Chapter 6

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Emory's POV:

After mind blowing sex with Elliot he was dressing himself he looked mad I quickly put my clothes on and stared at him as he went to the door, I wanted to tell him so bad I was a virgin but he was upset it seemed and he closed the door leaving I let out a deep breath walked over to the mirror and quickly fixed myself up.

I let my hair down running my fingers threw it I walked out and into the kitchen I was sore but I was going to make it all go away I still had another pill from Elliot either. I dropped it in my cup of vodka and downed the cup my head instantly started spinning I held the counter squeezing my eyes shut the music was so loud "Emory?" I heard my eyes snapped open as I stood up holding my cup stepping away from the counter I look to j who was standing with Elliot and Adam, "yes" I coughed staring at them "are you okay" Adam asked concerned I gave a thumbs up as I took a drink trying not to let it effect me again "I'm going to go dance have fun" I said acting like I wasn't bothered.

Elliot's POV:

She walked off to the living area something was definitely wrong I felt the tension after we slept together I was only mad leaving because she was the best and I knew I'd get attached but she was covered in bruises and it didn't look good at all I had felt sad and I needed to leave, I walked in watching her dance holding her cup she threw her head side to side with the music our friend Cody was dancing with her throwing what he had of hair around, I watched as her shirt rose the bruise on her stomach and two on her back showed but she didn't seem to care she looked free.

Emory's POV:

I felt excitement withdraw my sadness away Cody assured me he was gay and just hasn't came out so I danced goofy with him and around him we laughed and danced he pulled out a joint from behind his ear as he lit it passing it to me I kindly took and inhaled the burning smoke as I coughed it out his was stronger then what I've smoked before.

Hours after I wondered to the kitchen grabbing a to go drink as I always called it, I walked outside with my cup "hey want me to walk you home" I looked seeing Elliot "it's okay I know my way my keys are under my seat will you be able to bring it to my house in the morning" I asked he nodded as I started walking away again.

My legs started to hurt as I was walking up a hill amongst the rd and woods I kept hearing stuff crack or break like sticks and leaves, I walked faster as I got closer to my house I felt something around me presence of someone or something I walked over to the woods and squinted to see better as I was drinking.

Something grabbed me knocking me down my red cup falling out of my hands shock washed over me as I was knocked on my face I was drug the dirt scraping my knees and roots scratching me I felt myself being thrown into a tree as it knocked the breath out of me I was wheezing I screamed as I felt my back being clawed into I quickly flipped myself I was prepared to fight whatever it was off until I saw it large teeth deep orange glowing eyes blood drool dripping on my shirt taking a bite out of my stomach I screamed tears pricking my eyes as I was thrown again but I wasn't bothered after I laid there thinking I was dead.
I stood up and quickly ran home for dear life I was crying as I ran once I saw my house my pace became alot faster I got to the door opening it. My mother was still sleeping in the couch I let out a breath I can't tell her she won't believe he'll no one will because it's extinct.

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