The fights not over

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The next morning~

They had all been disheartened by the deaths of the twins. They sit around a table in the diner that had been closed during all of this to keep people out.

"What happened while shigella and I were gone?" Norovirus asks.

Hepatitis sighs and prepares himself for this conversation. "We were packing up when there was a knock at the door. The twins believed it was one of their school friends as they had an assignment to do. We heard the twins scream in pain and the door slam. By

Norovirus looks at hepatitis. "They had powers right? Describe their powers. We need to come up with a plan to kill them. No one gets away with killing our family. We will take care of this problem before we go back on the run. I only got through most of our story but i'm sure even unfinished it will still get the time we got over to them they had syringes sticking out of their shoulders as the women must have injected them with whatever that stuff was. We pulled the needles out expecting them to heal... Ecoli took the twins and the three burst in and started their attack. I used my power and set fire to the house while they were inside but they got out. That's when ecoli called for help and you showed up..."

out there."

Ecoli glares at noro. "How can you be so calm?! Our family just got murdered by these assholes! They killed them out of cold blood!"

Noro looks at ecoli. "I know... If we wait any longer and don't figure out how to kill them then more of our family will die." He knew he had to keep his calm and focus on a plan to take out their enemy.

Ecoli scoffs and then sighs. "Okay... what's the plan?"

Norovirus looks at everyone. "Okay so our enemies have a liquid that will prevent our healing so avoid that at all costs. If you are hit then you need to wipe away the liquid to allow yourself to heal like normal. Do not allow that liquid to enter your bloodstream, if a needle is pushed into your skin pull it out as soon as possible. The other one we have to keep in mind is the man made of water, Hepatitis I want you to go after him, since his body was made completely of water I feel that you can steam him. Shigella you will go head on with the one who carries the needles. Ecoli you will watch her back and when its time you will go for the kill. I will take on the other guy, I don't quite know his power is but he looks to be the weak link. We are not fighting them like regular people, We are going for the kill. They took our little brother and sister from us so we will take their lives."

"Lets do this." Hepatitis says with confidence.

Ecoli goes over to the twins bodies. "We should bury them."

"No. If their bodies are found, who knows what the scientists might do. We will burn them. Shigella, take us somewhere nice." Norovirus says.

Shigella nods and teleports everyone to a beautiful green field out of town. They pick up the twins and move them to a dirt patch.

"We'll miss you little rascals." Hepa says.

"I hope you can find some peace in your next life." Shigella says.

"We will kill the ones responsible for this." Ecoli says.

"When we met you the day the scientists brought you to the play room, We were all excited to have cute babies in our lives to play with. We then all came to love you and want to protect you. I'm sorry I failed at protecting you when you needed me most..." Noro says.

They all tear up as hepatitis burns the bodies. The flames burned the bodies, the smell was awful but they all sat and watched the bodies turn to a crisp. Ecoli collects the remains in a dish from the diner and finds a red and pink stone. She picks it up and the others look at it not sure why it appeared. Hepatitis takes the stone gently in his hand.

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