White-Hall Manor- Essex Territory on Star Base 12.

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"I will ask Kevin Thomas Riley to join us, and I am sure Lord Beck won't mind." Karissa tells them.

"Lord Richard William Carey. How do you see your cousin, Lord David William Beck?" Karissa asks.

"Lord David William Beck is an honest gentleman of good character. He is an officer of Star-Fleet Command. " Lord Richard William Carey states " I see him far better than my other cousins except for Lord Frederick William Howard The Third and Lord Thomas William Howard."

"You have to understand that any son that comes through the matrilineal line isn't worth much or at least my great-great-grandfather didn't think so, and neither did my great-uncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior." Lord Richard William Carey states.

"Lord David William and I both come through the matrilineal line of Lord Frederick William Howard and his son' s, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior youngest son, Lord Edwin William Howard who was my great-grandmother's nephew." Lord Richard William states.

"We have a lot in common as I come through Lord Frederick William Howard's daughter's line, and Lord David William Beck comes through Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior's second granddaughter's line." Lord Richard William states.

"I am not going to White-Hall." Susan exclaims " I see them scheming a plot."

"You won't know unless you go with us." Karissa tells her.

"Katherine and I are going with Lord Richard William Carey and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley." Karissa tells Susan.

"It is settled. I will tell Lord David that Katherine and you will attend, Karissa and I will extend your reasons for not attending Susan." Lord Richard William explains.


Lt Kevin Thomas Riley with Lord Richard William Carey with Katherine and Karissa travel out to Essex Territory to White-Hall Manor to spend the day with Lord David William Beck.

Lord David Willliam Beck meets Lord Richard William Carey at the border of Essex and Bedford Territory to ensure safe passage into Essex Territory and he greets his second cousin, Lord Richard William Carey and he sees Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley with them " I hope you don't mind Lt. Riley being with us. Karissa and Katherine insisted upon it." Lord Richard William tells him.

"No Lt. Riley is free to join us." Lord David William tells his cousin.

"Ladies. I have invited my cousins to join us. There are only two of you." Lord David asks.

"Susan declined your invitation for her own reasons." Karissa answers " Maybe she will come next time."

"Oh! Lord Richard Edward The Second will be disappointed when he hears that Miss. Susan isn't with you." Lord David William tells them.

"Precisely why she didn't come. She didn't want to see Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second." Karissa answers.

"Katherine and I didn't decline your invitation as we are very curious why your cousin and you asked us to come to this very fine manor?" Karissa tells him.

"We are here now, and we will make the best of it." Karissa answers " You first cousin better be a gentleman or else I am going to backhand him and when I do I will make him fly."

"It will be the last time he ever lays eyes upon me." Karissa warns Lord David William Beck.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior warned his son to be a total gentleman." Lord David explains.

"We will see just what kind of gentleman he is and from there I will form my own opinion." Karissa tells Lord David William Beck.

The Carey carriage sets off for White-Hall Manor with Lord David William Beck in front and people start to line the streets of Essex Territory to see Lord David William guide the Carey carriage to White-Hall Manor.

The Alternate Heir to Dukedom of Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt