

The bandit wasn't even given a chance to end his words as he collapsed on the floor with a shot from the gun which Lucky Roo was carrying.

"That's cheap, bastard!" Higuma yelled as his grip on the squirming rat in his arms increased. He had lost most of his men to the freak already!

"Cheap? Don't make me laugh! We are pirates not saints!" Shanks mockingly laughed. "And remember bandit, you can pour drinks on me, hell even spit on me but nobody hurts my friend!"

"Lemme do the honors boss," Benn come forward and within second, before Higuma's eyes all of his men were laying dead on the ground.

"Don't take a step ahead!" Higuma threatened the pirates as he brought a knife from his pocket and put it on the throat of the kid which the pirates seemed to care for. These was the exact opportunity which he found as the pirates panicked, allowing him to throw a smoke bomb and disappear.

But he was in for bad luck the moment he chose to flee to the ocean.

"I don't need a cursed kid like you anymore!" Higuma snarled, throwing Luffy to the ocean, where he thought the devil fruit user would die by sinking. But what he saw made him cower in fear.

The devil child was standing on the freaking ocean!



Before Higuma could shout profanities at the cursed child, a roar announced it's presence just behind him, making him turn to the sea king who was looking at him with hungry eyes. The bandit wasn't even given the chance to scream for help as the sea king ate the pathetic excuse of the human, whole.

"Good job, King!" Luffy petted the sea king who lifted him up from the waters and started swimming towards the shore where Shanks and Makino were worriedly waiting for him.

"Shanks!" Luffy called for the man with a pout as he got lifted from King to Shanks's arms. "That jerk didn't even apologize to his last breath!"

Shanks stood speechless at Luffy's words but was really glad that he was unharmed.

Later, Shanks would explain Luffy that all fights were not worth fighting and would thank him for sticking with them.


"Papa~!" Luffy cheered happily when he felt his Dad find him once more and lift him in his arms to hug him. "I know what I want to be~!"

They were playing hide and seek in the forest and were now walking through it.

"What is it?" Dragon asked smiling at the adorable kid in his arms, encouraging him to continue.

"I want to be the freest man in the World. So, I am gonna be the Pirate King!" Luffy declared as the sun shone brightly on him, winds ruffled his hair and the ocean sang melodies for him to hear.

"I would accept nothing less from you, Lu!" Dragon grinned as he tossed the laughing child in the air, making him squeal in delight. 

Oh, what would he not do for his son? He loves him too much to not spoil him.


It was time for them to leave.

Shanks was feeling melancholic at the very thought of leaving Luffy and Makino and sailing on. But the seas were calling him to sail on her dangerous waters, to venture the unknown and go for adventures. He couldn't ignore her calls for long.

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