Pool Party

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-Some Stuilly, Sid x Tatum, and Gale x Dewey. Randy's there.

"I don't understand why you even have to come?" Tatum says, her arms crossed in the passenger seat of Dewey's cop car. "Tate. It's only been 3 weeks since Maureen Prescott was murderer. My wants you safe."

"Why are you talking about Maureen like she's just another murder in town. She's Sid's mom Dew." The blonde scoffed. "I know. Sorry it's just that's how I have to talk about at the station." Dewey says.

Tatum shook her head as they pulled up in front of Sidney's house. "Whatever don't talk about her. This is supposed to be a fun day for Sid." Sidney walks from her front door of her house almost instantly.

"Hey Sid!" Tatum smiles as she rolls down her window. "Hey Tatum." The girls voice was almost inaudible. "You got your swim suit? If not I brought an extra I'm sure it'll fit." Tatum's body moved from looking out the window to looking in the backseat as Sidney sat down.

"It's fine, I brought my own... So, when did Stu get a pool?" Sidney smiles softly, her hands rubbing her knees. "His dad bought it last week. Pretty cool right? It's huge." The blonde replied.

Sidney nodded along, looking out the window. "..So! what's your bathing suit look like?"

Tatum smiled like she was waiting for that question. "It's pink! And the bikini bottoms is a skirt." Sidney smiled at her friends excitedness. "Are you coming Dewey?" Sidney asked. "Unfortunately." Tatum buts in.

As they pulled into Stu's driveway kids were already swarming the house, moving quickly inside with their beers when they saw Dewey. "Tatum! Sid!" Stu called out, pulling the two into a hug.

"You can get dressed in the bathroom upstairs if you're swimming. Just ignore my sister she's home for the summer." He said, giving a fist bump to Dewey. Tatum nods and pulls Sidney away from the crowd upstairs.

The two of them got dressed in the same bathroom before Tatum took the brunettes hand again. "You look amazing Sid!" She said. "Thanks Tate. You look great as well."

"Girls! You done?" Stu called from down the hall. "Yeah, yeah." The two girls walk out the bathroom and went to the backyard where a pool was filled with pool floats. It wasn't full, but kids were leaning against the outside drinking.

Stu spilt from the two girls and sat by Billy who was drinking on the porch. "Sidney looks great right?" He says. "Don't Stu." The other says bluntly. The blonde shrugged, stealing Billy's beer. "You gonna get in the pool or just sit here a death stare people?"

"The latter." Billy smirks. Stu chuckles and  gets back up. "C'mon man. Swim with me?" He asks. "Later. I'm going to finish my beer first." Stu groans at the response, walking away. "Ray!" He shouts.

Randy turns to the boy with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah man?" "Can you go annoy Billy so he gets in the pool? He's bitching right now." Stu asks, leaning against him. Randy chuckles "Of course I can." He says walking away.

Stu pumps his fist before climbing in the pool. Tatum was lounging on a pool float, Sidney standing in the water next to her. "Hey Sid, having fun?" Stu asks. "Yeah." Sidney said with a soft smile. "Nice."

The boy chuckled to himself as he saw Billy push his way past party goers to get away from Randy and too the pool. "What happened?" Stu asked with a smug smile. "Randy asking those dumbass questions." Billy said.

"Oh, so pool?" "Obviously."

Stu splashed Billy as he got in, getting shot a an angry glare. "Cunt." Billy mumbled towards Stu but a smile was on his lips. Stu smiled back, jokingly blowing him a kiss.

"Tatum? Is Dewey still in my house?" Stu asked. "Probably at least he's not bothering us." She replied, not opening her eyes. Stu groaned. "Hey Stu, you said your sister was home. How was her time at college?" Sidney asks, moving towards the two boys.

"Good. She's just tired since she kept taking extra credit classes." He says, looking up towards his sister's window.


Stu went quiet for a moment, looking around the pool for the other floats. He jumped when he was splashed, hearing Billy's laugh. "Fuck you man." Stu chuckles.

They all relaxed for some time, Billy and Stu sometimes splashing each other.

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