Helicopters, Hell Week and Holidays

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"How are you doing Lili?" Jennie asked over the headset as I sat staring out of the helicopters windows over the English countryside.

"Doing fine," I replied, feeling anything but actually. The fear I'd discovered of flying I'd discovered in myself had indeed eased, but I still wasn't comfortable with the whole helicopter/aeroplane travel idea; not very comfortable at all. Still, having my hand held by a pretty redhead certainly made the whole flying experience that bit more enjoyable.

"Really?" she said, and even through the metallic sounding headset I could hear her amused disbelief. I turned away from the window to see her smiling at me, her eyes sympathetic, tinted with a hint of happiness.

"Yeah, I'm fine. "I told her with a reassuring smile, "Not great mind you, but good enough right now."

"Fair enough," she replied squeezing my knuckles, "shouldn't be long now really; look, you can see London over there."

I looked out into the distance, following her finger towards the dark smudge on the horizon, the familiar buildings popping up as a hint at that famous skyline. "What a shame, I've been enjoying our trip so much," I joked getting a playful bump from her as she leaned back across me and into her own seat.

"You can be a sarcastic cow sometimes Lili, you know that?" Jennie said with a grin, "I have no idea why I love you!"

I was more than pleased to hear the playful note in her voice, it had been a shit time for her and, despite her efforts, this was the first time I'd felt that she meant it; and I was determined to play along.

"Probably the same reasons that everyone else loves me," I joked trying to relax again; "my charm, personality, devastating wit and firm muscles."

"Well one out of three isn't bad," she replied, her voice now clear over the headphones, despite the din from the rotors. "I can't complain about the muscles, not sure about the rest though, especially the charm part."

"Your mother thinks I'm charming," I retorted as her hand covered mine and squeezed, her thumb idly stroking leeching away the tension; "your mother thinks I'm pretty awesome actually."

"Well," she said with a snort, "perhaps you should start dating my mother then...if she can see all these great things in you."

"Well," I replied feigning thoughtfulness, "she is very attractive, and of course very rich. Perhaps you're right Jen, if you're not interested in me any more perhaps I should see if Minah is interested, after all she is a bit of a MILF."

"Ugh Lili, did you really have to?" Jennie said with a disgusted look and a slap on my hand that was still clenching the armrest. "Jesus babe, that's just a couple of steps over the line."

"Really?" I said feigning surprise, "I was actually being serious, you know your mother really is an attractive woman?"

"and I guess I'm a wrinkled old prune that's not worthy of your attentions?"

"I never said that love," I told her, letting go my death grip on the arrest and wrapping my arm around her shoulders, finding the position a lot more comforting. "Besides, you started this remember."

"You're still a cow Manoban," she told me, "and I still don't like you" she added, though the way she relaxed into my embrace told me she didn't mean it.

"Yeah well, I like you enough for the both of us," I said, pulling her close and kissing her head, taking care to avoid the headset.

"Guess we're ok then," she said snuggling into me, "for now at least. Wait until mum hears what you called her though, she'll kick your arse."

"Like I said," I sniffed unconcernedly, "your mum loves me; I think I'll be ok, more than ok probably."

"Shush Lili," Jennie said pointedly resting her head on my shoulder, "just shush now ok?"

"Yes Ma'am," I agreed, shushing up as ordered and listening to the sound of the rotors; trying to think about the girl at my side, and ignore the memories that had been trying to push their way out to ruin the journey once again.

"Lili?" Jennie said finally, as we flew over the sprawling mass of buildings that signalled that the journey was about to come to an end, "when we get back, do you still want to go on holiday with me?"

"No," I told her causing Jennie to sit up and look at me. "Not as your treat anyway, I know you said you were going to sort it, but I want to pay for myself, I'm not exactly poor now you know."

It was true, my short time at Close Protection had been good to me financially speaking; I'd not paid rent on anywhere I'd lived, moving from the company's apartment straight into Jennie's flat, and nearly all of my other incidental expenses had been covered either by the company or by my fairly respectable salary. Even my debts were wiped clean; winning the competition had given me the ability to get people off my back, with a little bit of help from jennie's financial advisor that was. So I was in pretty good shape right now, and I knew that I was more than capable of paying my own way, depending on where she had plans to go.

"We'll see," she said noncommittally, "I'm going to at least pay up front babes, I can't make it a surprise if I have to tell you all about it."

I grinned at her fake pout and decided to let it go, if it meant that much to her to give me a surprise destination I could afford to let her have it...after all, we could argue cost later.

"I take it that means I still don't get a say in where we're going?" I teased, knowing full well the answer.

"Oh of course you do darling," Jennie replied holding my hand tightly as we felt the helicopter drop towards its final destination; "you can have a say in whether you like it or not after we've arrived."

"Fair enough," I conceded, tapping her on the shoulder until she leant back into me. "Make sure it's somewhere nice, and safe," I added.

"Not somewhere warm then?"

"I think I've seen plenty of warm places Nini," I told her with a rueful grin, "and judging by that schedule of yours we're going to be seeing a few more over the next few days."

"Don't remind me," Jennie groaned, "and it all starts this afternoon."

"Change of plan?" I asked her, "I thought you said that your first meeting was on Friday."

"It's not," Jennie confirmed, telling me that I wasn't totally crazy; "but we're going to have to go back into the office so I can get ready for tomorrow. It's going to be a crazy week babes, I've asked Rosé to arrange the MOD meeting for first thing tomorrow morning, then we're flying out to Dallas."

"Don't remind me," I mimicked, groaning in the same way that she had moments earlier.

"You'll be fine sweetie, you're badass remember?"

"You said it Miss Kim, totally badass me."

"Just not in the air?"

"Nope," I said with a sigh, "I guess not in the air."


Thankfully my ordeal was over quite quickly, the helicopter descending into the riverside heliport at what felt like an alarming rate. Twelve months ago I'd have whooped with delight at a drop like this, dropping out of the sky into a forward base, popping flares just in case the Taliban were nearby with ground to air missiles. It didn't happen often, but you never took risks in my unit, especially when the package had ginger hair and a close relationship to Royalty.

Waiting for us at the heliport with a happy smile and an armful of papers was Rosé, efficiency incarnate. Within moments we were through the building and in the waiting car; I sat up front with a grinning Dongwon as we navigated the South Bank on our way to the office.

"What's got you so amused?" I asked as we drove along, Jennie getting a full set of updates from her Executive Assistant.

"Your face when you got in," Dongwon said ignoring my frown, "the colour of boiled shite you were; rough flight?"

"You could say that," I said shortly, trying to ignore it as his grin broadened.

"I heard you didn't like flying, never would have guessed it myself; funny really."

"What is?" I snapped as we pulled up at a red light, finally sick of the comments. It seemed like every fucker in the country wanted to take the piss out of my fear of flying and I had had my fill of them; poor old Dongwon was about to feel my anger if he pushed me any further. Unfortunately, as nice as he was, he wasn't too bright.

"You being scared of flying, you've got to admit it's pretty funny; I mean, you're supposed to be as tough as nails."

"Oh yeah, it's fucking hilarious isn't it? Lisa Manoban is scared of flying, "I started my voice as cold as ice. "Let me tell you something, my experiences of flying aren't the same as your little jollies to fucking Ibiza or the Costa Del fucking Sol. Let me tell you something... Dongwon...my last three times in the fucking sky haven't been a fucking joyride because they remind me of shit you cannot fucking imagine. Before I met you lot the last ride I had in a fucking helicopter I was doped up on morphine and strapped down to the floor on a fucking stretcher with three bullet wounds in my body. The nurses in the hospital ward I woke up in told me that I nearly didn't make it, and my last memory of that fucking flight is of being in absolute agony. I nearly died on that fucking chopper, so excuse me if I have some unresolved issues with them."

There was a silence in the car that was filled by the beeping of horns from behind us. "Green light," I said jabbing my finger towards the windscreen, "better get a move on hadn't you?"

"Lili?" Jennie said from the back, her hand reaching forward to rest on my arm, "You ok up there?"

"Fine," I said sitting back and allowing my pulse rate to drop as I breathed as calmly as I could, searching for my safe place in the midst of the chaos that my mind had descended into.

"You're not sounding fine babe, you're sounding anything but fine," she pressed, her hand gripping me tightly.

"I'll be fine then," I replied my eyes scanning the traffic for danger as usual, "just as long as everyone stops taking cheap shots about me and flying."

"Won't say another word Miss Manoban," Dongwon said, his eyes fixed on the road avoiding mine as I looked across at him. "Sorry."

"Yeah, me too," I said not really feeling apologetic but knowing it was expected. "Let's just move on ok?"

We didn't speak again until we got to the office, Rosé and Jennie chatting away in the back. From the looks that Dongwon kept giving them in his rear view mirror, his head straining to change the angle, he was thinking the same thing I was; how long it was going to be before we got a bollocking from our respective 'other halves'. In my case it lasted until late in the afternoon, Jennie sparing me until we were alone in her office. As I opened the door and looked inside as usual I was pushed inside and the door was slammed behind me.

"You! Sit!" Jennie said pointing at the sofa that was my usual berth when I was in her office.

"I'd rather stand," I started to say before Jennie cut me off.

"Sit down Lisa, please," she said exasperatedly, "we need to talk about what happened earlier."

"Oh all right," I said sitting down with a sigh, "get it over with then."

"Get what over with," she said to my surprise sitting down next to me and taking my hand.

"The telling off you're about to give me for snapping at Dongwon?" I suggested, wondering what was going on. I'd breached discipline and the least I deserved was a bawling out. "I assume that's what you want to talk about."

"No babe, I would like to talk about why it happened, not what happened." Jennie said softly, her hands encompassing mine. I was busily concentrating on how soft they felt that I nearly missed what she said.


"I said we need to talk about why you snapped at him love," she continued as my brain snapped back into gear. "It's not exactly in character for you."

"Actually, the keeping my gob shut is the out of character part Nini," I replied truthfully, my outspokenness at times often getting me into trouble; though normally I knew when I could afford to speak my mind.

"Whatever, that's not the point; the point is you freaked out Lili and I didn't like it, you're normally so unflappable. Unless you're suffering from those nightmares and you haven't had one of those for a while now."

"I was tired of the jibes about flying," I said truthfully, "it seems like everyone, including you, wants to take cheap shots about it."

"I'm sorry baby," Jennie said contritely, squeezing my hands, "it's not that we don't think it's more that we don't understand. You've got to remember baby we don't have the same experiences as you, you were right when you said to ongwon that we can't imagine what you've been through..."

"I know that Jen," I interrupted before falling silent at her look.

"No Lisa, I mean it, we have no idea, and sometimes we might say stupid things that seem insensitive. I don't know how many things I might have said that might have offended you, but it's because I don't know ok?"

"I know," I said again; I did know as well, I'd bitten back comments on many occasions recently, usually whenever her sister or her husband opened their mouths and tried to be clever about my time in the army. "I don't mind normally, I do understand."

"So why did you lose your temper today baby?" Jennie said asking the obvious question.

"Stress I guess," I admitted regretfully, "the flight, and the lack of sleep recently, I guess Dongwon just tapped into that when he thought he was being funny."

"I didn't know you hadn't been sleeping Lili" Jennie said with a frown, "I thought that was just me, why haven't you been sleeping again, don't tell me the nightmares are back and you've been hiding them from me. Is that it, have you been staying awake to push them away...?"

"No they're not back," I confirmed shaking my head emphatically, "and that's not what I've been doing. I've just been worried a lot, and I guess it's made my sleep a bit restless you know?"

"Worried? About what?" Jennie asked making me smile despite myself.

"More about whom actually," I said leaning forward to kiss her forehead, "I don't think I've had a decent nights sleep for over a week."

"Then tonight you will," Jennie said standing and hauling me to my feet. "I've done everything I can do for the day here, apart from read those files and I can do that at home. We're going back to the flat, and after a bit of a relax and a nice takeout you're going to bed; and if you can't sleep you're taking one of my tablets."

"I can't do that," I protested, "I need to be able to..."

"...wake up if needed," Jennie finished for me, "yes I know. Then you need to call Sungjae on the way and get someone over to cover for you, in fact that might not be a bad idea anyway."


"But nothing  Lisa," she said in her 'that's final' voice, "I need you at your very best you know, personally and professionally. If you need a good nights sleep to get you back to your best you're getting one; we can both take a tablet and crash out. So if you won't call Sungjae I will."

"Ok, ok...I'll call him and see what he can do," I said as she practically dragged me across the office to her desk towards the pile of files that Rosé had left for her.

"You call Sungjae, and I'll call down for a car," she said reaching for her desk phone, "because you and I, my dear, are going home."


"It's good to be back," Jennie said with a sigh, flopping down onto her favourite sofa and kicking off her shoes almost the second that we walked in. "I mean, I love being at the house with mum and everything, but it's so nice to be back at ours."

"Yeah," I said looking around the small flat that I now called home, my internal security sensors making sure everything was as it should be. As I did so, a question popped into my head that couldn't wait. I decided to carefully broach the subject.

"Nini, can I ask you something?"

"Guess so," she replied, "am I going to regret saying that?"

"Don't think so," I replied sitting down next to her and smiling as her feet immediately landed in my lap, her toes nudging me in her usual demand for a foot massage. "It's just something Jisoo said to me the other day, about your place..."

"What about our place," she said pointedly; sighing as I kneaded away.

"Well, Jisoo said that the flat was a bolt hole for you, that it's where you went to get away from things, that you loved it because it was yours...yet you didn't have a single picture on display when I first came here, and you said you were never here. You said you were always at the house, or on business or something; I just wondered Jisoo thought that."

"Because she's not really the dumb cow she makes out," Jennie answered, and I could feel her tense as she did so; casually I moved my massaging from her foot to her leg. "She never really understood me, not totally, but she knows enough about me to be right occasionally."

"Well she seemed to be certain about that part of you anyway hun," I said soothingly, continuing to work on one leg after another in silence. "So, Nini, why did you tell me you're never here if Jisoo was right and this is your bolt hole?" I asked finally, voicing the question that had bugged me since the funeral.

"I don't know," she said relaxing once more, "I guess I wanted to just piss you off, you know? I was being the bitch and I had to be contrary to prove my point."

"What point was that hun?" I asked, wondering out loud.

"That it was my flat, it was my place, and I didn't need anyone's approval for it; least of all yours."

"I seem to recall I only said it was nice hun," I said with a grin and a tweak on her toe.

"It was more the way you were looking around the place Lili," Jennie said, "I didn't know what you were doing back then so I thought you were, well...well I don't know what I thought you were doing, I just didn't feel comfortable that's all."

"What was I doing?" I asked racking my brains and coming up with a big fat blank.

"You were checking out the place babe, you do it everywhere you go, I don't even think you realise you do it. But that first morning, with everything that had gone before, and how bossy you'd been; and how mixed up I was feeling about you, well it sort of annoyed me and I wanted to make you feel awkward so I kind of lied about everything, I'm sorry."

"You know, sometimes you can be a right muppet," I told her, allowing my fingers to drift under her skirt and tickle the back of her knee; grinning as her foot twitched involuntarily.

"Well I'm not alone," she said pouting and tapping me with her foot impatiently; thankfully I was saved by a knock at the door and with a wink I slipped from under her outstretched legs and went to the front door, picking up her tiny can of pepper spray from the hall dresser as I peered out through the spy hole. I didn't need it though, looking back at me was the tousled hair of my old LT.

"I'm not interested in buying from door to door salespeople," I said as I opened the door on the chain, my foot planted firmly against the bottom just in case.

"Well it's just as well ma'am because I'm collecting for charity," Sungjae said, giving me the agreed response and I opened the door to let him in.

"I thought you were sending one of the boys over," I said as I took his jacket and hung it up for him, gesturing for him to go through to the living room.

"Hey Sungjae," Jennie said as he walked in, getting up to give him a hug. "Thank you for coming over, she's being a pain again."

"What?" I said as I stood in the doorway my arms folded, "I'm just trying to do my job."

"Sarge," Sungjae replied with a sigh, "I know you well enough to know that you 'doing your job' can involve you working yourself to the point of exhaustion. Which is why I assume Miss Kim forced you to call me."

"I never said that..." I started, only to be halted in my tracks by a raised eyebrow from the LT and a snigger from Jennie.

"Oh fuck you both backwards," I said as they grinned at me like feline quadrupeds from a county in North West England.

"Well it was rather obvious Sarge," Sungjae said as I sat down, "I may not know you as well as I used to, but the odds of you calling me to ask for someone to come over and cover for you, especially while you are at home with Miss Kim, without being prompted by her or someone else to do so; are, I am afraid to say, frankly very, very slim indeed."

"Breathe Sungjae," Jennie said with an awed look on her face. "I think you managed to make that all one sentence."

"Sorry," the LT said blushing slightly, "I developed a bit of a condition after, well that's not important, but it was quite unlikely that Lisa here would have called without your intervention Miss Kim."

"Fucks sake Sungjae sit down and stop calling me Miss Kim," Jennie said with a smile, waving at the other sofa. "I'm sure I've told you that before.Lisa darling, a cup of tea would be fantastic while you're up."

"Though I was supposed to be getting some rest," I murmured as I swung myself off the wall and walked into the kitchen, my arms still folded tightly across my chest.

"Oh and if you can bring through the menu for Antonio's that would be brilliant baby," she called, amusement in her voice, "I'm sure Sungjae would like to order something for dinner."

"Yes Miss Kim," I called out in my best subservient voice, "Right away Miss Kim."

"Thank you Miss Manoban," JEnnie called back as I turned on the tap to fill the kettle, placing it on the gas hob to boil. For all their teasing I allowed myself a small feeling of relief, I was totally exhausted and my mind was slowing down. Having Sungjae here as back up would allow me to switch off at least one part of my brain, though whether the one that worried about Jennie, the upcoming trips and the complexities of our relationship would allow me to sleep was a different matter.

After a pretty good meal, courtesy of Jennie's favourite Italian restaurant, I found myself on the sofa my eyes closing despite it being a little after eight; though having Jennie sitting behind me slowly running her hand through my hair was making the whole falling asleep thing much easier. I was dimly aware of a faint conversation about the trip to Iraq, but despite myself I couldn't bring my brain to focus. I guess I'd hit the point where pushing myself was no longer an option and finally I allowed myself to relax fully.

"Lisa," Jennie whispered tapping me on the shoulder, "why don't you go to bed love, you're clearly shattered."

"I'm fine Jen, quite happy where I am thanks," I told her, tipping back my head from where it was lying on her lap to look up at her. "Where's Sungjae?"

"He's on the phone to his wife," she said with a smile, "and has been for the last half and hour or so; you've been fast asleep my dear. I wouldn't have disturbed you but my legs have gone to sleep in sympathy with you."

I lifted my arm and stared at my watch, goggling at the fact that it was now half past nine; I seemed to have lost an hour somewhere, I was obviously more relaxed than I thought lying there.

"You coming too?" I asked, deciding it was better to give in to how I was feeling rather than try to fight it again.

"Yeah, in a minute or two, you locked up after dinner arrived didn't you? I'll just wait up so I can tell Sungjae he's in the spare room tonight."

"My room," I said with a smile as I dragged myself off the sofa, my muscles protesting at the sudden movement.

"Whatever, now give me a kiss and go and warm the bed up for me, I'll be there in a minute."

"Yes ma'am," I said bending down to kiss her goodnight, "but you can warm your own side of the bed up, I don't think I'm going to be capable of much more than flopping down and falling asleep."

"Fair enough, go to bed Lisa; love you."

"Love you too Nini," I said leaning down to kiss her again, "goodnight."


I didn't need a tablet that night, nor actually for any of the following nights of the whirlwind trip that followed Kim Woobin's funeral. After waving goodnight to Sungjae who was stood talking quietly into his phone in the kitchen, I climbed into bed and from the second my head hit the pillow I was away; my insomnia seemingly a thing of the past in my exhausted state.

I didn't even feel Jennie coming to bed, such was the depth of my sleep; and when, in the morning, I found her wrapped around me, I was thankful for her foresight in making me call Sungjae. If I didn't wake when my girlfriend came to bed, I was hardly a good guard dog. I was usually a really light sleeper, though perhaps that was a part of the problem.

Still I was feeling one hundred percent better when the alarm went off and I woke to Jennie's arms wrapped around me, her leg thrown casually across mine. As I reached out to turn off the incessant bleeping a small hand stretched out to stop it in its tracks.

"Put it on snooze baby," Jennie whispered sleepily, we can spare another ten minutes, and I'm warm and comfy."

Obligingly I jabbed at the snooze button until the alarm ended its head hurting claxon. Leaning back I was wrapped up in a warm embrace once again.

"Good sleep babe?" Jennie murmured planting a kiss on my shoulder and pulling me close.

"I think so," I said fluffing the duvet over the pair of us properly, "I don't seem to remember anything past turning off the light."

"Must have been good then," she sniggered into my shoulder blade, "because when I came to bed the light was still on, and you were dead to the world. Did you take one of those tablets before you tuned in?"

"Nope," I said snuggling back, loving the feel of her naked body against mine. "Didn't need to take one I don't think."

"Seems not," she giggled, "I could have let off a bomb in here and I don't think you'd have noticed."

"Let's not joke about bombs please hun," I said with a yawn, "not this early in the morning anyway." I got a kiss on my back as a reply and with that we dozed happily until the alarm kicked in once more to ruin the peace.

It was pretty much the last moment of calm that Jennie and I got as the week of mad meetings began. Friday's meeting with some stuffy fucker from the MOD dragged on and on seemingly endlessly, yet finally Jennie came away happy; apart from the fact that we'd missed our early flight to the States.

Saturday saw us in Dallas, red eyed and knackered after changing flights three times to make it there on time. Sunday found us in LA and to my surprise we had not one but three meetings organised. I thought that it being a Sunday people would be reluctant to meet, but in the cut and thrust world of international arms dealing, it looked like weekends weren't important. Though I guess it didn't hurt that Kim Industries were paying for some pretty nice meals in some pretty expensive restaurants. The only things I had to deal with, was not getting to join in the food fest, and having to listen to Jennie complaining all the way to South East Asia about how her figure was suffering after three big meals.

It wasn't suffering at all from what I could see; it was still as trim as ever.

Not that I got much of a chance to look at it that was; by the time you took meetings and flights into account, our time together, in bed or not, was much reduced. In fact for the three days that we flitted about in Asia we spent more time sleeping on planes that we did in hotels. By the end of it Jennie was looking a little bit worse for wear, and I don't think I was looking much better.

"I'll be glad when this fucking trip is over," she said to me on Thursday morning, climbing out of the shower on our way to yet one more meeting in yet one more shiny air conditioned building. "I don't know about you but I am sick to death of travelling right now."

I could totally sympathise, if I was totally honest I didn't have a clue where the fuck we were, just one more city on a seemingly endless itinerary that was constantly being updated by Jennie's team in London. My lack of interest in where we were was fuelled mostly by tiredness, I'd been on constant watch since Friday morning, and I'd not even been sleeping well on the planes, grabbing naps wherever I could to keep going.

Still, things were going well, and despite her tiredness Jennie was a happy girl; and a happy Jennie made for a happy Sarge.

After today we had one more place to go, a quick trip to New Delhi for a series of meetings with both the Border Security Force that had started all the threats, and with officials from the Indian Army about the deal that was ongoing. Friday was going to be a very busy day; and if we were lucky, Saturday was going to be spent fast asleep.

Overall it had been a mad week, a very mad week, but from my position a successful one. By the time we landed back in dirty old London we had travelled right the way around the globe, been to city after city and travelled in planes, cars, and minibuses and in all that time I had not even seen a hint of danger.

Someone once said that a great plan never survives first contact with the enemy; that being the case I was delighted that all of the plans that Sungjae and the team had put in place for us had worked perfectly. Despite what people think, soldiers love things like that, I did anyway; as exciting as combat could be, getting home in once piece was by far the best part.


"Home, finally," Jennie sighed as she flopped onto the bed in her little flat, not even bothering to unpack. "I think I could sleep for a week."

"Me too," I agreed as I performed my ritual of walking from room to room, checking that there was nothing out of place and everything was safe and sound. It was a little after three in the morning and despite my tiredness I wasn't taking any chances.

"So where the hell are you then?" Jen called out as I latched the front door and switched off the hall light, padding silently to the bedroom. "Come to bed!"

"I'm coming," I said peeling off my travelling clothes and crinkling my nose at the aroma that I was emitting, half a day on a plane flying home, business class or not, did not make for a heavenly scent. Frankly I smelt like a wet dog and I was in desperate need of a shower.

"Where you going?" Jennie said from her position on the bed, "I thought you were coming to bed?"

"In a second Nini," I replied walking into the bathroom and running the tap filling the sink with warm water. "I need a bit of a wash first, or the smell will keep us both awake."

"That sounds like a good idea," Jennie said appearing behind me as I gave myself a quick all over wash. "After you."

"All yours," I said grabbing a towel and drying myself off, looking around for the can of deodorant that I knew was in here. One quick spray and I was feeling cleaner and smelling sweeter and I was more than ready for bed.

"That was actually a great idea," Jennie said as she took the towel from me and patted herself down.

"Yeah, trick I learnt in the army hun," I told her. "It's a fast way of passing muster. I wish I could be bothered having a shower but I don't want to get my hair wet tonight."

"Exactly," she agreed tossing the towel onto the laundry pile and grabbing my spray, "but I'm glad you don't smell anymore babe, because I want a cool bed and a hot girl to give me a cuddle."

"Got anyone in mind?" I asked yawning loudly.

"Yeah, but she's not here so you'll have to do," she replied yawning in sympathy with me. "Come to bed Lili, I want that cuddle."

"Yes Ma'am," I replied as she led me back into the bedroom and the cool cotton sheets, "happy to oblige."


"What the hell?"

I was dragged form a particularly nice dream of a bright white tropical beach, and a dark tanned redhead in a tiny bikini, by the voice of that very redhead calling out in disgust. As I surfaced I could hear a knocking at the door and felt Jennie get out of bed.

"What you doing Jen?" I said as I glanced at the clock, staring at the numbers in disgust.

"Getting the door," she replied pulling on her purple dressing gown.

"Woah there," I said, shaking my head to clear out the fog, we'd had about four hours sleep max and after the week we had had, I felt like I needed at least another fourteen to get back into fighting trim. Still it was a good thing, I could probably do with getting some cover in again if I was going to crash out properly.

"What?" Jennie snapped back at me before apologising quickly. "Sorry Lili, I'm just tired still that's all. What's the matter?"

"I get the door love," I said getting up and grabbing my own robe, pulling it on as I kissed her forehead. "You stay here for a second until I know it's safe."

"That's my Lili, always on duty," she teased, grabbing the lapels of my robe and pulling me back for a proper kiss.

"Absolutely, but not when I go back to bed," I said as I slipped away. "I might need Sungjae again to cover; I plan to enter a coma again and not get out of bed until tomorrow lunchtime!"

"Sounds like a plan," I heard from our room as I walked out into the hall, putting my eye to the spyglass and getting the shock of my life.

"Minah," I said as I opened the door on the chain, my foot placed as usual, "everything ok?"

"Yes thank you dear, I hate to disturb you both, but I need to talk to Jennie; is she awake?"

"She is," I said glancing at, and around, her for signs of danger; seeing nothing I slipped the chain off the door and braced myself just in case.

"Where's Richard?" I asked frowning as I closed the door on an empty hallway. Her CPO should be with her, not absent without leave.

"Right now, probably in the lift heading downstairs. It's all right Lisa dear I was quite safe so I sent him to keep watch in the foyer, though I have told him not to follow your example and sit out on the street."

I flushed slightly at her playful jibe only to get a reassuring pat on my shoulder as I put the extra latches over once more. "Where is my daughter Lisa, don't tell me she's still in bed?"

"I am not, though I was mum," Jennie said appearing in the hallway, towelling dry her face, "you know we didn't get home until three this morning?"

"Oh I didn't dear," Jenna said looking ashamed, "I thought you were supposed to be home last night, not this morning."

"We got delayed," I said gesturing for them both to go through to the living room. "Would anyone like a cup of tea?"

After getting a drinks order I vanished into the kitchen, making myself scarce whilst mother and daughter chatted. I could hear brief snippets of conversation as I flitted about, but nothing that made sense, I simply assumed that Minah wanted a debrief on Jennie's trip; but why it couldn't have waited until a reasonable hour I had no clue, especially on a Saturday morning.

"Tea," I said as I carried the tray into the room, wondering why the conversation stopped as I entered, "and a fresh pot of coffee for you Minah."

"Thank you dear," Minah said reaching out to pour a cup, "and let me apologise for waking you, I really needed to drop some bits off with Jennie and find out how her trip went, I have a flight to Paris at lunchtime, Colin and I have decided to take our first official holiday together."

"That's nice," I replied passing Jennie her cup and pouring my own, "supposed to be a very romantic place."

"Have you never been?" Jennie asked stifling a yawn, I smiled and shook my head.

"Amy wanted to go, but it wasn't really my kind of place, all stuffy art galleries and overpriced coffee shops with stuck up waiters and pretentious French wankers who treat you like...."

I paused for a second realising that the two of them were looking at me amusedly, stupidly I realised just how we had got into this conversation.

"Guess there's no point in taking you to Paris then," Jen said with a wink to her mother. "Another romantic holiday destination scuppered."

"Speaking of which," Minah interrupted winking at me, the similarity to her daughter striking; "you are both officially off the clock the second I leave this flat and I don't want any arguments from you Jennie Kim. You both deserve a holiday and neither of you are paying for it. It's my treat, sign everything to the company Jennie, I know your father wouldn't let you do that, but he did it often enough and I want to extend you the same courtesy."

"But mum," Jennie started to say only to be silenced with a hand.

"Enough Jennie, I've just sent you right around the world to keep our business on a sound footing; which it appears you have done wonderfully as usual. This is an executive reward, and I won't hear otherwise."

"But that's not right mum, we've agreed that..."

"Enough Jennie, I will pay for it and that is the end of it." Minah said with a smile and a raised hand.

"Is it all sorted then?" Jennie asked cryptically, and I assumed that whatever Jennie was planning Minah was well in on it.

"Of course it is dear," Minah replied with a wink, confirming my suspicious. "Now, tell me about that deal with the Indian Army, how is that coming along? Did you at least have a successful meeting..?"

I excused myself after I finished my drink, collecting up the tray and taking it out to do the washing up. I was giving serious thoughts to the security for our little holiday when I heard Minah call out from the hallway.

"Lisa, I'm done with my daughter, come here and give me a hug."

"I don't do hugging Mrs Kim," I shouted back, listening to the laughter from the hallway.

"Well come and shake hands then," Minah continued as I dried my hands on a tea towel. Casually I walked out of the kitchen and was immediately hugged.

"Have a great holiday and look after my daughter Lisa," Minah said as she crushed the life out of me and kissed me on the cheek. "Try to enjoy yourself ok?"

"I'll try, to all three," I said rolling my eyes at a grinning Jennie. "Have a good time in Paris."

"Oh I will," she said releasing me and hugging her daughter, "I most certainly will."

Jennie and I lay slumped on the sofa after MInah left, a fresh pot of tea on the table in front of us, totally undisturbed and probably stone cold.

"I want to go back to bed," Jennie said yawning.

"So why don't you?" I replied, running my hand through her hair as she lay on top of me staring at the ceiling, "we're on holiday remember?"

"True," she replied sighing, "but if I go back to bed now I won't go to sleep tonight and we have to get up early tomorrow."

"We do?" I said, somewhat surprised, "but tomorrow's Sunday, I thought we had no plans."

"We do now," Jennie said leaning back to look up at me, "we have to get up early so we can leave for our holiday, it's going to take a while to get there, and I want to spend as much time there as I can. From what mum's just told me I'm going to need it."

"I take it there is more travelling in our future?" I said with a mental shake of my head.

"Not exactly," Jen said rolling over and looking up at me, eyes dulled with tiredness. "I told you we would be going back to India but it looks like we're off to Iraq when we come back instead, mum said the meeting went well while I was, you know, dad."

I nodded, not wanting to bring up the funeral any more than she did. "That's good though isn't it?" I asked, "I know you thought you might lose out on the opportunity by not being there."

"Yeah," Jennie replied, snuggling into me as I wrapped my arms around her back. "It is, but it's still a bit scary."

"Well Sungjae has everything in place hun," I said reassuringly, giving her a squeeze. "Everything will go smoothly I'm sure, no point in worrying about it."

"I guess," she replied shifting herself around until she could kiss me, her chin nudging aside my robe until she found bare flesh.

"So then, back to bed?" I asked, thinking longingly of those cool cotton sheets.

"As long as we don't sleep in too late," she said meaningfully, slipping off me and standing up; holding out her hand.

"Tell you what," I said as she pulled me to my feet, "if we're going off on our mysterious holiday tomorrow why don't you let me treat you to an afternoon at that spa, get Frank to sort out our hair and have a bit of fun?"

"Franco," Jennie corrected with a smile, "and that sounds lovely, I'll treat us to dinner somewhere then, make a day of it."

"Well then," I said looking at the clock, "let me see if I can call in a favour and get us booked in; then bed!"

"I like the sound of bed," Jennie said hugging me as I took my phone out of the pocket of my robe.

"Well I meant to sleep Nini," I said with a smile as her hands slipped under my robe.

"Unfortunately," she said ruefully pressing her flesh against mine, "so did I."


Sunday morning brought with it new life at casa Kim, the pair of us surfacing with renewed vigour. I'm not one for the luxuries of life, but I have to say that Jennie took to the spa like a duck to water. I might not be into all the massages, and clay wraps and all that shit the way she was, but I did enjoy using their wonderful pool; it was certainly a hell of a lot warmer than the pool at Kim Manor, and a hell of a lot cleaner too if I was honest.

Frank had been at his flamboyant best when Jennie finally deigned to get off the massage bench and head into the salon for our appointment. It was late in the day when we went in, and even later when we finally got out, blonde and red rescued by his masterful use of bleach and dye. It felt strange looking at myself with longer blonde hair, it wasn't as long as it had been when first I ventured into 'Franco's', but it was certainly longer than what I'd been left with. I actually liked what he'd done this time, it made me feel a bit more like the old me; though Jennie kept telling me that my hair hadn't grown out that much in the time I'd been with her.

"It looks almost the same," she had said as she saw me checking myself out in the X5's mirror while we sat at traffic lights, "and by that I mean really nice."

"Well that's good," I'd joked, "I'd hate you to be disappointed by my hair. Yours is looking stupendous by the way; love that new shade of red he used."

"It's great isn't it?" She'd said fluffing her hair out with a smile the size of the Dartford tunnel.

"Stunning," I'd concurred, risking a glance as we drove through London's streets on our way to food, my stomach telling me it was more than time. "Wish he could do that with my hair, he somehow manages to make yours look so much thicker; mine always looks a bit, well, lank."

"It's not lank, it's lovely," she'd protested, "I love it when you straighten it out like that, it looks fantastic."

"Well I'm just glad he didn't cut it right back again," I'd said ruefully as we pulled into the endless traffic jam once more. "I really wasn't sure about that first cut."

"That's rich coming from someone that talked about shaving it all off," she'd said with a grin, "Franco's face when you said that you wanted a number one all over was priceless."

"Well we are going to Iraq, it's going to be hot; I could do with an appropriate haircut for it."

"Don't you dare," she'd replied frowning. "I like your hair just how it is, it suits you."

"That's what my ex used to tell me," I'd replied with a smile, "she liked my hair too, my old hair that is."

"Well it is one of your best features babes," Jennie replied reaching out a hand to touch my hair gently, careful not to affect my driving. "Your ex may be a total bitch but she did have great taste."

"Um, you didn't know her," I'd replied thinking back to her flat, styled head to toe in Laura Ashley style chintz.

"Well, no I didn't," she'd replied with a sigh. "But she must have had great taste."

"Why's that," I'd asked as I hauled the beemer around a sharp bend, swearing at the directions on the screen under my breath as I did so.

"You really are thick sometimes Lili, you know that," Jennie had replied, laughing and placing her hand on mine as I rested it on the gear stick.

"Me?" I'd said acting incredulous, "I'll have you know I'm anything but thick, it's you...you're too flaming cryptic sometimes."

"Your ex must have had great taste," Jennie'd continued, patting my hand in an avuncular fashion, "because she used to date you."

"Does that mean you have great taste as well," I'd replied trying to avoid blushing at her backhanded compliment.

"Well naturally, wait until you see where we're going for dinner it'll end any doubts you might have."

"I don't have any doubts," I'd told her, "I know how much you like your food to take me anywhere rubbish."

"Cheeky," she'd replied slapping my hand and laughing. "Just drive Manoban, before you make me grumpy."


"Just drive!"

She hadn't been lying about the restaurant, another one of her quiet places that were far off the beaten track but had excellent food. To my surprise this place didn't have a theme, or indeed a menu; we were seated and after a friendly chat with the waiter we were brought drinks and starters that the chef thought we would enjoy. It was refreshing to just be given food rather than pick it, and the adventurous part of me thought it rather exciting to try and work out what the flavour combinations were.

After a fantastic meal, that I hadn't fathomed the depths of, I drove us back to the flat; taking a slightly circuitous route at Jennie's insistence.

"I don't want to go straight home," she'd said as we put on our seat belts, "can't we take a detour, just enjoy the evening?"

"We can if you want," I'd said dubiously, "where do you want to go?"

"I don't care babes, give me a tour of the M25 if you want. I just don't want to go home right now, we're on holiday and apart from an early start tomorrow there's nothing to keep us from staying out all night."

"There's that early start again," I sniffed as I pulled away from the parking space and out into the night, "why won't you just tell me where we're going?"

"Because then it won't be a surprise," she'd teased sticking her tongue out at me, "give it up Lili, our destination is on a need to know basis, and right now you don't need to know."

"Yes ma'am, fancy a walk somewhere?"

"As long as it's somewhere safe; and well lit," she'd replied fiddling with my iPhone in its cradle looking for something to listen to.

"Trust me," I said feeling a little hurt, only to have my heart lifted by her unconsciously lovely reply.

"Always love," she'd said absently, jabbing at the screen impatiently, "with my life."


"Jennie, I cannot believe you got me up this early and you still aren't ready," I said as she leaned on the top of her suitcase trying to zip it closed. I got a stern look by way of reply and slowly I began to back out of the bedroom in search of safety.

"...and just where do you think you're going?" Jennie said as I almost reached the door. Her voice was stern but there was a twinkle in her eye that told me that her hard stare wasn't totally serious. I didn't for one second think it was, after all we were going on holiday.

"I was going to, go over there and do something useful dear," I said feigning nervousness as I pretended to wither under her glare.

"Well come over here and do something useful instead," she replied crooking her finger at me.

"With pleasure love," I said with a smile, walking over her expecting a hug.

"Carry that into the hallway for me would you?" she said skipping past me and patting my arm as she left; leaving me to sigh ruefully and stare at the over packed case. With a grunt I lifted it from the bed and carried it out into the hallway to stand next to my, slightly lighter, case.

"One second to brush my hair and I'll be ready baby," Jennie called out as she walked behind me and back into the bedroom again. Rolling my eyes I walked around the flat making sure everything was off and that all the windows were locked tightly; finding everything to my satisfaction I walked back into the hallway to find Jennie staring at me.

"Quite finished?" she said with a grin, leaning up to kiss me as I walked over to grab the cases. I nodded as she released me and reached out to grab my case only to find a smaller hand already on the handle.

"Seeing as you're carrying mine babe, I thought I'd take yours for you," she said with a smug grin.

"So generous as well as so pretty," I said as I lifted the handle of her case to full extension, being damned if I was going to actually carry it any further than I had to.

"Aw, thanks; ready?"

"Whenever you are."

I set the alarm and pulled the door to behind me making sure the locks were secure before turning to see Jennie waiting by the lift doors.

"Just because we're on holiday doesn't mean you take risks," I told her disapprovingly, raising an eyebrow at her position in front of the doors.

"Sorry Sarge," she said stepping to the side, waiting out of sight of the doors just in case. I took up position on the other side and waited, glancing in when the doors finally opened.

"Basement?" Jennie said, her finger hovering over the button that would take us to the flats private car park.

"Yeah," I nodded watching as she pressed the button and stepped back turning away from me slightly.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" I said as I watched her fluff her immaculate hair, staring at her reflection.

"No," she replied, our eyes meeting via the mirrored wall. "It is strictly need to know, remember?"

"I'm going to need to know pretty soon Nini, if you want me to drive us somewhere it sort of helps."

"I'm going to program your sat nav while you put away our cases babe, that way I can keep my secret a bit longer."

That's exactly what happened too and not for the first time in our relationship I'd bottled out of pressing her for information, of turning on my investigators skills and digging out the information I wanted to know.

Jennie Kim had made me soft, still it didn't hurt to allow her this little secret, it was harmless and it obviously amused her, judging by the broad grin on her face as she sat in the passenger seat and typed away. It was nice to see her this relaxed, I thought to myself as I lifted her heavy case into the boot and squared it away. She'd been through an awful lot over the last month, what with the death of her father and then the travelling; she needed to relax, her mother was right.

"No peeking Lili," she said blocking the screen with her body as I glanced through the open hatch. I smiled to myself, she was enjoying teasing me, and I was enjoying letting her. I made it my vow to make this holiday the best she had ever had. I just hoped we were going somewhere really hot and sunny, call me a letch but I was looking forward to seeing my girl walking along a sunny beach, clad in nothing but a tiny bikini; I knew the reality would be far better than the dream.

"So then, are you going to at least give me a hint where am I going," I said as I climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine of my X5.

"Follow the Sat Nav," she said cryptically, obviously intent on maintaining the air of mystery until the bitter end.

"Can you give me a general idea?" I asked looking at the time on the screen and seeing that the destination was over ten hours away, knowing that wherever we were going it was going to be a long way from London. "There's no reception for the GPS down here so I'll need a rough direction until it kicks in."

"Oh that's good," she replied with a huge smile. "Well played, for your information we're heading for the motorway first

"Which way," I asked digging a bit harder, though suspecting that she wasn't going to give too much away, the game still being played out between us.

"North," she replied and my brain put two and two together; Scotland, I thought instantly, were going to bloody Scotland.


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