Chapter Seven

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Previously ✨

After getting dressed and all I got a call from Stewart telling me I have a meeting at the company before I have to leave for Greece.

This trip is not all that bad because I get to go and see my grandma who stays around there.

If my schedule ever gets finished or if I ever ditch Stewart.

It's going to be a long trip.

Hopefully I don't bump into Nik.

Cassandra 🌟

It's been two days now, and I'm heading to the airport. I know what you are thinking but I don't want to take our jet, sometimes I just want to be able to feel like a normal person that doesn't have everything. Also adrian told me to take the jet and to call him when I land but I think the only reason why he wants me to take the jet is to get information about my where about and who is getting on the plane with me.

Arriving at the airport I get out of the car with my things and head into the airport I went over to the boarding desk ( I don't know if that's the name for it , if it's not I'm sorry I just made it up .) , to get my ticket which I already booked online.

"Hello please excuse me ." I said after setting my bags down.

" Hello how my I help you." She asked

" Well you see I'm here to get my ticket, for my trip to Greece I already booked them online."

" Oh yes , Miss knight your plane will be leaving shortly please have a sit. You would be asked to bored in a minute."  She said checking her system.

" Okay, thank you."

" You are welcome have a nice trip."

After a while my number was called for the flight and I went to board the plane .

After getting everything sorted with the luggages, I texted Adrian that I took a plane at the airport and that Hailey is meeting me over there .

After that I switched my phone to airplane mode so he couldn't reach me, I stared at the window till we took off and feel asleep almost immediately after.


I landed an hour ago, I'm in the taxi heading to the hotel that I'm staying at for the trip.

" Hello miss , we're here ." The driver said getting down and getting my luggage out of the Car.

" Oh thanks, I might have dozed off. I appreciate you waking me." I said walking in as he brings the luggages to the receptionist desk.

" Hello and welcome to Greece, what room would you like." She asked in a very annoyingy sweet voice, which is only annoying because of my stressful plane ride.

" Thanks, I would love a penthouse suite."

" Ok miss one second." She said typing away In her computer.

" Oh, we are so sorry miss but the suite was already booked for someone else." She said shattering my whole plans with those simple words.

Everybody!, I present to you Maddie's beautiful PA work right here.I would have just booked the suite online before I got here so I didn't have to go through this, but no she said and I quote" it's a big hotel it's must likely not going to be booked." She said.

" No that's not possible I need that room,I have a show in a venue not far I need that room." I said really frantically.

" I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do miss." She said with a sad face.

" Who booked the suite maybe I can persuade them into taking another room." I asked.

" I'm sorry I can't help you with that information, it's confidential to our hotel."

" Ok but please can you just like signal me when they get here or call me , that's my number I won't go far. I really need that room I have got People bring stuff over to prep for the event." I said Grabbing my stuff and going to sit down on the chair.


" Maddie you won't believe what happen." I said still waiting for the said person.

" What happened miss night?.'' she asked in her curious voice.

" Well apparently when I got to the hotel the suite was already booked by someone else." I said in such an high voice she could practically feel me get angry through the phone.

"Shit ."

" I'm really sorry miss knight, I heard that they always have rooms available no matter what.' she said in a small voice which she only uses when she knows she's in trouble.

" Really, how come I'm now stranded in Greece and don't have a room." I said

" I'm sorry again" she said practically already almost crying.

" It's fine I'll figure it out." I said sounds exhausted, which I I'm because of the airplane ride.

Few minute later I saw the receptionist lady calling me over, I quickly went over there.

"Excuse me I'm Cassandra knight and you are?." I said stretching my hands out to give the person a good impression in other to persuade them.

Imagine my surprise when the person turns around and it that snotty guy from days ago that didn't answer my compliment , who is also my brothers friend.

" You!, What are you?... Oh no don't tell me your the one who booked the suite." I said question why his here of all people him .

" Last I checked I was , right Stewart?." He said looking at the weird scruffy looking guy standing next to him who I guess is his assistant.

" Yes sir." The guy answered.

You have got to be kidding me there's no way in hell he's going to let me have that suite, and he doesn't like me that much to care what I want it for.

What I'm I going to do , I need a plan and fast cause in need food and sleep before I faint right now from all the stress.

" Ok , I know this might sound sudden but I need that suite it's really important can you take any other one." I said crossing my fingers behind my back hopefully he'll get another room.

" Oh if it's urgent we can get the park--." His assistant was saying.

"No sorry, I also need that room." He said cutting him off, smirking he put his hands in his pocket and was about to walk away.

" Please you have too there's has got to be another way, I beg you I can pay for any other room you pick." I said

"Do I look like I need your money." He said frowning.

Since he can probably afford that suite and the suite him staying in then I'll go with no .

"No but I really need this ."

" There is one way though." He said smirking again.

" Really!, What?." I said ready to do anything that's how bad I needed that suite.

" We stay in it together, it's big enough for two of us ." He said giving me that same boyish smirk again, because he knows that I wouldn't ever share a suite with him so he wins. But he has another thing coming cause he doesn't know how much the show means to me.

" Okay." I said, shocking him and whipping that stupid smirk of his face.


Author ✨
Thanks for joining us for another chapter see you guys again, next week Wednesday.


Word count: 1232.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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