The next day we are in the battle grounds getting ready for the exam, then the owl said "the team competition exam between team Anos and team Lay will commence immediately." Misha then asked "what's the plan?" Anos replied "Lay is going to be my main focus " Sasha then said "ok, then I guess I'll take on the rest of them" I then said "my focus is on Ren but Jack and Weiss will help you out as the Vanguard" the both of them nodded and Weiss said "it's time to show the efforts of my training with Medea" I didn't know Medea was training Weiss. Misha then said "should I build a castle?" Anos then said "shure" Misha then started casting her magic and she said "build ice castle " it then started to create a castle out of ice but this was at a much grander scale. Sasha then asked "since when can you build a complete castle this fast Misha?" She replied "is it the power of the Lilly pad ice ring?" Anos then said "that might be part of it" Sasha then said "if not that then what else" I then said "you guy remember the time god incident" Sasha didn't get it but Misha did. Anos then said "I think I'll be going now, if your really my followers then don't go running back here even if we are out numbered " Sasha then said "we know that stupid and I'm a follower of (Y/N)" I then said "Anos and I are working together his followers are mine and Vice versa" She nodded and she said "ok, but if you two lose I'll never forgive you" She then flew off. Misha then turned to me with a smile and said "please be carful " I smirked and said "I will" Anos then teleported us to an open field. Once there I saw Lay and Ren, I motioned her to follow and she did, after we got a few feet away from Lay and Anos I said "so that sword, it's made for killing demons right?" She replied "yes" I smiled and I asked "and if I'm right your master's name is?" She replied coldly "Master Kokushibo" I started to laugh and I said "so let me guess he told you about our dule and you didn't like how it turned out and I right?" She replied angry "that's right, there's no way a coward could beat Master Kokushibo " we heard rumbling and I saw a fortress being built but one thing ITS A MOVING FORTRESS, WITH ARMS AND A WEAPON, I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                3rd person POV

                                           In the air we see Sasha being startled by the huge moving fortress and she asked "what the heck is that?!" In the ice castle Misha was in the command Center and said "Quinith, object manipulation magic" in the fortress we see the fan union at there stations. They were slashing at Sasha in the air but she's able to Dodge them and she said "that thing is faster then it looks" Anos then asked "Sasha, do you need any help?" She replied "what a dum question I serve the demon Queen" Anos then said "why not join Misha and use Geo Grazes " She then said "there's no way, we don't have that kind of magic power!" (Y/N) then said "you shure about that?" The call links ended and Sasha said "Anos?, (Y/N)?, are you there?" Misha broke her out of her stuper to get her serious. Misha then said "three dimensional magic circle, siege spell activate, commence magic line, operating magic power" on the outside a cannon made of magic is being created and she continued " destruction mortar, Hell fire mortar, release magical power gates , magic circle complete, I requeste transfer of Hell Fire annihilation canon spell activation " Sasha then said " I accept" then a shot of water it the fortress and they swung there giant cleaver at it and once they did Weiss jumped into the air she used her summoning glyph to summon an arm with a huge great sword and the sword pinned the clever to the ground and as a bonus she used her gravity glyphs to at even more weight to it. She then said "target it pinned down!" Sasha smirked and said "we are ready to go!" Misha then said "fire" she fired the cannon but it hit Sasha's magic circle and she casted "Geo Grazes!" And in one hit it brought down the howl fortress. Sasha then said "that went well, is her magic really that strong?" Misha then said "Deno Gexis" Sasha asked "what about it?" She explained "(Y/N) told us to remember about the time god incident remember when her and Anos sent us back in time the both of us fused our sources with our past selves ". Sasha gasped and said " that must be what amplified our magic power" Misa then appeared behind Sasha with a magic sword and said "I've got you Ms, Sasha!"

She blocked it but the force sent her down to the ground with a few injuries, Sasha then said "you know what your not hafe bad" she got up then a flames appeared on her back and are forming into a robe, Misa then said "I'm going to cut you down, Robe and all!" Sasha smirked but then she turned around to see the fortress still standing and ready to attack, Misha then teleport to Sasha and she said "Misha!" Misha then said "I'll help you" Sasha smiled and the both of them stood back to back and a small laugh escaped from her lips and Misha asked "why are you a laughing?" She replied "we're working side by side I never thought we get to do this" Misha smiled and Sasha said "how about we show them the Necron specialty" Misha grew a series look then both Misa and the fortress charged at them and Misa said "it's all over now!" Both Sasha and Misha started casting together and they said "magic of fire! Rezbay/ magic of ice shape!, fusion magic Gay glaz!" They released a Whirlpool of fire and ice finishing there battle in one blow. Sasha and Misha then high five and Sasha said "not bad for our first time we were pretty much in sink" Misha agreed and then Weiss and Jack came out from the forest and Sasha said "you two did great out there keeping that fortress pinned down" Jack then said "that was Weiss's idea" Weiss then looked at Jack and she said "so did I pass?" Jack sighed and said "fine you pass" Weiss smiled and then a huge explosion happened and the cause of such a explosion was both Lay and Anos sword fighting.

(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Ren have bing eyeing each other waiting for the first move but when that explosion happened Ren took it as a chance to strike and in one go she tried to cut my head off but I dodged. I fired my chains at her to give me more space and I open the gates of Babylon and I took out Sasaki Kojirou, Ren then got into a stance and I heard her breath and she said "moon Breathing, Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing" she slashed her sword to send three crescent moon slashes at me, I unsheathed my sword and I slashed all three and I took this to charge at her. I sent a few slashes at her but she parried it them and thanks to my swords length it gave me the distance advantage.  She then jumped onto a tree and she breathed and said "moon Breathing, Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains" she slashed two slashes and a storm of Crescent moon slashes were sent to me, I dodged it but not entirely a light scratch was shown on my cheek, it started to bleed a little bit. I touched my cheek and felt the blood on my cheek and a wide crazed smile appeared on my face and I said "time to end this" I got into a stance and I said "Tsubame Gaeshi" I slashed at her with one slash but thanks to my swords special ability it sends three slashes at her. Once Ren was slashed it was over. I put it back in the gates of Babylon and I walked to Ren and I casted "heal" and I healed her wounds, she got up and she said "I lost" I replied "yes" she then said "a deal is a deal, do with me as you wish" I patted her head and I said "how about we just be friends " she gave me a small smile and she said "I never had a friend besides my brother " I replied "then consider me the first" I helped her up she then said "we fought but your friendly to me, why" I replied "why shouldn't I" she paused and i smiled at this and I said while walking away "I can tell your the straight guy in your group just like your master now come on" she started following me until we rejoined the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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