42 - The Best He's Ever Had

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I blink around me in confusion.

What the hell am I doing in Draco's room?

I try to think about the last thing I remember. Ah crap, yes I remember now, I was kissing Draco. Right here, in his room after I confronted him about his late night shenanigans.

Did I get an answer from him? No. He was bloody stubborn and shut me up with his lips. It will explain why he is standing in front of me now, panting heavily in just his boxer shorts and shirt.

I still don't get why he would wear a shirt to bed.

"Where did Pansy go?" I ask, recalling her interrupting us. "Wasn't she just here?"

"Umm... no." Draco says nervously, his eyes darting from side to side. "She had to leave, remember?"

I frown. Something feels really strange here, as though there's been a sort of time hop in my brain. It feels like that happened hours ago, not seconds.

"Are you, um- are you alright?" Draco asks, nervously licking his lips.

I notice he has his wand in his hand. He wasn't holding it a moment ago was he?

"Draco, what have you done to me?"

He looks frozen in fear.

"Draco, seriously!" I say, feeling panicked. "This is not funny, what the hell have you done? Where's Pansy? She didn't just leave did she? Something has happened!"

"I had to do it!" Draco suddenly says. "You knew too much."

"Too much about what?!" I look down again at his wand and I realise in horror that he must have Obliviated me. "Draco, you have no right! Give me back my memory!"

I reach for his wand but he dances back out of the way.

"I had to," he says. "I'm sorry."

"How much have you taken? Half an hour? An hour?"

"Six hours. But I promise you nothing much happened in them."

"How do you even know how to do that?!" I gasp, wanting to murder him.

"It's easy, your mind is an open book. I just ripped out a couple of pages."

I look at him, aghast. "How could you do this to me?"

"I wouldn't have had to if you hadn't been so bloody stubborn about telling! I begged you not to say anything but you were insisting! You are so black and white, it's bloody infuriating."


"Keep your voice down, Potter," Draco hisses, grabbing my arm.

I immediately shrug him off, glaring at him with such hatred. "I can't believe I just kissed you!"

Draco's face colours. "Uh- about that..."

And as he trails off, I know. I know because I can feel him in my underwear.


"Pretty good sex, actually." Draco smirks. "Shame you won't remember it."

My mouth falls open. I feel so violated, like I've just been raped. Well, mind raped at least. I assume I consented to the sex given how horny I felt when I was kissing him earlier.

"This isn't fair, Draco," I say, my voice desperate. "You can't do this to me."

For a second he looks contrite, and a small, hopeful, part of me wonders if he will cave in.

Wot In The Harri Potter?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora