T ʜ ɪ ʀ ᴛ ʏ - O ɴ ᴇ

Start from the beginning

He leaned over the sink completely forgetting about the cut on his hand. He hissed in pain and noticed the blood on the white marble.

The ravenette washed the liquid away but it got everywhere: On his shirt, his other hand, the floor and even his forehead (somehow).

Suddenly the door opened and the blonde girl froze in her tracks. "Karasu? What are you doing here?" She said voice sounding deeper than usual.

"Sarah, I was just leaving. You can use the bathroom." He was about to walk past her when she grabbed his wrist.

"What happened to your hand?"

Her tone sounded worried and Karasu sighed. He couldn't dodge this one. "I just cut it on a glass." He quietly said not making eye contact with her.

Sarah pouted at his behavior and started dragging him upstairs. The boy's eyes widen as he attempted to stop her. "W-wait where are you going?"

He yelled through the loud music as they went up the staircase. She led him to an empty room and sat him down on the large bed. "Stay here."

She instructed and went to the bathroom.

The ravenette sat there blinking for a second. What the fuck did I get myself into? Sarah came back a few seconds later with a first aid kit in her hands.

She sat down beside him while he stared at her with a confused look. "Why do you look so.. dazed?" She asked a slight chuckle escaping her lips.

Karasu realised he was spacing out and  turned his attention elsewhere. "I zoned out, Sorry."

The blonde was about to grab his hand but he moved it away. "Uh you don't have to do that. I'll just--"

"Nonsence, sit back down. I'll bandage it for you." She said and grabbed his injured hand.

The boy obeyed and just watched as she cleaned off the blood and disinfected the wound. "This part's gonna sting." She said and glanced at his eyes.

Will you stop looking at me like that? I can't look you in the eyes. That's what he wanted to say but his thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain.

He winced at the feeling of the cottonball directly on the cut. "Told you." Sarah said and gave him a small smile.

"Why are you doing this?"

Karasu suddenly asked making her stop what she was doing. "What I can't help a friend out?"

He visibly scoffed and let out a chuckle.

"Friend huh?"

Before the girl could react he was heading to the bottle of liquor on the small table. He popped the top open and chugged almost half of the drink.

"Karasu, you shouldn't drink that much." The blonde said and went to grab the bottle from his hand. He scoffed again and raised the bottle in the air.

A few seconds later he drank again until it was empty. "Do you know how sad I was?" He said making her raise a brow in confusion.

"What? What are you talking about?"

She flinched at the loud sound of the bottle shattering on the floor. The boy accidentaly dropped it and plopped on the armchair while struggling.

A groan left his lips at the amount of alcohol he consumed. Sarah rolled her eyes in annoyance and stormed up to him. "Let's go, I'm taking you home."

She grabbed his shoulder to drag him but he was too heavy. Another minute passed from her struggling as she helped him get up.

The two walked out of the crowded party and headed to her car. The girl carefully got him inside and drove off.

"Where are you taking me?"

The ravenette asked in a drunk tone. He was playing with the seatbelt like a child. "I'm taking you home."

"To my home?"

"No, we're going to my home. The one me and Mira live? There." She explained in the best way a drunk adult baby/Man child would understand.

A few seconds of silence passed as Sarah relaxed in her seat. Finally some peace and quiet. Wait... Peace and Quiet?!!?!? She turned to the boy who was drooling against her window.

She made a disgusted face and turned her eyes back on the road. What a giant fucking baby.

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