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We're at the warehouse where we tracked Nadia's phone to be. We all piled out of our cars and got our guns ready, we didn't wanna scare Nadia, but we knew it was the only choice. God knows what happened to her.

We all prepared to walk into the warehouse, and once we were already Dad lead the party, as soon as we were inside, we split up and went to find Nadia. I was about to go into a different room until the boy Lucas, or whatever his name is came running over to me, telling me he knew where Nadia is.

I followed him with my garden in front of me, still not trusting this bloke, and let him lead me to my baby sister. We walked down a flight of stairs and to a door, it was the only door in the basement and Lucas unlocked the door

The door opened, and we both walked in Lucas staying the door while I searched the room, she's not here, where-where is she? I was about to turn around and search other rooms when I heard a small whimper come from the corner.

I gently placed my gun down, knowing it was my baby sister, I couldn't care if I get shot I just need to see Nadia, I knelt down and sat in front of the shaking girl. I didn't want Nadia to be scared of me, so I started talking to her.

"Hey Stella, I promise you, you're okay, and I promise you we'll get you out of here" I was bored looking down and my sister who shook in fear, what did they do to her?

Nadia slowly rose her head, and my heart dropped, she had a black eye, a busted lip and dark circles around and under her eyes. If that's all her face is like what's the rest of your body like?

She's got a lot thinner and more pale, so it's clear that she hasn't been given food, we need to get her home as soon as we can. More gunshots go off and Nadia flinched, I leaned closer to her and gently pulled her into my arms.

She froze for a minute then remembered who it was and relaxed into me. I smiled at her and held her close. Making sure she was ok before I stood up and gingerly picked up Nadia and carried her bridle-style out of the basement and stayed at the door until Antonio said it was clear.

When we walked up, Nadia's foster parents were tied up and people were dead around us, the only thing that happened to us was, Alexei got a nasty cut on his arm which had to get checked.

Other than that, we were all ok. I carried Nadia out of the warehouse behind my family, making sure they were ok as well as myself and Nadia. Once we got into the car, the boys turned around and all looked down at our baby sister in my arms.

She's safe and she's ok.

Time skip:
Once we got home, we were all exhausted, Nadia fell asleep on the way home and she stayed asleep when we got back to the house. I picked her up and kept her close to me.

When we walked inside, I brought her up to her room and placed her under her covers, putting her stuffy beside her and walking downstairs.

I ignored my mom and Nico on the couch and walked over to the basement door. I was going to open the door until someone grabbed me and pulled me back holding me against them.

"Let me go you motherfucker, I want to kill him" I yelled. I craned my head to see Antonio holding me while Alexei and Noah leaning against the door. Dad walked over to me and pulled me away from Antonio, holding me close to him.

I fought against him before giving up and letting my emotions out, I clutched onto my dad and sobbed, I couldn't help myself and I sobbed, my dad or my family didn't judge me, my dad just held me.

I couldn't handle it anymore, after seeing how bad Nadia was and how much pain she was in. My dad held me until I calmed down. He lead me to the couch and sat me down, my mom sitting beside me and pulling me into her side.

I couldn't believe I just cried in front of my family, but none of them judged me, they had pitiful looks on their faces but I knew they weren't judging me.

Before any of us could say anything else, Nadia sleepily walked down the stairs into the sitting room, mom gasped and Antonio walks over to her, picking her up and holding her close to him, they walked over to the couch and Nadia sat down, clutching Antonio's T-shirt and held him close to her.

We didn't say anything, just looked at our girl in awe, seeing how strong our girl is and no matter what she does through, she still has a smile on her face.

We ended up watching a Disney movie and Nadia moved over to me, saying 'Toni is too muscly and I want to be comfortable' which made all of us laugh and I felt proud that she's not shy anymore and she says what she wants to.

Our girl is back and she is never going anywhere, except for the hospital for a check up, other than that she's not going anywhere, well, also school, but other than that she's not going anywhere unless she wants to go out with her friends- I'm thinking too much into this.
Nadia is back!!

There will be more of Lucas but I don't know where to put him in this but I'll figure it out.

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