A Gift

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Author's POV:

After arranging everything in the flat they all seated to lunch and had their lunch with laughs. Though Rudra never accepted, he feels envious for venu. He wanted to have too what venu has in his life. The unconditional love of a mother, unrestricted support of a father and unequivocal vibes of a family.

He used to have that too when he was a child. His mothers sweet good mornings, lovely smiles, caring scolds, lots of kisses, hugs, cuddles. He used to have everything. His father used to be his partner in crime. The duo would together means the hell of mischievousness unleash for his mother. His father was his saviour from his mother's scoldings. His father and he used to go on late night dates, his mother and he used to have midnight snacks. They used to be a very happy family. But now.....

He excused himself from the family to give them their family time and went out. Though venu and his family knew why he had left they remained silent. Venu's mother's heart broke upon seeing the condition of the boy who has grown infront of her eyes. Their families used to be very close. The boys were grown together in each others households. They told him to stay with them as their family was also his family. They told him that he was their second son so no need to be feel courteous or hesitate. But he couldn't bring himself to have them his burden, not the physical one but the mental one.

He believed they shouldn't be take care of the baggage of an emotional kid who had a load on his mind. So he forced himself to man-up at the tender age of 12.

He went outside the flat and upon the terrace. The apartments were not much bigger. Though the society itself very small it has only five apartment buildings in which they each have 6 flats. The flats would give very lively and homely feeling. The society was filled with greens and they have almost all the requirements. Gym centres, indoor and outdoor game centres, swimming pools, children parks, parlours all the necessary points.

The most impressive thing was their balconies. The balconies were very huge and specially designed to take rest and hangout with couches swings and grass sheets. Most of the families living here have their own vegetable gardens in their balconies. The terrace comprise of two huge water tanks, one was for the municipality chlorinated drinking water and the other was normal water which used to do chores. One can have the municipal water for drinking or they can order mineral water dispenser bottles from the nearby plant. The terrace was almost filled with rose plants with different colours of roses throughout the railing of the terrace. He went to one side of railing and sat there dangling his legs through the gaps of the railing looking at the busy roads.

When the boys turned 16 they joined their own family businesses. Not in the sense of handling them. They would just used to go after their classes and on weekends. They just observe the work environment to know how that thing works. They used to sit in the corner of the board rooms meetings without disturbing them and used to just listen to them. They used to sit with employees when they were discussing ideas and preparing strategies. Slowly they started to give their opinions which sometimes impressed everyone. They used to do small works around the office. After an year they became weekend interns of the office, they used to give better ideas and strategies to improve the business and so they started to get their salary. Then the boys stopped taking pocket money from the family. They started to invest in shares and surprisingly got returns from the first attempt itself.

Now at the tender age of 18 they already became pros at business managing and shares. This was all happened just because they set their goal at very early age and worked hard to know anything and everything related to that field. They left no chance to get experience and to get nurtured. Now they were there because of their mindset on having their own empires in their wanted fields.

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