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The boys brought me to a little clinic a few minutes from their house, mom and dad went in another car. When we got to the clinic Eli picked me up and helped me out gently.

So I wouldn't and couldn't run away.

Which I probably would do.

We all got out of the car and Eli,  still holding me walked into the clinic Mum and Dad were behind us while we walked in.

Dad talked to a medic in the clinic while we went to the waiting room, I could already feel my heart pounding. I didn't want anyone looking at my ribs

it was bad.

My ribs are in the worst condition of my entire body because my foster father would normally just hit me there. He would always call it 'his favourite punishment'.

While my foster mother laughed at me

I pushed the thought to one side when my dad came back over and told me to follow the medic to take me to a room.

I was not looking forward to this.

I sat on one of the beds and waitresses for the medic to enter. I really don't want to go through this alone.

I started panicking, not wanting to be in here alone, I slowly walked out of the room and back to the waiting room where everyone else was.

Once they all saw me, Eli walked over to me slightly worried. "Hey Stella, you ok?" Eli asked gently, I nodded and hugged him, not wanting to let go.

"Can you come in with me?" I mumbled into his shoulder. I looked up at Eli since he was much taller than me, and of course, he looked down at me.

"Yeah princess, of course, I will" he smiled at me.

We walked back into the room where my exam would be taking place

I hope this goes well.

I'm going to skip her check-up because I don't want to trigger anyone.

When we walked out, I had to put a small bandage around my ribs, luckily none of them were broken, they were just badly bruised.

I was tired from today and I knew I had to eat something but I wasn't that hungry.

We got home soon after and I walked upstairs, quickly changing into a tracksuit and a hoodie, it was actually mine this time.

I walked back downstairs and I smelt amazing food, I walked into the kitchen and smiled when I saw my parents messing around in the kitchen, my dad was acting like a child and my mom was telling him off while my older brothers watched them.

I was about to go sit down beside them when someone slipped me off my feet, I screamed and held onto that person for dear life.

I did not want to die today, from falling off my brother

I looked up to see the culprit and saw a smiley Nico looking down at me, he put me onto his back and I held on around his neck.

"I'm going to bring this one out side" Nico said with a smile. "Non-stare là fuori troppo a lungo, Non voglio che nessuno dei miei figli si ammali" Dad said in another language, I knew the nicknames were in another language but I didn't know they knew a lot of the language.
(Don't stay out there for too long, I don't want either of my kids sick)

"non preoccuparti papà, non starò fuori troppo a lungo" Nico said before running out the door with me. I laughed while Nico kept running.
(Don't worry Dad I won't be out there too long)

I heard footsteps behind us and saw the rest of my brothers following us. I smiled at them and Nico put me down. I looked around the garden and smiled in awe at how amazing the garden looked.

"You like it Tesoro?" Alex looked over at me with a smile. I turned around and nodded quickly, I walked over to the pool in the back of the garden, I never learned how to swim, so I sat a bit far from the edge. 

"You ok Nadia?" Antonio asked walking over to me, I nodded my head and kept looking at the water in the pool. "You never learned how to swim, did you?" Noah asked me looking at me and then at the pool.

I shook my head and looked down at my fingers. "I never got the chance to" I mumbled, feeling ashamed of not knowing how to swim

"Then we'll teach you" Eli said with a big smile on his face. He then quickly picked me up and went back into the house.

"Now let's go eat some food" he exclaimed walking into the kitchen.

My appetite slightly came back so I'll probably eat a little bit. Once we all had food on our plates, I looked around at my family and smiled.

I actually have a family that love and accepts me.

Hope it's ok!!

The lost mafia princessWhere stories live. Discover now