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"I'm so sorry, are you dizzy?"

She asked and slowly helped him up. "No.. I'm fine" He managed to say even though his vision was blurry. How hard did she even hit?

He thought as The brunette threw his arm over her shoulder and placed her hand on his waist for support. Rin would blush at this position, but his headache made it hard to focus.

Otoya helped him on the other side as they carried him to the nurse's office. The woman gasped at the boy's condition.

"What happened to him?!?!"

"Serve to the face happened."

The green-streaked boy said and let out a chuckle. Mira glared at him from the side shutting him up. She already felt guilty enough.

"Mira again? I told you to be careful."

The nurse said making her rub the back of her neck in emberrassment. "Again?" The injured boy repeated while sitting down.

"Oh good, atleast you're conscious. The last time this happened the poor girl ended up in the hospital."

"She quit volleyball after that." Mira added making Eita burst out laughing. Rin surpressed a smile as the nurse kicked the two out.

"Don't come back in unless I tell you to."

After about half an hour of waiting the nurse came out, making the duo look at her waiting for good news. "You can go in, just don't make a lot of noise."

Otoya peeked into the room and slowly pushed in open. The teal eyed boy was sitting on the bed pulling a new shirt over his head (since his last one was covered in blood)

He looked at the two intruders with a glare. The girl's face turned into a frown. "I said I'm sorry okay? Stop glaring at me (つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ"

She said and sat down next to him. The other boy just leaned against the wall and watched the drama, from a VIP place and FOR FREE.

"You almost broke my nose."

He replied and pointed to the band-aid. She made a ☹️ face making him sigh. "Whatever just leave."

"Nope, I'm gonna stay here until you accept my apology." Mira said and crossed her arms.

"You can wait here forever than."

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