Chapter Four

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Previously ✨

"Yeah I'd like that.." I said while giving him a hug again .

He didn't mention Mom's anniversary, I wonder why well at least we talked about dad and he has agreed to not be distant anymore.

I told him about the nightmares coming back I haven't told Hailey.


This may contain harmful content such as self harm ,rape , abuse .etc

Please read at your own risk.


(Nightmare from past memories)

"Cassy!, Cassandra....,if you don't come out this instant when I find you it will be worst." I listen to him yell and call out to me.

I hid behind the counter in the kitchen, praying and hoping I can just turn invisible or for the earth to swallow me up.

"There you are , where are the things I asked you for ."

"I tried josh but Adrian didn't listen he was so busy , and I need his approval for most of the things."I told him trying to struggle my way out of his grip.

"Oh that's bad I guess you know what comes next.."

"Please josh I'll try again tomorrow, please just don't.. please josh!!!!"

(Nightmare over)

No please stop!!!

Oh thank God it's just a dream.

Forget about it cass you need to think good thoughts.

Happy thoughts,Today I'm going to the hospital with Adrian to do a check up.And have never felt happier...,I guess you might be wondering why am happy to be going to the hospital for a check up.

Well let me tell you why it's because am going to be with Adrian even if it's for just a while, Cause I get to spend time with my brother, which I haven't done in a while.

"Cassandra! Cassandra ,you have a letter or and invitation of some sort, here have brought it up for you ." Sarah said to me while she enters the room.

"Uh ok , thanks Sarah please leave it on the bed ." I said picking out an outfit for the day in my closet.

"Ok dear..."

Cassandra (outfit)

Cassandra (outfit)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Hmmm....a letter, I took the envelope from my bed opened it so I could check the content.

Dear Mrs knight,

This letter is to inform you of the recent out comes that have happened in relation to Mr josh Kingston, he has been recently released on bail we pass this information to you in other for you to be aware of your surroundings and be cautious we do not know if Mr Kingston is out with good intentions.

Inconclusion we would like you to get a restraining order and update your security arrangements, we thank you for your time and hope you stay safe.

Sincerely, the chief of
California state prisons.

Josh is out of jail....,No God! no .


Beep.... Beep....


"Where am I ,heart monitor....why am I at the hospital." I look at the room confused, Hailey laying next to my bed.

"Cass!, You're awake oh my God I thought it was bad when I received a call from Sarah saying you were laying unconscious on the floor."

I fainted..?, But wh- ....oh God I remember no no !!.

"He's back, hai his back and he's going to be angry I got him put behind bars."I said shaking with fear , I have never in my life felt this scared.

"I know I saw the letter's , you why didn't you tell me the nightmares where back, Adrian almost died Cause he taught he was going to lose you again."

I felt ashamed because I should have told her then maybe I wouldn't have been so scared when I saw that letter,Because I would have started theraphy it would have helped.

But I didn't want to go back to being weak , I thought I could handle it.

"Sorry I thought I could handle it and it would just go away."still feeling bad.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine I just wished you'd have told me, you should probably speak to Adrian his out side."


Sorry if it's short just wanted to do something for you guys.🥰# Young gem.

See you guys next time

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

See you guys next time.❤️

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