ron. I can stay there," said Harry. He knew he couldn't live there forever. He decided to stay there temporarily. By evening, the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione had reached the Burrow by apparating from Hogsmeade. Mr. Weasley summoned and placed a bed in Ron's room for Harry. Everyone was tired and stressed.

For the past couple of days everyone had been at Hogwarts; staying in the dormitories which were not hampered by the battle. Fred's funeral had taken place at Hogwarts. Ginny had cried on Hermione's shoulder. Ron had been strong. He instead had been consoling George. After the funeral, George had seen Draco lurk near Fred's grave and offer his condolences. He kept this little event to himself.

In some other scenario, one would see Fred and George cheering up people after the battle. Not just George, but, the loss of Fred had shook all the Weasleys. Mrs. Weasley wouldn't accept the fact that he was gone for days. On the night they reached burrow, she had set up the dining table for dinner and accidentally said, "Dinner is ready. Come on everyone and Fred and George I hope you are not upto any mischief. "

That made George cry and when he staggered alone to the dining table, it struck Mrs. Weasley what she had said and made her cry too. The rest all looked gloomy and depressed. Mr. Weasley seemed strong while he comforted her, but, there was a sadness in his behaviour. The first week Harry stayed at the Burrow, he could swear that he never saw Mr. Weasley tinkering around muggle objects or asking Hermione and him about what an air conditioner is. Ginny and Ron seemed to have cried out all their tears. They were trying to console and cheer up George and the other family members (which includes Harry and Hermione for them, obviously.) Bill and Fleur were at the Shell Cottage. Charlie had to stay at a Ministry provided quarters with the reinforcements he had brought during the battle. Percy had a bad time too. When he finally reunited with his family, the loss of his mischievous little brother and the despair in the family was something that made him cry.

Bill had visited Burrow the next morning, Fleur by his side. The entire family was rebonding over the loss of a member. Fleur helped Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen and the two did not have a single row. Mr. Weasley had shelved his work relating to muggle artifacts and helped the ministry rebuild.

It was Harry's fourth day at the Burrow. He had woken up to the sunlight streaming through Ron's window and dissolving all the images of his dream. Harry had numerous dreams after the battle. Most of them were just a reminisce of events like his talks with Dumbledore and the time he had seen his mother, his father, Sirius and Lupin with the help of the resurrection stone. When he descended down the stairs and went to the kitchen for breakfast, Fleur, wearing an apron, had been serving croissants and coffee to the bunch of people sitting at the dining table. Ron, Hermione, Bill, Ginny, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley munched the French breakfast they were not used to. They had been discussing about the Ministry of Magic.

As Harry approached the table, Fleur chimed, "Morneeng, Hairy. Come. Seet down 'n hav breakfast."

Mr. Weasley stopped what he was going to say and instead greeted him, "Good Morning, Harry. We have French delicacies for breakfast today. Help yourself." Harry sat on the chair between Ron and Bill. Fleur gave him a plate with two croissants and a cup of coffee. He bit into his croissant while Mr. Weasley continued on what he was saying, "The Minster of Magic's post is not supposed to be vacant at such a time. There are many things the Ministry needs to do and the system cannot function without a Minister."

"I thought Kingsley was going to be the Minister of Magic," said Harry, looking up from his croissant.

"He was," said Mr. Weasley. "The Ministry had been infested with Death Eaters. We have a tough time cleaning the Ministry. Especially after all that muggle born enquiry nonsense. Dolores has been sacked, on a happy note."

"Dolores Umbridge? That is good news," said Ron. "But she deserves Azkaban."

"There are some charges against her," said Mr. Weasley. "She will make it to Azkaban if the trials take place after the Ministry's cleaned. Anyway, I have to rush." He gulped down the bitter coffee Fleur made and grabbed his coat. Before leaving, he turned around and said, "Oh! I forgot to mention. Mcgonnagall has sent a message for you three. Ron, Harry and Hermione, she wants to have a word with you regarding your graduation. She said she would be waiting at the Three Broomsticks. Just apparate to Hogsmeade." He stepped into the fireplace and used a fistful of floo powder. Green smoke evolved and he disappeared.
A/n: Hey, guys! Thanks for reading. I understand that my style of writing is different for fanfiction. Sorry for so much despair, but, it is necessary to cover the sadness when we write about a battle's aftermath. Hope you liked the chapter. I can say you have some stuff to look forward to in this story.

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~This is Reddywriting, signing off! :)

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