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Hello lovelys,

I keep giving so many a/ns im so sorry but I would just like to let you guys know that I unfortunately have quite a few assignments I have to be doing for school so I don't get alot of time to write.

I am also getting busy with work aswell because I have two jobs and I am still trying to adapt to a schedule.

If this has inconvenienced anyone, I am sorry but I just wanted to let you know that I don't always have alot of time to write but when I do have free time, I use it on my writing.

Also, "Her Everything" was published two weeks ago and I am so excited.

But publishing Her Everything also means that I am balancing two jobs, homework, after school sport, assignments, two books and average school life.

I know that is not alot compared to some people but at the moment I feel like I am just getting stacked up in work to do and unfortunately this is reflecting on you guys.

And for that, I do apologise.

Sincerely, sofia :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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