~unfortunate discovery~

Start from the beginning

Viney: "so, How'd you get these?"

Viney seemed to want to start a conversation so it wasn't awkward silence, hunter seemed to be nervous at the question

Hunter: "I uh.. my uncle.. it was a punishment.."

Both me and Viney stared in shock at his answer, as Viney continued to heal him, we both shared glances with one another

Willow: "punish you.. for what?"

Viney: "what could you have done that made him do.. this to you?"

Hunter seemed to not want to talk about it, he only grew more nervous, but I decided not to push it, and by the way Viney looked at him, she understood he didn't want to talk.

Viney soon finished healing hunter the best she could, hunter still seemed on edge, Viney seemed to notice something and look intently at his face

Viney: "your face.. you have a scar.."

She seems concerned about it, I didn't think to much of it because he probably had a lot of scars in all sorts of areas, but Viney seemed concerned

Viney: "willow, can I talk to you? In private?"

Willow: "uh, sure"

Me and Viney went over to the corner away from hunter, and she seemed worried

Viney: "willow, that scar on his cheek, it's really concerning, considering how.. vibrant it is, your face is supposed to be really hard to scar"

When she explained her concerns, I became shocked

Willow: "what?"

Viney: "your face is one of the best healers, which means something really and happened.. I once knew a guy, who had a chunk of his cheek taken out and you could see inside his mouth when he opened it, and his face has healed pretty well.."

I covered my mouth in surprise with both my hands, I glanced over at hunter who was still looking away nervously, he was sitting with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall, I then looked back at Viney

Willow: "we can't let him go back to his uncle"

Viney: "I know, but what are we supposed to do, I'm pretty sure he won't stay willingly by the way he's acting"

I think for a moment, not knowing what to do, what Viney said does seem true, hunter looks like the stubborn type

Willow: "I'll try and talk to him"

Viney: "okay"

I smile at Viney and then walk up to hunter, he looked up at me and I smiled at him

Willow: "where do you plan on going once you leave?"

Hunter: "I'll probably drop by the market to get med supplies and then go home"

Willow: "home, with your parents?"

Hunter shook his head and looked slightly sad

Hunter: "I don't have parents, I live with my uncle"

I grew surprised from his answer and looked at Viney who was also surprised

Willow: "your uncle? Why would you go back to him? Wouldn't he hurt you again?"

Hunter seemed to get a little made from my reply, but then saw I was just genuinely worried for his health

Hunter: "hell hurt me if I don't, hell find me if a run away, he always does"

Willow: "so you've tried to get away before?"

Hunter nodded his head and I looked over at viney, Viney seemed as shocked as me, Mabey even more shocked

Hunter: "it's fine though, I'm used to him hurting me, it's not his fault, it's mine"

Willow: "hunter, hurting someone's isn't okay no matter what"

I looked at him with a stern cold look, he looked away again, he seemed slightly scared by the expression but I thought nothing of it

Hunter: "I.. I'm gonna go now.."

I stepped back as hunter quickly pulled his sleeve back down and put his glove back on and walk outside, it happened so fast I didn't get the time to react. I looked over at viney and then at the open door, and then realised where I recognised his voice from

Willow: "wait.."

Viney: "what?"

Willow: "he's the golden gaurd! I remember his voice!"

Viney: "WHAT!?"

we looked at eachother shocked for a moment and then Viney spoke up

Viney: "he looks so young.."

Willow: "the poor kid.."

~♥️Authors note♥️~
Deal with the chapter title I spent an hour trying to come up with it

♥️~GoldenGrove~♥️ Huntlow fanficWhere stories live. Discover now