Chapter 2. Forgetting the Past

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Broken But Beautiful.

Chapter 2. Forgetting the Past.


It was after a week of Mew settling down in his new apartment. Once he stepped out of the mansion, he never turned back. He never heard about them. He changed his number. He only took his favorite car Rover with him and nothing else from the house that he built with his sweat and blood.

He was walking down the roads aimlessly. His mind was wandering in the streets of the past.

"Phi. I am hungry". He turned to see Tae tiredly sitting on a roadside. Mew checked his pockets. A last bill. He sighed looking at his 12 years old cousin. He was 12 years old too. After a murder of their families, they were the family to each other. They were practically thrown on the roads. He managed to grab the money from his saving box but that wasnt enough for survival. But it managed to feed them for a few days.

He went to a near by grocery and bought a small loaf of bread. Tae was looking at him with happy eyes. They ate a few slices and Mew ate less than Tae because he didnt know how long they had to wait for next meal. And thats what happened after a few hours of walking on the roads. It was getting dark and cold. They only had the clothes they were wearing and that were not enough for them to bear the chill nights.

Tae was shivering badly. He pulled out his sweater too wrapping around Tae. Whole night he sat on the cold floor hugging Tae to get some body heat.

Every day was a death struggle. They would try to work in any garage. Car washing. Grocery shop mopping. And even then he tried to take care of Tae's needs and comfort.

They spent 5 years in misery. Starting their days with the thought of feeding their hunger, to ending their days looking for a place to sleep. Until Mew got a job in cafe. Initially it was cleaning the cafe and serving the customers. A good thing that the cafe owner gave them a shelter to sleep. Atleast they didnt have to worry about sleeping under hot weather or cold nights on the road. Also they were provided with food and clothes.

The cafe owner often saw Mew looking at the chefs making pasteries and cakes. One day after the cafe was closed he asked Mew and Tae to come to the kitchen. He asked Mew if he wanted to try baking something. Mew was bit hesitant but on encouragement he pulled out crumbled papers where he had noted down the reciepes while observing the chefs.

The cafe owner was amazed as he tasted the cup cakes made my Mew. They were delicious. They stay awake all night experimenting different food variations and it was marvellous. The cafe owner was so pleased with him to give him a try for the next morning. They short listed few recipes to try next day for the customers beore cleaning and closing the cafe.

And that day was the beginning for their good days. From one customer to whole cafe. People would recommend to try the cup cakes pasteries, cakes made by Mew. They would order on demand. Soon the cafe owner set up a small cafe for Mew. He gave him his few staff members too. To help him in the starting days.

It was his first business as a gift. And then it flourished to no end. Soon it was Mew's Cafe. And it gave him good fortune that he could manage to afford Tae's education. He himself enrolled in some short courses but he made sure Tae would get his dreams fulfilled.

From a cafe to a big place. From an apartment to house then mansion. From a bike to cars. Mew attained everything in 10 years. Before he got married to Tee. A new life. A new beginning. But...

Mew harshly wiped the tears flowing off his eyes but they kept flowing. He was crying hard. Hiccuping badly until he couldnt cry anymore. But the pain wont go away. It wasnt easy to forget the past. But he had to. He couldnt live with uncertainity. His heart was aching with the betrayal. He triedly rested his back to a wall. He saw up and his eyes found a bar across the street. His feet drag him to the door automatically. He badly needed some alcohol.

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