02. D e a l

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⚠️ TW: this chapter includes physical abuse, and sh. If you think you might get triggered please do not continue reading. ⚠️

Ps, I recommend listening to the song while reading for a better experience.



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Driving through the mansion gates, I park in the garage and stand up.

My stomach was still bleeding causing my tights and sports bra to be soaked in blood.

I was only stabbed, how is there this much blood?

Limping over to the door, I groan in pain. No doubt when I open this door my father is going to be standing there.

Hesitantly, I open the door and slowly walk in.

There's no sign of my father.


I try my best to be quiet as I close the door - which fails as soon as I turn the corner and am face to face with the devil himself.

He doesn't notice me at first, but when the floorboard creaks when I go to walk away, his head flings towards me as a scowl envelopes his face.

He looks me up and down, his lips tilting in disgust when he comes across my wound.

Here we fucking go.

"How pathetic." He stands up from his perch on the couch, marching up to me as his palm meets my face. "Getting stabbed? How fucking weak."

My head flies to the side at the sudden impact, leaving a burning sensation.

This is nothing new.

Anytime I go on a mission, my father inspects me for injuries. And if he find one - well, you know.

"What? You've got nothing to say for yourself? Huh?" He roars as his hand comes up before I can register it and back hands me.

I fall back against the wall behind me, blinking my eyes repeatedly as a pathetic attempt to keep my tears at bay, though it does somewhat work.

The worst things I can do is cry in front of him.

"You're such a weak fucking slut. Letting yourself get stabbed? God, you're such a fucking disappointment." His hands wrap around my throat as he pins me to the wall and tightens his hold on my windpipe.

Shit shit shit shit.

"It's not my fault. The team you sent with me got paid off." I squeeze out. My vision quickly starts to blur and tears brim the corner of my eyes.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Do not cry. He's not worth your tears. Pull yourself together.

"Like hell they were. Or maybe you're just to fucking blind to watch where you're going. I could have done that mission with my eyes closed." He spits out venomously, looking at me as if I'm a piece of gum under his shoe.

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