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"Can I have some beer too?"

"No, it's only for me." Rin said not even looking at her. The girl scoffed and crossed her arms. She was freezing, and slightly shivering.

She hadn't expected the water to be so cold.

On the other hand she was questioning why the boy next to her looked completely unbothered. He raised a brow at her stare. "You good?"

Before he could react Mira snatched the can from him and drank it. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped. They just had an indirect kiss.

The boy eventually gave up and gave her the beer. The two drank a bit and she warmed up a little.

"Rin, let's go it's getting late."

The brunette said as Rin looked at her with a lazy expression. Maybe he drank a bit too much. With the towel still around her she got up and was about to leave.

He grabbed her shirt pulling her back down. "Now's really not the time, I'm gonna freeze to death."

She said as the boy suddenly grabbed one of her shoulders. He leaned down to her level and whispered into her ear.

"Say my name again."

His raspy voice sent shivers down her spine but she smirked. This was the perfect chance to tease him. "Didn't you say 'don't say my name' a while back?"

Rin froze and placed his head on her shoulder. His lips were pouted as she smiled at the sight.


He mumbled quietly as her heart melted. Drunk Rin is sooo cute maybe I'll get him drunk more often.

"Rin let's go back to the camp okay?" Her voice turned sweeter like she was talking to a little kid. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a bear hug.

The girl did the same and sighed.

Rin suddenly pulled away stared at her in the eyes. Her breath hitched at his intence gaze. What's with the sudden twist? She thought and looked away feeling a blush creeping up to her cheeks.

The boy smirked and used his hand to grab her chin. They made eye contact again as he pulled her towel off of her.

Great he's tryna freeze me to death.

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