Gaios then said "Anos Voldigoad and (Y/N) (L/N)!, you both have earned the right to face me!" Ydol then said "anyone else here managed to wield there sword or the lot of you are useless as you look". Then I heard a gasping and I turned to see two people, one a white haired boy with fair skin and a girl with long white hair and fair skin with a sword on her back. The two are wearing the same red uniform and each one is holding a sword, I then said "called it" Jack and Sasha nodded, the white haired boy then said "uh, was I not supposed to pick up the sword?" The girl then replied "I believe that was the objective brother " Ydol then said "you two, you must be the two transfer students, then show us how skilled you two are in lue Then introducing yourselves " the boy replied "aw, I should of left this were is was" Ydol then said while charging "afraid are we, I'll beat that coward Ness out of you!" Then the boy then knocked out Ydol with one strike! He then said "I mean, I shouldn't showed you up on the first day" I then noticed something, I looked to were Anos was and he not there, I then asked "where's Anos?" I then heard grunting and I saw he knocked out Gaios of course. Anos then said "not at all, it's normal for one of the elder demon emperors to lose sometimes, you've got skill with a blade but I beat you were holding back quite a bit" the boy then replied "not as much as you probably " I can feel the bromance forming as we speak, I looked to the girl to see her glaring daggers at me, Sasha noticed this and asked "my queen, did you do something to her?" I replied "no I haven't even met her" she then turned and walked away. Back in class Emilia shouted "are you out of your mind!, refusing to become a team leader with your abilities!" She is talking to the new students, apparently they refuse to be team leaders, they then started walking to us and once they did the boy said to the teacher "I'm not into that kind of thing" the girl added "same" the boy then spoke to Anos and said "my name is Lay Glanzudlii " he replied "and I'm Anos Voldigoad " Lay then asked "would it be all right with you if I joined your team, I prefer following a competent leader then rather then given orders" I couldn't help but lightly smile at that, he reminds me of someone. I then decided to ignore there conversation and the white noise of the crowd. Then the girl walked to me and she asked "are you the demonic slash?"

                                                   I smiled and I said "wow how nostalgic, I haven't bing called that in awhile " that was an old nickname I got in the early years in the game. She then said "then I challenge you to a dule" that quickly silence then howl room and I calmly asked "what's your name?" She replied " Ren Glanzudlii " I returned the gesture "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) " she just glared at me with intense hatred and I said "I accept but what do I get out of it?" She replied "if I win I get your sigil and if you win you can do what you want with me". This fully got my attention and I heard Anos say "your an interesting guy aren't you" Lay replied "I'm glad that I got your eye" he extended his hand to shack and said "well make a good team" Anos then replied "think I'll pass" that literally cut the tension in the room so much Jack started laughing about it. Anos then said "if you want things the easy way then join someone else's team but if you do insist on serving under me then show me how much resolve you got" Lay then said "should I start by kneeling down and kissing your shoes" Anos replied "if your willing get kicked in the face then perhaps you are truly eager " I then thought "why the hell dose this sound like they are flirting?" Lay then said "your a tough one are you Anos" Anos then turned to Misha and asked "do you know when is the next team competition?" She replied "tomorrow " I then smirked and said "I think this solves three problems in one" Anos nodded and said "is that right, Misa!, have your group join Lay's and Ren's team" she replied "ah huh, alright if that's what you want sir Anos" I then said "work together to challenge us" Anos then finish "if you do well then I will allow you to be our subordinates" I then turn to Lay and asked "are those conditions good?" She replied "yes" Lay then said "oh, why not, honestly I hoped we get to face each other in combat" Anos then said " what a coincidence me too" after that the day went on.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 14 ⏰

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The two Misfits (TMODKA Harem x Futa Gamer reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ