34; Fall in love alone.

Start from the beginning

Amina held her gaze softly, before she asked in a knowing tone. "Is Aadil part of those odds?" She tiled her head to the side slightly, giving her the I-know-the-answer already look.

Inaya didn't deny it, she simply held Amina's gaze wordlessly. She drew her lower lip between her teeth, lightly chewing on it with eyes that screamed words she couldn't bring herself to word out.

It was Amina's turn to sigh, her expression yawing even graver if possible. Pushing herself a bit closer to Inaya, she crossed her legs comfortably and thought of the right words to use to break down the news to her. "Inaya," She started in a low tone, to ease what she would say. "I really don't think he's good for you."


"No, don't 'Amina' me. Just heart me out." She was quick to stop Inaya from cutting her midway and giving excuse for the man. Reaching her hand out, she took Inaya's in hers and gave it a small squeeze. "Listen, I know you think you like him but does he even love you back? Fisabillilah you've been going back and forth since the beginning. Is he worth it?"

Inaya licked her lips, shaking her head in the process before drawing her hand out slowly. "Amina, he cares."

"He cares, but does he love you?" Amina would beg to differ the whole 'care' thing. But, she refrained from saying that. "Honestly Inaya, a relationship is something that takes effort from both parties, not just one. And in yours, you've always been the one making the effort, never him."

From what she's heard from Inaya, and from what she's seen as well, she wants to believe Aadil cares about her friend as well but the man only keeps proving her wrong. She's been giving him the benefit of doubt all this while, but she isn't willing to do anymore. She should've known it would fall on deaf ears though. It's like when it comes to Aadil, she puts walls up so high, nothing can penetrate it. Because despite a part of her, a part she had buried deep down wants to agree with Amina, she was quick to shut it out.

Shaking her head, she proved hell-bent on defending the man. "Don't say that." She softly scolded, her lips slanted into a deep frown and eyes narrowed slightly. "You don't know him; you don't know us." She refused to be brainwashed into believing Aadil doesn't love her.

She knows him better than anyone. He cares about her. You wouldn't do the things he does to her to someone you don't love. He loves her, he just doesn't know how to express it and she's okay with that.

"—this is harder for him than it is for me." She added, her voice dropping. "Besides, it's not easy to love someone like me." She then scoffed bitterly, self-doubt heavy in her tone. "He deserves someone perfect, and I'm far from that."

Amina rolled her eyes, unable to help herself. "Come on, Inaya. Give yourself some credit, please." Her expression softened, despite the brewing hatred she has towards the man in the topic. "You aren't perfect, but no one is—not even him. Inaya, listen to me." Amina placed a hand on hers, and then continued. "You are beautiful, you're worthy of love just like everyone is. You are perfection in your own imperfect way, and if he has half the sense you portray him to have, he should be lucky to have someone like you love him."

Inaya shook her head, looking down. She wants to believe Amina; she wants to believe she's as good as Amina sees her but she doesn't believe so. She may have seemed to be type that has utmost confidence in herself, but she really doesn't. It's all a façade.

"Look at me." Amina pressed in a stern tone, which had her friend hesitantly looking up. "You do questionable things, but you do it for a good reason believe it or not. We both know it, and he is supposed to know it. Why do you think you aren't good enough for him? Is it because his father is the self-proclaimed righteous man, or that his family is apparently the epitome of perfection?"

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