"Well, we're so glad to hear it, Y/n," Georgia was saying, her hand patting your arm. "Please, if you need anything, let us know. I can bring you stuff from the dorm or food from the Hall. Just name it," You smile at her gratefully, "Thank you, Georgia. I really do appreciate that a lot."

          The girls fill you in on morning classes, Amy handing you notes she took from your first two that you missed. After a little while Snape enters the ward, his dark gaze suddenly becoming serpentine, narrowing in on the girls sitting around your hospital bed. He says nothing and holds his stern gaze. Angel finally says in a shaky voice, "Um, we're gonna go, Y/n." "Let me know if you need anything," Georgia reminds you. "Hope you feel better," Angel says sweetly, then looking up at Snape, they silently file out of the room.

          You sense the tension but don't know exactly what to make of it. He is quite intimidating...I suppose I would react the same way if I wasn't shagging him. A look of amusement dances behind his eyes for a moment and you smile at him. "Professor." "Miss Y/n..." his voice still carries some of the sternness from his morning classes, and you gaze at him with a gentle smile. His eyes soften, "How are you feeling?"

          You sigh happily, "Much, much better now that you're here." He smiles at you, coming to your bedside. He glances at the doorway, checking for any visitors. When he's satisfied with the level of privacy, he stoops down and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek, making you smile and blush. He sits and talks with you for a few minutes as you eat the lunch Madam Pomfrey brought you on a tray. It wasn't exactly what the others were eating in the Great Hall––mostly flavorless mush, but it needed to be something easy on your stomach.

          "But you're a super powerful wizard. How hard can it be?" He laughs softly, clearly entertained by your demands, "Casting a spell to make your food taste different? I could do it...but where's the lesson in that?" He smirks. Your brow furrows in mock anger. "Also...if I change the composition of your food, it's no longer something easily digestible. Adding magic will only complicate the consistency and wreak havoc on your digestive system." He cocks his brow like a smart-ass. You huff at him, actually annoyed as you continue eating your gruel. He smirks at you with smug amusement.

          "Have you had many visitors?" "Oh, a few. Peter came to check on me this morning before class. And then the girls came just now. They're so sweet, they told me they'd bring me food or anything I needed. I told them that they're the reason you found me, so I owe them for that," You smile and meet his gaze, but he averts it and a hardness comes over his eyes.

          You narrow your eyes, your mind working to solve this new puzzle. The clock reads 12:58 and Snape rises slowly, "Duty calls. I'll see you tonight, after," he smiles at you, lifts your hand to his lips and kisses it gently before disappearing.

          You begin wondering what the issue was with your friends. Why had they acted so strangely when you thanked them? And why had Severus acted strange when he saw them?

          Severus finally dismisses the last class of the day, sinking into his office chair. He exhales an exhausted sigh, "Thank Merlin she's alive...and I suppose she's right––she might not be if it hadn't been for her little friends. Even if they are devious little half-wits." He closes his eyes and rests his head against the back of his desk chair, not realizing how exhausted he was.

          He nods off for a moment then jerks awake again. "After such an ordeal, I wonder what Minerva will have me do...I can keep my distance if necessary, and I believe she can too. We've only a few months left...and perhaps we can find a way to spend time together without the intimate aspect...though that would be quite difficult...but nothing is more difficult than going on pretending she doesn't exist."

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