Winners and Losers

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"Jesus Manoban, are you a total fucking loser or what? Look, let's make this nice and easy for you, something even your pretty little girlie brain can understand. Line up the crosshairs on the centre, squeeze the trigger and SHOOT THE FUCKING TARGET THIS TIME!"

"Yes Corporal,"

"Problem with you Manoban, is that you have no finesse, you do everything like you're a bull in a fucking china shop. You just rush ahead and do your own thing every time we ask you to do anything that requires thought and finesse. Just fucking slow down, control your breathing and fucking concentrate Campbell, can you do that?"

"Yes Corporal."

The memory of my very first distance rifle shooting lesson came flooding back as I set up the sniping rifle on the firing line, little more than a thin strip of white chalk painted onto the grass. I clicked open the bipod, making sure it was locked in place before placing the rifle onto the ground and checking the sights were locked in place. I wasn't going to make the same mistakes that the young Lisa Manoban had made, when trying to learn the discipline of accurate distance shooting. Corporal Harper had been right all along, I was a loser, I was like a bull in a china shop; I didn't have any patience at all. I had fucked up my marksmanship course by being impulsive, impetuous and pig headed.

Funny, but it was like my love life, everything was impulsive, like Diane the QARANC nurse I had met in Germany and dated briefly in the UK; like Amy and everything that happened with her. I had no patience at all, until Jennie that was; hopefully that level of restraint would serve me well, if I could transfer it to the range that was.

I laid out the massive magazines onto the cloth of my jacket and set up the sighting binoculars with the integrated rangefinder, a wonderful gadget that made everything so much easier for a numpty like me. There had been an amusing incident when we had checked in my equipment, the officials insisting, once again, that the extra technology that I had was outside the rules of the competition. Jennie pointed out, with a hard smile, that the rules said that any shooter could have a spotter to assist them with targeting if they wanted to use one; and that the equipment that I was able to use to make up for the lack of an experienced crewmate was not specifically excluded. After a few minutes of grumbling and checking the feisty red-head won her argument, though I suspected that the rules would be changed for next year.

Whatever happened in the future was a problem for another day, for now my gear was legal and permitted and I flipped the switch on the binoculars; sighting up on the target and reading off the data it provided. Carefully I began feeding in the tactical data the software on my PDA needed to work out the how to set up my telescopic sight for the perfect shot, this was almost too easy.

If I was totally honest, it really did feel a little like I was cheating, but then as Jennie had reminded me, Kim Soohyun and most of the rest of the field had years of training and hours of practice over me; and the skill of both a spotter and the shooter to make that perfect shot, I needed every advantage I could get to level the playing field.

Like the pistol shoot I had ten rounds to fire, but this time it was ten alone. Two sighting rounds to check everything out, and then ten chances to send a bullet fifteen hundred yards downrange to try and hit a target the size of a dinner plate as close to the centre as I could. As I slowly punched in the data my gadgets were giving me, the computer started to take account of the variables that would affect the accuracy of the bullet. It was crunching my geographical location, the distance to the target, the temperature and humidity, the estimated wind speed and even the coriolis effect, that spinning of the earth that would alter the trajectory by a few tenths of a degree; a few tenths of a degree that could end up as the difference between ten points and none over the near kilometre and a half we were shooting at.

What I got out of the computer was the ability to 'cold barrel shoot' an accurate round onto a distant target; and that's what I needed; the chance to hit the 'ten ring' first time, and then every time after that. It cleverly did the job of the snipers spotter, though frankly it wasn't as easy to work with, I've never been that patient with technology and punching in numbers and waiting isn't as easy as shouting at your mate. Still, it was a hell of a lot better than guessing; which is what I would have been doing without Jennie's help.

As I waited to get the go ahead to shoot I hunkered down on the grass and made myself comfortable. There wasn't a time limit to the shooting, well, not really. You could take the time you needed between shots, and I knew that being comfortable and in the right position would be crucial to getting a half decent score.

I slipped the butt of the rifle into my left shoulder, adjusting my position until my cheek rested on the pad, my eye peering down the sights. A couple of seconds of shuffling around and I was ready, everything felt right. With my right hand I adjusted the focus on the scope, adjusting the magnification until I had a clear sight of the tiny target, looming large as the telescopic zoom did it's job.

Repeating my shooting mantra in my head, I opened both my eyes, looking down the sights at the target. Out of the corner of my eye I glanced down at the computer, trying to interpret the data exactly as Jennie had explained to me on those hours of practice at Soohyun's club. I saw a white flag wave at the end of the range and I slipped one of the seven shot magazines into the receiver and loaded the gleaming .408 cartridge into the breech. I stared down the sights and waited, after a few seconds the flag stopped waving and ducked down behind the huge earth bank that had been erected to protect the target teams. Taking one last glance at the computer, I adjusted my aim; adding a couple of mil to the windage and one to the elevation as the software dictated.

Knowing I was now free to shoot my ranging shots, I adjusted my position just one more time and began the process of controlling my breathing. I thought about Joanna and how she had created my happy place, that dark and dusty summerhouse at the bottom of a garden; a cool building with a hot girl. I immersed myself in the calm of that special place and allowed my breathing to ease. When I was ready, totally and utterly ready I extended my finger, wrapped it around the trigger and squeezed.

With a muffled thump I set the bullet on its way, reaching supersonic speeds in the blink of an eye. As I ran through my target shooting mantra one more time I looked through the sights for signs of success. For a cold barrel round it was pretty good, especially for me. I'd managed to hit the target, and not far away from the centre either. I adjusted my aim slightly and squeezed the trigger for the second time, a hole appearing in the target even closer to the pinwheel.

I clicked on the safely and waited, the target vanishing from sight and a red flag appearing in its place. I checked the computer and made a couple more adjustments to the sights, readying myself for the bit that mattered, the ten rounds that I hoped I could do Cheytac and Jennie proud with; if I got anywhere close to their advertised grouping I'd be a very happy camper indeed.

Through the sights I saw the target reappear , fresh and unblemished, and the red flag vanish; a waved white flag appearing briefly, indicating the range was once again open.

"Nice and easy Manoban, remember how we do things, pick your moment, pick your time and pick your shot, shoot when your ready; ok? Let's try and be a winner this time right?"

"Yes Corporal, shoot when I'm ready, try to be a winner, understood."

"Good, in your own time Manoban, don't let me down; take it easy, when it feels right make your move."

With one last deep breath I peered down the sights once more, I allowed my breathing to slow; in,, out...

Finally, like it had when I told Jennie that I loved her in the pool, like it had when I told her that I loved her only minutes before, the moment felt right. With a simple pause in my breathing I settled the sights on the centre of the target and lovingly squeezed the trigger.

I had suddenly, for the first time in my life, become a winner in love; perhaps I could become a winner here too.


"Well that was shit," I overheard one of the other British competitors say as I walked back into the staging area, his accent different enough to stand out from the crowd. Fucking gust of wind on shot five, took it totally off target and only scored a three.

"Yeah, conditions were a bit blustery, out there" his spotting partner was saying nodding in agreement. "Ruined our score too, wish we'd had a fucking computer to tell us how to shoot as well." They watched me carefully as I walked past them, the long hard case containing the magic kit tucked under my arm.

"Absolutely, I wish I had a major fucking company giving me the best fucking kit money can buy," the shorter of the two said as I walked away, spitting on the floor as I passed. "Some of us had to beg, borrow or steal our equipment."

I smiled to myself and ignored them, heading back to my table with my expression set. I didn't care what they thought, though they were undoubtedly right; having Close Protection and Kim Industries behind me had certainly given me an advantage, but then if it wasn't for Close Protection and Kim Industries I would have had no interest in taking part of this fucking competition anyway.

"Cheating fucking bitch."

That, however was one step too far.

"Are you by any chance referring to me?" I asked loudly, setting my rifle case down on my bench with a thump and turning to face them. All eyes were upon us as I stared down the protagonist, a stumpy little fucker with a pronounced beer belly.

"What if we were?" he said sneering at me, looking at the crowd for support.

"Wow, you're really cocky with your mates around," I said nodding towards the taller guy he was stood with. "Want to take this discussion outside? I'm sure we can settle it out there."

"I wouldn't my friend," a familiar voice drawled lazily across the open ground as the fat guy balked at me. "The very last person that tried to take on my girl there ended up with fractured ribs and a broken jaw; she's feisty she is, trust me on that, she'd beat you to a pulp without breaking sweat."

"Stay out of this Soohyun, this is between me and your cheating skivvy there."

I covered the ground in a heartbeat, three swift steps bringing me right into the fat guys face. I watched him flinch as I came at him, his bravado failing, the taller of the two men stepping rapidly backwards out of reach.

"Firstly, I am not a cheat," I said jabbing him forcefully in his chest, knocking him backwards on his heels. "In case you're too fucking dumb to realise it, let me explain it to you in simple fucking terms. Cheating is where you break the rules in order to gain an advantage. I did not break any rules, therefore I. Am. Not. A. Fucking. Cheat."

I punctuated my point with hard prods to his chest, enjoying the feeling of power it gave me as the wannabe-bully flailed.

"Secondly, you're right, I am a bitch; I'm a nasty fucking bitch, in fact I'm a nasty fucking bitch that doesn't take kindly to abuse from jealous, overweight, talentless little dicksplashes like you. A gust of wind ruined your shot...blustery fucking conditions? What fucking wind? The conditions were fucking perfect out there, even I could hit the fucking target. You're nothing more than fucking pathetic, you've got your excuses all lined up already haven't you? At least I have the courage to admit I can't shoot long distances and I needed all the help I could get." I stared at the short guys colleague meaningfully, "Especially as I didn't have my own spotter to tell me what to do"

"Did well enough on your own to come second though blondie," Soohyun said suddenly from the wall he was leaning against casually watching the exchange. "Beaten only by yours truly, naturally."

I had one of those 'what the fuck' moments, my relentless glaring at my abuser stopping as I blinked in shock and disbelief.

"Who did," I said, my eyes flicking over to Soohyun, a smug grin plastered on his face.

"You did, of course," he said walking over and wrapping his arm around my shoulders , second only to one Kim Soohyun; a long way second I have to say, but second none the less."

He stared at my chubby antagonist in distain, his sheer size intimidating enough in itself. "Why don't you just run along and make your complaint official fatso, if you feel that strongly about it," Soohyun sneered. "If not, why don't you fuck off out of my sight and let me celebrate my victory with my fellow winner here."

"I kind of knew you would win that round boss, "I told him as he led me back to my table, the fight avoided neatly. "Pretty much your speciality really."

"Well yes," he said grinning, "it is as it happens. Now, can I finally take a look at that contraption Jennie got for you? Anything that can assist a bum shot like you score seven points less than me has got to be a miracle in a box."

He spent the next ten minutes or so cooing over the 'Intervention', pointing out this and that to me passionately; things that were obviously important to a ex-sniper, things I didn't give a flying fuck about. After promising to let him have a play with all of the gadgetry at his club the next day, I managed to get him to let me put the rifle back into its case, and let me start preparing for the last event; the combat round.


"Great score Lisa," Jennie said as I finished the loading and preparation of my HK, her vendors pass getting her past the security that made sure the public didn't just wander into the safe area. "You kicked arse out there again!"

"I kicked arse did I?" I asked sniggering at how silly she sounded saying that.

"Yes, you totally did," Jen replied, shoving me playfully. "Soohyun's got a six point lead over you now, but you'll get that back in the next round I know it."

I looked over at Soohyun, lording it over the other guys as he'd been doing for the last half hour; playing up the Alpha Male role for all it was worth. I think his ego had taken a bit of a knock after losing the pistol round to me, but he seemed much happier now he was out in front, the defence of his title back on track.

"What's up?" Jennie asked as I stared over at the little boys club in the corner. "What's the matter, you know you can win this."

"I know I can now Nini, I'm just not sure if I want to. It's not been an issue before, I never thought I stood a chance; now though, well look at him...he is my sodding boss after all."

Jen looked over at Soohyun, regaling his near perfect shoot to anyone that would listen, hands weaving through the air as he lovingly described the trajectory of every shot. Her head whipped around to me, her perfectly painted lips open in shock.

"You're not seriously considering..." she started, understanding my thought pattern instantly.

"No, not really Nini," I interrupted quickly, hoping she would believe the half truth.

"You can't Lisa, not after all your hard work; you just can't!"

"I'm not going to Jennie, it's just..."

She looked at me with disappointment and sympathy in her eyes. I smiled at her and winked; "don't sweat it Nini, just having a moment you know?"

"Well don't baby," she said, ignoring the fact that someone might overhear us, staring into my eyes. "Do this for yourself ok? Do it to prove how fucking good you are, to Soohyun, to Dad, to all of these fuckers."

"Yeah...yeah, you're right hun," I replied hoping to draw a line under things before they got out of hand. "We've both invested too much into this for me not to give it my best shot."

"That's the spirit, get out there and kick arse," she said putting her hand on my arm and squeezing gently. "Look, I need to be somewhere, but I'll come and see you before you go out?"

"You're going?" I asked a little surprised and disappointed, knowing that I was unlikely to be allowed into the boys club in the corner.

"Yeah, I've kind of got to," she said pouting. "Dad and Jisoo have promised that we'll meet a couple of prospective clients for drinks, we're planning to watch the combat event from one of the tents, they've put up some screens so we can see all the action."

"Oh," I said slightly deflated, "I thought you might have, you know..."

"Don't be silly Lisa of course I'll be there, I said I'll come down and watch you. I've already told everyone I was coming down to the front to cheer you on. A girl has to be seen supporting her big brave CPO you know?"

"Glad to hear that's the main reason for wanting to support me."

"Oh shush you know it's not; look I really do need to go. I'll be over as soon as I hear your name called ok?" I nodded and smiled. "Good," she said squeezing my arm once more, "now no more silly thoughts ok? You deserve to win this as much as Kim Soohyun, you're fucking awesome you know?"

"Yeah, thanks Nini," I said, spotting Soohyun looking over at the two of us. "I'll see you later yeah?"

"Course you will, wouldn't miss it for the world. Look, I wont be long ok? I lo..." she started to say the word and I cut her off quickly with a warning look. I'd come a long way, but there was a time and a place for statements that and this wasn't one of them. Not when we were surrounded by testosterone fuelled cretins on an adrenaline trip who would just love the idea of two girls together, let alone see it in front of their eyes.

"I'll see you later Miss Kim," I said as she got the hint and turned away. Eyes from the clique followed her as she weaved through the compound heading for the exit; eyes attached to chests that puffed out as she passed in order to look more impressive, chests that were attached to arms that nudged at their friends suggestively as Jennine walked away. I caught Soohyun's amused look as his little gang leered away; right then all I wanted to do was flip off the safety on the HK and start firing, such was my anger at seeing them lust after my girl. I turned my back on Soohyun and the rest of the wankers and busied myself with my kit, trying to calm down; unpacking and loading the pistol and the spare magazines I had purchased for the HK, just in case Soohyun's wishes came true and the C-Mag jammed.

There was so much to do to get ready, and it seemed like there was no time left to do it.


Ten minutes after Jennie went on her way, our names were drawn from a hat to determine the order for the combat run, personally I had no idea why we couldn't just go alphabetically, or in top to bottom order or something; but no, that wasn't sensible enough for our hosts. For some strange reason they wanted to add a bit of drama to the exercise, and so we all had to be paraded in front of the crowd; stepping up to the long table with the hideously tacky trophies on it and drawing a numbered ball from a drum.

As the leading competitor, Soohyun had the privilege of drawing first, with me drawing second. I drew the number nine, Soohyun had drawn number twelve; quite literally now the ball was in his court. Soohyun had a real advantage now, he would know exactly what he had to do to beat my score, and all he had to do was enough to keep his points lead. If I wanted to win I'd have to push as hard as I could and risk making a mistake; he could play it safe, it was that simple.

As was the choice that I was facing, put the hammer down, try to win and risk pissing off my boss; or take it easy, play it safe, lose and risk pissing off my girlfriend after all her efforts for me. A girlfriend that simply wanted me to do the best I could and bugger the result, a girlfriend that had told me she'd be proud of me whatever happened.

It was the rock and a hard place, I was definitely stuck between that same old rock and that very hard place. Either way this went down, there was a chance that someone was going to be mad at me. Happily for me the situation was solved fifteen minutes later as competitor number three was called to the arena.

"Hey blondie," Soohyun said as he walked over to my table, "buy you a coffee?"

"The coffee's free to us boss," I replied nodding over at the catering truck that was parked at the far end of our area; still a bit annoyed at his little gangs actions earlier.

"Jesus, I don't mean that swill, I mean buy you a proper coffee. Come on, grab your pass and follow me."

I dropped my HK and it's fancy magazine into the storage caseJennie had given it to me in, and locked it closed. I'd spent a long time feeding those rounds into the twin drums and I wasn't going to risk someone fucking with it to give them an advantage; explaining my actions at Soohyun's raised eyebrow and impatiently tapping boot.

"You're fucking kidding me right?" I said staring at me in disbelief, as if it was impossible to consider that anyone here would fuck with my kit; I mean ten thousand dollars is nothing these days isn't it?

"Hey," I replied defensively as we left the compound and walked over to the spectators areas, our 'working clothes' drawing a few funny looks as we passed people in smart suits and expensive looking dresses. "Like you keep telling me it's a sensitive piece of kit and prone to jamming; Jennie had it worked on by one of the factory gunsmiths to make it work better and I don't want it fucking up on me and giving you the win."

"About that," Soohyun said pausing as his eyes were drawn to a tall brunette in a short dress.

"Eyes front boss, or I'll tell Yea-ji," I joked watching the girl as she passed. "I'm sure she'd love to know you're already looking at other women now you've found out she's pregnant."

"Yea-ji would laugh in your face Blondie, me and her are as straight as a die," Soohyun laughed, "she knows I might look but not touch; unlike your Jennie. Besides, in my eyes Yea-ji has never been sexier."

"My Jennie is fine with me looking now Soohyun," I said snippily in response. "As long as I don't touch, or think about touching that is. We understand each other now."

"And would you?" he asked seriously, after placing our order with the barista behind the huge gleaming machine. "Touch or think about touching that is?"

"No, not really." I answered with a shake of my head.

"Gee, that's nice Blondie, it must be love,"

I raised an eyebrow at his sarcasm and decided to shock the cheeky grin off his face. "Yes boss, it pretty much feels like it is; not that I'm an expert on the subject."

To my intense pleasure, my words had exactly the effect I was hoping for; Soohyun's mouth falling open as I spoke.

"Yeah, came as a surprise to me as well," I told him with a smile, "sort of came out of the blue you know?"

"Well fuck me sideways with a telegraph pole blondie," Soohyun said cuffing me with his shoulder. "This sounds like a serious cause for celebration; me Yea-ji and our good news, you and Jennie and yours. I'm telling you this Lisa, I think we need to make this Friday night one to remember!"

I groaned internally at the thought, the last thing I wanted to be was the centre of attention, it really wasn't something I was comfortable with. It had been embarrassing enough to be 'lauded' by Woobin at his posh do that time; and that had been for something I did, not something I was. Fortunately he was distracted form further discussion by the arrival of our drinks and for a moment all was good in the world.

Soohyun handed me the steaming cappuccino and I added some much needed sugar and gently stirred it; listening carefully as the speaker system announced the time and score for competitor number five. It was taking a goodly amount of time between rounds, and the afternoon was already drawing late, they were going to have to speed things up or we'd be competing in the dark. Still the delays did mean that I had enough time to enjoy my drink before having to worry about going out again.

Soohyun and I sat down at one of the tables, far from the madding crowds that were drinking beer, and champagne and generally making an unholy noise in the spectators area, I felt conspicuously underdressed in fact I felt like some kind of a freaky Sarah Connor as I sat there, the gear I'd bought being more practical than smart. I'd opted for a similar set up to the gear I'd worn at Kim Manor, boots, black combats and a webbing vest with my gear pouches. My concession to the American summer was I'd replaced the jumper with a matching black vest top and a soft 'crap hat' and glasses to keep the sun out of my eyes. Jennie had looked at me, practically drooling, when she'd seen me; I have no idea why; really, there's nothing in the least bit sexy about boots and combats, no matter what she kept telling me.

"We need a chat Lisa," Soohyun finally said, taking a long sip from his drink. "It's important."

"What about boss?" I said tentatively, "Jennie?"

"No, about you and this competition."

"What about it?"

"A little birdie tells me you just might be considering letting me win this thing," he said frowning at me.

"Jennie told you that?" I accused, hurt that she'd grass me up like that.

"No," Soohyun said simply, "Jennie's told me nothing, Yea-ji on the other hand told me a lot."

"When did she talk to Jennie, we've only just had the conversation; I told her I wasn't considering it."

"Lisa, stop thinking about Jennie for one fucking second ok? Jennie hasn't said fuck all to anyone as far as I know, Yea-ji told me last night."

"Told you what," I replied, feeling happier now that I knew Jennie hadn't betrayed my confidence; and a little guilty that I'd been so quick to accuse her. Something else to work on I suppose, trust and confidence; I should really have known better.

"We were talking about you and Jennie, and Yea-ji told me that she thinks you're the sort of person that would sacrifice herself for others, that you're the sort of person would put themselves in the line of fire for a complete stranger, let alone someone they cared about. She also thinks that you're exactly the sort of person that would throw a competition to let their boss win."

He stared at me, his eyes boring into mine reminding me of his fiancée, of Jennie, of Joanna even.

"I told her that she was talking out of her ass, that you'd never do something like that; looks like I was wrong doesn't it?"

"I wasn't completely serious boss," I defended myself quickly, "But I never thought I had a chance at first, now that I do...well..."

"Well what?" he pressed, "What's the matter, don't you want to win? There's a lot of money riding on this Blondie, a ten thousand dollar cash prize you know?"

"Yeah, I know there is, but you want it more than I do Boss; the win that is, not the money. I just don't really care about winning this stupid competition and you do; it's as simple as that."

I took a slurp from my bitter tasting coffee, wishing it was as nice as the ones I'd shared with Jennie, and stared at the table. We didn't say anything for a while, sitting in silence until;

"Look Lisa, I want you to understand something ok?" Soohyun said, and I looked up at him apprehensively. "I want to win, of course I do, I'm a competitive kind of guy, I can't help who I am. What I really want though, is to win honest. I don't want my closest rival to throw a competition because I'm a 'mouthy arrogant twat that happens to be their boss'; Yea-ji's words by the way."


"But nothing Blondie, I want your best out there and nothing else. If I lose to you I want to know it's because you had more skill or a better day or something like that, ok? It would be more painful to know that I won because you let me, than it would be to lose outright."

"But.." I said again before being interrupted once more.

"No buts Blondie," he interrupted me back, his face serious. "I want your word Lisa Manoban, your word as a soldier, that you'll go out there and try to win."

I stared across the table at my boss, he looked so boyishly sincere in his request; his eyes almost pleading with me to give him my word. The thing was, I understood exactly how he felt; I would have hated for someone to have let me win anything. I fought for everything I won my entire life; and if I lost, I lost because I wasn't good enough.

"My word?"

"Your word Lisa, your word that you'll do this right, that you won't fuck up the game babe."

"I've told you not to call me that Soohyun," I replied instinctively.

"Don't try to change the subject blondie; your word please. Let's do this with honour yes?"

He held out his hand waiting for me to shake it. It hung between us like a bad smell until finally I reached out and grabbed it.

"Your word?"

"Yeah, I swear on my mothers grave," I said shaking his hand properly, "you'll get my best out there, I'll play the game, I promise." I meant it as well. I gave him an oath on the only thing, apart from Jennie's life, that meant a damn to me; and there was no fucking way I would swear on that; that's far too close to home.

"Good enough for me, more than good enough my friend," Soohyun said twisting his grip and grasping my hand. "May the best man win?"

"Or woman," I said squeezing his hand as tightly as he was squeezing mine.

"Or woman," he agreed winking at me. "Tell you what, you fancy a little wager on the outcome? Just between you and me?"

"I don't gamble boss," I replied seriously. "Besides, someone keeps promising me a pay rise so until then I don't want to lose any more money than I have to."

"I wasn't thinking money kiddo, I was thinking dinner. I win, you're buying dinner on Friday night; you win, dinner is on me. How about it?"

"You're on" I said spitting in my palm and holding out my hand. Soohyun repeated the age old gesture and shook it, sealing the wager.

"Done; Yea-ji knows a fabulous restaurant for us all to go to, it is rather expensive though."

"That doesn't matter boss, "I replied smirking at him and wiping my hand on my trouser leg. "You know if I have to pay I'll be putting it on my company credit card anyway; and I'm sure Sungjae will sign it off as entertainment expenses when he sees two clients and my boss on the form. If not I'll have a chat with Joy, I'm sure she'll persuade him to sign it for me."

Soohyun's laughter at my statement drew some unwelcome attention from some of the snooty looking fuckers that were walking by, looking down at us as if we didn't belong in 'their' area. Soohyun blithely ignored the stares and the mutterings and finished his drink, still sniggering to himself.

"Right, I think we'd better be getting back blondie;" he said finally, dropping his oversized cup onto its saucer and standing up. "It can't be long until you're up. Sooner you get going, the sooner I can beat your limey ass and show you who's the boss."

"Yes Soohyun," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "whatever you say."


Soohyun and I headed back to our tables just as competitor number eight was called, to my amusement it was the chubby little fuck that I'd nearly come to blows with earlier and I mouthed a quick prayer to the Gods for him to fall and humiliate himself in front of everyone. Not one more word about the possible outcomes of the competition was said between Soohyun and I; Soohyun, true to his word, seeming happy with my promise.

It didn't take me long to get myself sorted out, the preparation work already done. I spent a minute or so stuffing my spare magazines into my chest pouches, arranging them carefully so that they didn't rattle and distract me; but stacking them carefully, making sure they were easy to remove with the loop of string I'd attached. I hoped I wouldn't need them, hoped that I'd have more than enough rounds in the C-Mag to do the job. It as a risk, but if it performed as well as it had in training then it would be more than worth it, the time I would save not reloading giving me a real advantage.

Still one thing the Army had taught me, never take anything for granted, always be prepared for something to go wrong, especially when your weapon was made by for a Government contract. Being prepared cost you nothing and gave you everything; out in the field, no one ever dies from things going right, they die from not having the right preparation for when things go wrong.

Finally ready I slotted my back-up pistol into its holster, hefted the HK onto my shoulder and headed down towards the start gate just as my name was called. I could still hear the gunfire of my predecessor followed by a round of applause from the spectators that signified the end of the round. As I walked up to the start slot, getting ready to prepare myself for the run to come, I saw a familiar face waiting for me.

"Hey you, you ok?" Jennie said leaning over one of the metal rails that separated the competitors from the spectators.

"Fine," I replied grinning, "a bit nervous though."

"Why? You've got nothing to worry about, unless you're going to be a twat and let Soohyun win."

"I don't know," I said shaking my head, "and no; Soohyun had a word with me about that. Apparently Yea-ji is all fucking knowing and I got a warning; he made me promise to do my best to win."

"Good," Jen said authoritatively, "I really want you to win this."

"I thought you said it didn't matter how I did?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Shush, it doesn't; but that doesn't mean I don't want you to win as well. You're doing fantastically Lisa, you're right on Soohyun' tail you know? That was an incredible last round, you shot beautifully."

"Your rifle shot beautifully Jen," I told her. "I would have had my head handed to me on a plate without all that gadgetry."

"Well, I imagine it might have helped, but then lots of the others had help too didn't they? You were the one that managed to make the shots count, and six points difference is nothing."

"You say that Jen, I'm still behind though; and this is going to be a tough round. Soohyun's definitely got the advantage."

"Yeah, well I know you can do it, just do it like you did back at home, and I know you'll be great!"

I shrugged my shoulders in reply, causing her to aim a fake swing at my head. "Anyway, she said smiling and digging in her pocket, "I've got something for you."

With a broad grin she held out a stick of chewing gum, sliding it out of the silver wrapping to make it easier for me to take.

"Does my breath smell or something Jen?" I joked as I popped the minty stick into my mouth and chewed happily. "Is that what you're trying to tell me?"

"I'm trying to tell you that I want you to multitask Lili," she said quietly. "You told me once you could chew gum and shoot people. Prove it to me now, get out there, chew that gum and shoot those targets, no mistakes! I want a clean fast round lili, can you do that for me?"

"I can do that Miss Kim; wish me luck?"

"Always Miss Manoban, but like I said you don't really need it babes, you'll be awesome."

Our conversation was interrupted by the announcer calling my name, and one of the stewards began waving at me frantically to head out into the arena. I got a slap on the back from Jennie as I walked away; and, with my heart beating rapidly in my chest in anticipation, I walked past the barriers to the entrance.

It was a strange feeling as I stepped through the concrete block 'doorway' and out into the sunshine of the combat arena, rusting cars, barrels and fake walls laid out in front of me. I sensed, rather than saw, the spectators on their raised bleachers safely behind me, all sitting waiting for the next competitor to run the gauntlet for their pleasure. There was a ripple of applause as I slipped on my shooting glasses and cocked the HK, grasping onto the fore grip tightly; I'd added the vertical grip to the picatinny rail earlier in the week, much to Jennie's amusement. She told me that evidence proved that didn't make much difference to a shooters accuracy. I didn't care though, it made me feel better and that's all that mattered; it was a familiar grip on an unfamiliar weapon, and sometimes that kind of psychology is important.

I had no idea what I was about to face in the arena. All I knew was the basic layout of the course, but I had no idea where the targets would appear from, friend or foe. My eyes, however, were scanning the course in front of me for the bullet holes that might give me an indication of where the targets would appear from; untidy patterns of splintered wood a dead giveaway to the experienced competitor. I was surprised to see them to be perfectly honest, it was a sign that the previous shooters hadn't been controlled in their actions; presumably just 'spraying and praying' and hopefully missing the target along the way.

It was the little things that made the difference I'd been taught, the little things like looking for hints and controlling your shots. The one thing that I knew for certain about this competition was that it is a game of nerve and skill, I just hoped I had enough of both.

I could feel the familiar adrenaline coursing through my veins as I stared down the course, waiting for the sound of the hooter to begin the game. I pulled the stock into my shoulder and thumbed the safety off, setting the fire selector to burst. As it had done so many times before, time slowed down as I waited. I could take in everything as my peripheral vision kicked in, my mind and body tuning themselves in for the ordeal ahead. I could smell the familiar aroma of grease and oil from my weapon and the dry heat of the sun baking down on my face. If it wasn't for the cheers of the crowd behind me I could have been back in the deserts of Iraq or the barren foothills of Afghanistan, everything felt so familiar.

It was a good sign.

At the end of this round there would be a winner and a loser, and for the first time since I started this competition I wanted to be the winner. I wanted to win this thing outright and make Jennie proud, make Woobin eat his words, and show the world that Lisa Manoban was the real deal. Tell everyone that was watching that, like a phoenix from the flames, I was back in the game; a warrior reborn.

"Ready?" the controller called from his booth, little more than a table with a cover for shade. It was time, it was more than time, time to stand up and be counted. Time to become a winner, or a loser; time to see if I still had it. I nodded and began to breathe deeply, filling my lungs with precious oxygen, calming my racing pulse, readying myself for the chase. Within seconds of my nod the red light in front of me blinked into life, and I waited for it to go out.

Game on; time to be a winner.

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