Game Over

347 11 0

It happened like every other time the shit hit the fan in my life, in the blink of an eye. Between one racing heartbeat and the next the red light went out and I was off; rifle in my shoulder tracking the course with my eyes, hunting down the signs that would tell me that something was going to appear in front of me.

It was exactly as I told Hoshi back at Kim Manor, it was a balance between running the course fast and finding the accuracy that meant you didn't miss a hostile, or hit a friendly. As I stepped across an invisible line, things started to happen, the first stage appeared in front of me, tall grey 'hijacker' targets popping into view; some of them fixed, some of them moving. I brought the sights up to my eye line, the sight's bright red dot making things that little bit easier in the afternoon sun. I lined up on the nearest target as I sprinted over towards the first 'cover' spot, letting of my first burst and knocking the target flat; all three shots falling clearly in the kill zone, splintering the patched plywood. I knew it was important to make sure my shots were true; hitting the wooden target wasn't enough; you had to make sure you hit the figure as well, guaranteeing the 'kill' or risk losing points.

As I moved methodically from one spot to another, two more of the 'bad guy's' fell to the HK's beautifully accurate fire; two bursts of fire, six clean shots and I was through and clear. With the close targets eliminated I began to concentrate on shooting the more distant targets; the slightly longer barrel of the HK being a real advantage over my old C8CQB here; I flicked the fire selector to single shot and began picking off the targets, using the increased range to shoot without having to move again until they were all 'dead'.

I was really beginning to enjoy myself again as I fell into the regular rhythm; run and shoot, run and shoot, that's all there was to my life at that very moment, my nerves forgotten as the focus on the task consumed me. Run to the next spot, where I could get a clear shot, and squeeze the trigger, putting a burst of fire into the centre of the target. Run and shoot; it sounds so simple and looks so easy, but it's a combination of speed, reactions and nerve. It was a real skill, and it was a skill I had discovered in myself once more. Again and again the silhouettes appeared in front of me causing me to fire, or pull away as an innocent figure appeared; and again and again I sprinted from one place to another, my footing sure on the dusty surface.

With one final, three shot, burst, I smashed apart the wooden backing of the last 'hostile'; and I ran through the markers into the next section, a whole new set of targets magically appearing before me. As I dashed around a set of barrels, I had a real déjà vu moment as I brought up my rifle up to fire at the target that span around in front of me. It was just like that very first run at Kim Manor, when Minah had flipped the switch and shocked me into shooting the 'friendlies'. This time, however, I was better, sharper, more prepared; and I switched my aim instantly, shooting past the 'good guy' to the 'killer' beyond.

This section was more of a challenge, there were more 'friendlies' and more of the 'hostiles' hidden behind cover. I was forced to slow my relentless pace sightly, the adrenaline coursing through my veins causing my to curse under my breath at the delay. I wanted to be sprinting from one place to the next, running and gunning as I did so; but I knew it was useless, slowly and steadily I took it, maintaining my accuracy, avoiding those penalties, the penalties that would give Soohyun the win. Before I realised it I'd cleared that arena and was sprinting for the markers again.

The next section I came across was through a wooden frame, already showing the signs of errant rounds. It was obviously designed to be the 'kill house', the close quarter battle training simulator I had thrived on in the CPU. I was on familiar ground, now, it wasn't about pure speed and accuracy, no longer about running and shooting; now it was all about sure footedness and quick reactions; and as I made my way into the opened topped "building", I felt immediately at home.

Five hostiles and three friendly targets later I was hoping that I was on the final stretch. Time meant nothing in here, so focused I was on clearing each of the 'rooms', but I knew from some underlying instinct that I couldn't be far from the end; the previous competitors not taking all that long to complete their runs. As I swung the HK through a doorway, following the arrows on the floor to indicate the direction I needed to go, I faced every soldiers worst nightmare; the hostage situation. In slow motion three targets span around in front of me, two of them were the classic terrorist, the balaclava wearing figure carrying an AK47, six shots later they were both riddled with bullets and I was already drawing down on the last target; the one in the centre, the most difficult one to get right...the single sunglasses wearing 'hostile' with a huge moustache and a gun to the head of a child.

Knowing that every second counted I lined up the headshot and pulled the trigger, the barrel swinging into place in one smooth movement. As the recoil smashed into my weakening shoulder I sent the rounds into the head of the attacker, missing the hostage by the tightest of margins. In the real world I wouldn't be on that kiddies Christmas card list, but in my world it was better scared and alive, than stone cold dead.

As I looked for the next move a bright orange light started flashing and a hooter went off somewhere above me.

"End of round, make safe your weapon." A stentorian voice bellowed out over a concealed speaker, and I hefted the HK and clicked the selector to safe. Breathing heavily at the exertion, I unclipped the C-Mag; placing it on the floor and emptying the breech by cocking it three times.

"Weapon clear," I called out, holding open the breach and seeing it was empty as I peered in to check. With my usual military control I locked down the rifle and picked up the magazine, thanking the gunsmiths that tuned it in my head. It had acted, as Jennie had promised, flawlessly; I simply hoped that the time it had given me would be enough. Without warning, a door opened in the side of the 'building' and I made my way out through a narrow passageway to the safe area and the applause of the waiting crowd. Interrupted only by the sound of the voice on the speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, with a time of one minute and forty five seconds and no penalties; Miss Lisa Manoban of Close Protection. Miss Manoban takes herself back to the top of the leader board with her score, but with Kim Soohyun still to make his run it's all to play for here. A round of applause for Miss Manoban please."

I hadn't realised it, locked away as we were in the staging area, but the crowd here had been getting a running commentary on the competition; in fact for all I knew they'd been getting a running commentary on my run as well, the commentator probably pointing out every flaw, every mistake I had made. As the applause came again at the commentators words I scanned the crowd, looking for Jennie's familiar face...

...and felt my heart sink when I found it wasn't there.

"This way Miss Manoban please," a steward said gesturing for me to follow a set of railings to a large white tent. Before I was allowed in, my rifle and C-Mag were taken from me, my unused pistol and my assault vest full of ammunition going along with them. I was assured that they would be placed with the rest of my equipment in storage for after the competition, and it was then I realised why I hadn't see any of the other competitors back in the staging area after their runs. We were obviously being segregated from everyone else after our run was complete; presumably so we couldn't give friends or colleagues hints about the course.

I felt strangely naked as I walked into the tent, my tight black vest top exposing a little too much bare flesh for my liking. I could feel eyes upon me as I walked in, a faint hint of applause and more than a few mutterings at my score.

Right then and there I didn't give a flying fuck, because there, sat at a table at the end applauding wildly were my own personal fan club; Jennie and Minah Kim, both beaming at me proudly.

"Do you want a drink Lisa dear," Minah said as I made my way over and sat down, feeling suddenly weary as the adrenaline began to fade.

"Some water would be good thank you Minah," I replied and took a long swig from the bottle she handed me.

"That was incredible Lisa, I mean absolutely incredible. You absolutely hammered the other guys times," Jennie beamed, probably annoying the fuck out of everyone else around us. "The previous best round was one minute fifty two seconds, you smashed that to pieces."

"Yeah, but there's people still to come Jennie," I said cautiously, feeling the nervous energy that I had been running on sapping from my body as I spoke. "Not least Soohyun and he's really good."

"But this is his weakest round Lisa," a familiar voice said from behind me. "So don't write yourself off just yet." Yea-ji sat down at the table nodding her hellos to the Kim's. "I told you he was worried about you, now perhaps you can see why."

"I don't get you," I replied, before taking another long swig from the bottle, gulping down the cool liquid hungrily.

"This really is his weakest round Lisa, Soohyun isn't really suited for the running about shooting people like you are, it's not what he was trained for. He's going to have to be right on top of his game to beat you today."

"I've seen him work Yea-ji," I replied sitting back in my chair and looking at her carefully to see if she was winding me up. "he's better than me, weakest round or not."

Yea-ji and Jennie shared an exasperated look before rounding on me, I really didn't want their attempts at an ego massage and decided to change the subject, cutting them off at the pass.

"You and I need a chat as well Seo Yea-ji," I said quickly, before either of them could speak. "Someone has been telling tales out of school."

"Oh," Yea-ji said softly meeting my raised eyebrow with a frown, "I take it Soohyun had a word with you then?"

I nodded in reply and stared at her, watching with amusement as the implacable Seo façade began to crumble.

"What's this about?" Jennie asked suspiciously, too suspiciously for my liking.

"The conversation we had before that last round," I said cryptically, hoping she'd put two and two together without me having to say it out loud; walls and tents having ears as they say. "About someone and their 'all-knowing' nature."

"Oh, that!" Jennie said nodding her understanding. "Yes, we definitely need a chat about that Yea-ji."

"Tell me I was wrong," Yea-ji challenged, her eyes flicking between mine and Jennie's.

"You were wrong," I said coolly, lying like a trooper.

"More or less," Jennie added, "you did say you'd thought about it Lisa."

Yea-ji's eyes lit up at Jennie's admittance and I moved to crush her faint jubilation.

"I did say I'd thought about it Jen, but I also said I wasn't serious about it. I think about a doing lot of things remember? Doesn't mean I do anything about them, not at first anyway."

Jennie flushed slightly and looked away, at first I thought I'd embarrassed her by unintentionally putting her down, it was only after I saw Yea-ji and Minah looking at her with grins on their faces that I realised that my words could be misinterpreted.

"Oh sod off the pair of you," I said blushing myself as they both bit back smirks at our obvious embarrassment. "That's not what I meant and you know it; can't you try stepping out of the gutter for half a second?"

"We do dear, but it doesn't make it any less funny," Minah said completing my humiliation. "Now, you must be starving Lisa dear, Jennie said you haven't eaten since breakfast. I think we should have something to eat over in the spectators area, we have our own table; Yea-ji will you join us?"

"I'd love to, but I'll have to pass Mrs Kim," Yea-ji said formally, standing as she did so. "I promised Soohyun I'd be at the gate to wish him luck, apparently it's what all devoted partners do."

She eyed Jennie playfully as she said it, smiling as Jen blushed once more. "I'll leave you all to it, I hope you win Lisa, Soohyun is going to take me to my favourite restaurant if you do. The food is excellent there, and I am eating for two now."

"What happens if I lose?" I asked, before regretting my words at Yea-ji's raised eyebrow.

"I'm just positive you don't want to know," she replied in her best Southern belle accent, faking a swoon before laughing and saying her goodbyes.

I was just as positive she was right.


The three of us had a rather good lunch at the Kim's table in the large marquee Soohyun and I had sat outside earlier. We were in a private section at the back, screened off from view; a VIP area where only the privileged few could gain entry.

I'd been protesting that a light sandwich would do; but when I smelt the food that was being served, my stomach told me that I wanted something more substantial. Minah led us over to the table and I was surprised to see Woobin and Jisoo sat on their own, empty plates of food in front of them.

"Lisa love, that was fantastic," Woobin said standing as we approached. I wondered how he'd known about my run until I spotted the screens scattered around the area; huge flat screen televisions showing different camera shots of the arena, and the competitor that was running through it; their MP5 held loosely as they did. My professional brain was already scolding them for their sloppiness as I watched.

"Thank you Mr Kim," I replied tearing my eyes from the screen and slipping easily back into formal mode. "I'm quite pleased with that time as well."

"It's nice to know I picked the right person to look after my Jennie, I hope you have been keeping her safe while she's been here," he joked, "no slacking off to train for this competition I hope."

"Lisa's been doing her job perfectly Daddy," Jennie said defending me instantly. "She's always there when I need her."

"Oh yes," Jisoo said with a subtle smirk at her sister that Woobin totally missed. "These two are practically inseparable, sometimes you'd think they were joined at the hip."

"Well that is what I'm paid for Mrs Kim-Jung," I replied not failing to notice the subtle inflection in her voice, hinting at our relationship. "Isn't that right Mr Kim?"

Woobin, to my relief, nodded at my words, designed to neatly pull the rug from out of Jisoo's little sarcastic comments. "That's absolutely right Lisa, I'm so pleased that you take the responsibility so seriously; not that common with youngsters today I find."

"Yeah well..." Jisoo started, that look of mischief still on her face, "I think Lisa is very serious about sticking close to Jennie, aren't you Lisa?"

"Always," I replied simply, noticing Jennie's lips twitch into a smile at my words.

"Well now we've established that Lisa's been doing her job in your absence Woobin, is there anything you'd like? I thought I'd treat these two to lunch, you're welcome to join us of course." Minah interrupted our gladiatorial contest of jibes, with her invitation and I watched as Woobin's face faltered slightly. I was interested to watch these two together, I'd only really seen them amongst crowds of other people; at the ball and at the breakfast afterwards. Their relationship was always said to be 'perfect' however I knew the truth and I wanted to see how they acted to fool the masses.

"Oh that's a real shame love," Woobin said with a frown gesturing at the plates, "Jisoo and I just ate."

"Well that doesn't matter does it dear?" Minah said waving at someone on the other side of the 'room', "I'm sure you won't mind if we order something quickly while we wait for Soohyun' turn."

"Not at all, not at all," Woobin said magnanimously. "You go ahead, Jisoo and I were just about to pop off to go and see the guys from AMT anyway; we'll leave you to it."

"You don't have to do that Daddy; I'm sure Jay and Peter will understand." Jennie said, sitting down next to Jisoo and smiling her best fake smile.

"No, no," WOobin said, an artful hint of sorrow in his voice. "We did promise we'd see them this afternoon and now is as good a time as any. You ladies enjoy your lunch, come on Jisoo let's go see if we can't knock these guys down a few quid on that deal we have; I'll show you how the old man does business."

To her credit, Jisoo didn't exactly look best pleased as she got up to follow Woobin away, however she was all smiles by the time she caught him up; her 'daddies little girl' mask firmly in place.

"Good luck with that daddy." Jennie said absently as the walked around the corner and out of earshot; her voice dripping with honey, mixed with a healthy pinch of sarcasm.

"What's that Jennie?" Minah asked as she called over a member of staff to take our lunch orders.

"Dad and AMT, total waste of fucking time."

"Who are AMT?" I wondered out loud, pointing at the pasta dish on the menu and ordering a diet coke.

"They're one of our suppliers, I met with Jay and his boss on Monday. They were looking to tie us down to a longer contract so I sorted them out, for a price of course. I did tell Jisoo, and it was in my daily report to the office; but it looks like someone decided to ignore it. So daddy-dearest isn't going to get a 'few quid' knocked off our deal, because yours truly here has already done it. I've saved us a fortune if we get the new India deal and even the owner Peter is happy about it"

"Well done Jennie, once again you manage to pull off a miracle," Minah said enthusiastically. "Sometimes I wonder what exactly it is my husband does at the company he set up."

"So do I mum, most of the time in fact. There are days when I wonder if I'm the only one that does any real work there."

"Which days are those Jennie?"

"Ones that end in 'Y'."

We had a little laugh at Jennie's attempt at humour, even though we all knew it was in fact deathly true. To be perfectly honest I was too tired to be bothered and I left mother and daughter to it; half listening to their conversation, half watching the competition unfold on the flat screen TV's.

It was a surprisingly professional set-up, multiple well positioned cameras capturing all of the action as the competitors went by. Some high level shots were used to give an overview and some close action shots for the detail. Whomever was directing the cameras was doing a really good job of editing it all together; it really couldn't be easy trying to keep up with the action without a cameraman on the ground in the line of fire.

Frankly it seemed an awful lot of effort for a competition like this, but then there was an awful lot of money changing hands here, and I guess the expectations are just higher.

My viewing of the competition on the telly was curtailed by the arrival of our food, and I was pleased to see Jennie tucking into her chicken burger; the bun, burger and fries vanishing in a heartbeat. It made me feel good to see her appetite returned, it had been nagging away at the back of my mind all week, despite out little chat.

"You not eating that Lili?" Jennie said as I pushed my pasta around my plate. I'd eaten about half of it before discovering my appetite had vanished, being replaced with a gnawing anticipation that was eating away at me. I was so close to winning the competition I could taste it; yet I knew that it would be taken away from me in less than ten minutes time.

"I'm not really that hungry right now Nini," I said pushing the plate away from myself. Minah looking at me sympathetically.

"Nerves?" she asked as Jennie began hovering up my unwanted pasta like an eating machine.

"Not really," I replied, smirking as Jennie troughed down. "Perhaps just a little bit maybe." I confessed as Minah looked at me knowingly. "I guess I just want it over now really. Get the disappointment out of the way, you know?"

I got a snort and a stern look from Jennie over the table, her mouth fortunately full of spicy meatballs and cannelloni.

"I think Jennie is trying to tell you not to be so negative Lisa," Minah said laughing away.

"Don't know what you mean Minah," I said defensively, looking over at the girl that was chewing quickly to have her say too.

"Lisa dear, Jennie's absolutely right, you need to have more faith in yourself; and as for you Jennie," she said watching as her daughter noisily swallowed the mouthful of food. "You need to accept that Lisa isn't quite as full of herself as someone like, say, Jisoo is; and make some allowances. You also need to remember your manners at the table as well," she added frowning disapprovingly.

"Sorry mum," Jennie said chastened, "it's just...Lisa's so fucking good at what she does and I want her to remember that."

"Yes Jennie, I think we both know that dear," Minah sighed looking at us both. "...and I think we both know you do it out of love."

I found myself staring at Minag in shock as Jennie choked on the mouthful of food she'd just shovelled in.

"Honestly," she said, looking fondly at the pair of us; "what am I going to do with you two? Do you really think it isn't obvious to me how far this has gone?"

"We're trying to be discrete mum," Jennie said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "We don't want dad finding out about us."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," Minah said confidently, "your father can't see past the end of his nose most of the time; you know how self absorbed he is. I'm sure Jisoo takes after him you know. You on the other hand, I can read like a book."

"What gave us away?" I asked, the analytical part of my brain running around looking for what I needed to do to ensure we weren't discovered again. Far too many people seemed to have sussed us out, and that concerned me.

"You know, it's not just one thing Lisa, it's more a collection of things that when you add them up make it obvious. I knew you two had an attraction for each other the first time I met you. Then there was that time when Jennie shot you Lisa..."

"Yeah, well we don't need to go over that again Mum, that was an accident," Jennie interrupted, embarrassedly.

"and now it's pretty easy to put two and two together," Minah continued unfluttered. "You're extremely comfortable around each other, you share little looks now and again, like when Woobin was talking earlier for example, like an old married couple; and Jennie's just stolen your lunch Lisa and you never even blinked. Like you've been sharing a lot, like you've gone a little bit further with your relationship than the last time I saw you...

Minah stared me squarely in the eye, as if appraisingly before continuing. "...and trust me Lisa, if my daughter has taken that step with you, it must be love. She doesn't just sleep with every girl that comes along you know."

"MUM!" Jennie shouted, her cheeks flaming; all around us eyes began to turn our way at her exclamation and I could feel the hairs pricking up on the back of my neck as they did so.

"Now, now Minah love," Kim Woobin said appearing from the far end of the tent. "What are you doing to embarrass poor Jennie here?"

He sat down at the table, a bottle of beer in his hand, within seconds his shadow appeared; Jisoo smirking away as she say down looking at her sisters embarrassed face.

"Actually I was just telling Lisa how truculent she can be, I was telling her about the time when Jennie was seven and her and Jisoo..."

"MUM!" Jisoo exclaimed, suddenly blushing as hard as her sister, but presumably for a different reason. "You can't go around telling perfect strangers about things like that!"

"Jisoo dear, Lisa's hardly a perfect stranger now is she? As your father keeps saying she's practically one of the family now."

Jisoo muttered something incomprehensible at Jennie who barked back at her; I looked across at them quizzically. I'd heard Jennie talk to her sister like that over the phone and I had no more idea now, what they were saying to each other, than I did then.

"Sisters," Woobin said noticing my look, "it's their very own secret language. The girls have been using it for years haven't they love?" Minah nodded her agreement and Woobin continued, ignoring the looks he was getting from his daughters. "They used it almost exclusively with each other until they were about twelve and now they only use it when they want to keep their mother and I out of their conversation."

"We were nine daddy, not twelve." Jisoo said frowning at him. "I was nine when I decided that we were too grown up to speak like that any more."

She gave Jennie a superior look and I watched as Jennie's eyes hardened and her mouth opened to retort.

"Oh look," Minah interrupted, not a moment too soon. "It looks like Soohyun is ready to go."

I'd totally missed the announcement in the little conversation that had preceded Woobin's arrival; it explained now why he had returned to the table anyway. I stared at the screen as Soohyun prepared himself, pulling back the cocking handle on the familiar looking M4 carbine he was using, and digging his toes into the dirt for better purchase. A little red flag came on the screen, presumably indicating the start light I had gone off earlier, this was confirmed a second later when it vanished and the camera shot changed to see Soohyun sprinting across the dirt into the first section.

It was just like watching him in the arena at his club, he movements were fluid, not a jot of energy wasted. His rifle tracked with his head and target after target fell to his precise aim. Considering Yea-ji had said that this wasn't his strongest round he was doing a fabulous job of it; even his magazine changes were smooth, his fingers pressing the release lever and the new magazine locked in place before the spent one had finished dropping to the floor.

It was like a ballet of precise movements, economical, efficient and devastatingly effective. As much as I couldn't take my eyes off the motions of my boss as he ran the gauntlet; my eyes were half fixed on the clock at the top of the screen which was displaying my final time and Soohyun's current one; the numbers running by in a blur.

In what seemed like an impossibly short time Soohyun was through the outside sections and into the CQB building, his head moving left and right as he made his way carefully through the maze of windy corridors and half obscured rooms, the targets being dispatched cleanly as he went. The camera changed suddenly as Soohyun rounded a doorway, and I recognised the final room layout from my own run. Soohyun came into view at the corner of the screen and I watched as he raised his M4 and fired four quick bursts into the wooden targets that appeared in front of him. I saw his time freeze at the top of the screen as plywood splinters flew out as the last target fell. One minute and forty four seconds it read and I heard a sigh of disappointment from Jennie as she realised that he'd beaten me by one second. That one second being more than enough to keep him above me for the combined title. Sure I'd won the pistol shooting, but he'd taken the last two rounds and proven himself the better, or more practiced soldier.

I looked away from the screen and began mentally rehearsing what I'd say to him in a couple of minutes when he and Yea-ji would make their way into the tent to the applause of the crowd. Sure there were other competitors to go, but with their previous scores it would take a Herculean effort for anyone to catch him now. I was the only one with a chance, and I'd blown it; it was game over, victory Soohyun.


I was still contemplating my misery when I felt a pat on my back and I looked up to see Minah regarding me sadly.

"Never mind Lisa, it was very well done," she said as I looked at the screen to see Soohyun making his weapon safe and walking out of the chamber, kicking the doorway as he went past. I stared fascinated at the screen, ignoring the consoling comments that were being passed to me from the Kim's, wondering why Soohyun looked so pissed off. His whole body language said that he was annoyed at himself for something, but for the life of me I couldn't understand why. I could only assume it was because he thought that his time was longer than he needed, because from what I'd seen he'd had the perfect round.

"What's up with him?" Jennie asked and I looked around to see that she too was staring at the screen with a frown on her face. I was about to answer when I saw her eyes light up, a broad smile appearing to follow. She looked across at me, excitement written all over her face, and I looked back at the screen to see what she had spotted that I hadn't.

There it was, right in front of my eyes. Soohyun's time in the corner was framed in red with a large 'P' next to it. The camera was focused on one of those last targets, the important one, the man with the hostage. There were bullet holes in the bad guy as you would expect, three neat holes perforating the head, the 'tache and glasses obliterated by the tight grouping; but, inconceivably, the camera panned across and there in the centre mass of the little girl with her light coloured pigtails was another group, just as neat, just as expertly shot; just in exactly the wrong place.

Soohyun had hit a friendly...

CSoohyun had hit a fucking friendly and got a penalty for it...

I'd only gone and fucking won...I'd only gone and won the whole fucking competition!


There was a weird feeling of numbness as I heard a whoop of joy from Jennie, a celebratory cry that signalled her happiness at my triumph. I vaguely felt another, harder pat on the back and dimly heard Minah congratulating me.

I could feel my pulse pounding in my head, every part of me wanted nothing more than to jump to my feet and shout 'YES!' as loudly as I could. Unfortunately there were two things that were preventing me from doing so. Firstly I'm sure it's not the done thing in a VIP section of a tent when you're surrounded by your employers; and secondly, I couldn't actually feel my legs right at that moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, with a time of one minute and forty four seconds and one penalty; Mr Kim Soohyun of Close Protection. A round of applause for Mr Kim please, for a fine defence of his title."

The speakers blared out the result, confirming what the screens had displayed. The camera changed to the results table, my name still in first place, Soohyun slipping into the table immediately below me. I had no idea how the scores were worked out, and frankly I didn't care; the five points that separated us were clear and, barring that miracle round, no-one else could catch me.

"Well done Lisa," I heard Woobin say from his seat next to Minah, "I knew you could do it." He leaned across his wife and cuffed me on the arm with one of his ham sized fists in congratulations. "Looks like I'd better get my cheque book ready."

"There are still other competitors Mr Kim, I haven't won yet."

"Well, I don't know about that," Soohyuns drawl cut through my mental fog. "I'd say it's just a matter of time Blondie; I'd start preparing your speech, if you haven't already. I sure hope I get a mention at least."

I turned to look at him, he looked as cocky as ever, but I could see the pain of disappointment in his eyes. He really did want this and once again I felt like a fraud.

"Congratulations Blondie," Soohyun said extending his hand to me. To my surprise as I took it, he dragged me from my seat and wrapped me up in a bear hug; lifting me from my feet easily and spinning me around. "Fucking well done girl, you've done us proud!"

"I had you beat though girl," he whispered as he put me down once more, his lips to my ear so no one else could hear him. "I had you beat right the way up to that last target."

"Don't tell me," I whispered back, my stomach falling. My brain was telling me that it was obvious what he'd done, throwing the round at the end to gift me the win. "You didn't, you made me promise Soohyun."

"Oh no blondie, you beat me fair and square," he replied releasing me and speaking normally. "I saw my name up there in lights at the end and wasn't paying attention; you know how it goes Lisa, lose focus and someone gets hurt or killed. I lost focus today and I lost, simple as that. Looks like dinner is on me tomorrow night."

"Dinner sounds like a great idea," I heard Woobin bellow from behind me. "I think a celebration for Lisa's win here today is in order."

I caught Jennie's eye as I sat down, a wry look shared between us at the thought of yet another Kim family get together. The last thing I wanted to do was spend the evening putting on a front; in fact the only thing I really wanted to do right now was climb into the pool at the hotel to wind down and then spend an hour or five in their Jacuzzi tub letting the bubbling water ease out the kinks.

"I think I'll have to take a rain check there Woobin," Soohyun said quickly. "I'll be honest with you, this afternoon has took a chunk out of me and all I want to do is head back to my hotel and hit the showers. Maybe spend the evening wondering what might have been you know?"

Woobin nodded sagely before looking at me. "I can count you in on my celebratory dinner though Lisa, guest of honour, triumphant victor carried in by her adoring fans."

I grinned wryly at the image of being carried anywhere, let alone by my 'fans' and shook my head.

"I might have to pass as well if you don't mind Mr Kim, as Soohyun said; today takes a lot out of you and I'm not as fit as I was six months ago. My old war wounds are aching quite a lot right now and I think a hot bath and bed are the order of the day. Besides, by the time we get away from here I presume it'll be quite late."

"Well I won't say I'm not disappointed in the pair of you," Woobin replied shaking his head. "But I guess I understand; looks like it's just family Kim for the celebrations then."

There was a general sharing of looks at Woobin's announcement; unsurprisingly only Jisoo seemed in any way pleased about the idea of a family meal, to my amusement Jennie looked mortified and I tried to think of a way to tease her about it later.

"Miss Manoban, Mr Kim?" a strange voice said from behind us. I turned to see a man in a smart suit standing to the side of the entrance way.

"Yes?" I asked, wondering what the hell was going on.

"If you would like to follow me we have some details to arrange before the presentation ceremony, we would also like to have some photographs taken, just to ensure that we have them, you understand?"

"It's just a formality Lisa," Soohyun said at my confused look. "Like I said it's only a matter of time before your declared the winner and they want to get the fancy pictures done now so they can pose you like a dummy."

"Pictures?" I asked, not liking the sound of that one little bit.

"That's right blondie, pictures. You're big news in the industry now li'l darling; you and me taking first and second, well, that's going to be worth a fortune for us. We'll have people begging to sign us up."

"I don't know boss..." I started and stopped as he clapped his burly arm around me.

"Think of all that free publicity Blondie, this is going to be great. I can see it now, 'the rising star of Close Protection narrowly pips the boss to the post as they dominate Arms Expo 2010'"

His eyes glazed slightly, to the amusement of the Kim's, as he waxed lyrical about our 'impending' headlines. Personally I wasn't happy. This was a totally unwanted side effect of winning the competition, fame and fucking fortune. As Soohyun led me away from the table and towards the waiting 'suit' I felt a stone settle in my stomach. The last time I'd appeared in the press it had brought a lot of shit out of the woodwork, I just prayed that it wouldn't do it again.


Many hours after the event was over, I eased my aching body into the small public Jacuzzi by the hotels pool and sighed as the warm, bubbling water began it's work. From the moment that Soohyun had led me away from the tent I hadn't stopped, photograph after photograph they had demanded, and interview after interview.

I hadn't seen Jennie since then either, except for one fleeting moment as I was handed my trophy in front of the dwindling crowd and had to make my acceptance speech.

"Well I certainly didn't expect this," I'd managed to say, forgetting almost instantly the 'helpful' prompts from Soohyun about how to handle the unexpected attention. "I believe this is the time when I get to thank a few people for making this happen, but as I've just beaten the man that roped me into this competition, who happens to pay my salary, I think I should just keep quiet, and stay employed".

To my surprise I got a ripple of laughter at my quip, and holding onto my courage I pressed on with what I wanted to say.

"But seriously, thanks to Soohyun for the opportunity and for the close competition, it's nice to know that someone that good has my back if ever I need it."

"Same here," Soohyun heckled from the side of the presentation area, his second place trophy resting on the floor by his feet.

"and I must say thinks to Woobin and Jennie Kim of Kim Industries for the sponsorship, I have to say I doubt that I would have actually beaten Soohyunwithout the equipment they provided for me. Soohyun keeps telling me that talent wins through, but winning is a lot easier with the right kit as we all know. Thanks guys,"

I caught Woobin's approving look as I led the applause, I think I'd managed to score some more brownie points with him for that. I knew he'd be using that for all he could, and probably me along with it.

"Finally I have a special thank you to Minah and Jennie Kim. It's my job to make sure that the Kim family come to no harm on my watch and it's a job I take very seriously. But even though they're my employers they have extended the hand of friendship, they've gone out of their way to give me the opportunity to train for this event; even digging up their back garden to build a shooting range for me to practice on before I flew out." More laughter followed this revelation. "Anyway, even above that they have both encouraged me and have never stopped believing in me, even when I told them that I didn't have a chance here today. So for that my thanks, I doubt I could have done it without you."

Minah beamed at me from where she was playing the loving wife, arm in arm with her husband. Jennie stood next to him looking on at me proudly as I thanked the organisers and the crowd, raising the monstrous trophy one last time for the last batch of photographs. It was the last time I saw her that afternoon, by the time I got away she had been whisked off by her father, a note being left for me at the hotel when I got there.


Fucking dad, arrgghhh!!!! Look, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you before we left. Dad met one of his friends and insisted we leave, wouldn't take no for an answer either. Don't worry by the way, Tim is along with us so I'm safely looked after, not that we're in any danger here. I'll be back as soon as I can.

I'm so fucking proud of you I could burst you know that? I can't wait to get you alone so I can tell you how proud I am; you were fucking incredible today, you are fucking incredible and I love you to bits.

Wait up for me?


She had signed off the note with three kisses, and added a smiley face and a heart for good measure. Six months ago I'd have destroyed this note, like I'd destroyed every single sappy little note that Amy had sent me; usually burning the paper to make absolutely sure that the guys couldn't find it, read it and take the piss. Now, however, I couldn't do it. I went to tear it up, but something stopped me, something made me fold it neatly, place it back in the envelope and tuck it away in my travel bag; hiding it in the suitcase lining for safety.

I didn't know if it was me, if it was her or if it was a combination of the two that had done it, but somewhere along the line I'd changed...

...and as I stretched out in the water, I hoped it was for the better.

I lay in the bubbling spa, feeling my muscles un-knot as the warm water lapped around me, eyes closed remembering that look, that simple look of love and pride that Jennie had given me as she had looked up at me from an applauding crowd.

I liked that look, I decided. I liked that look a lot.

I heard the door to the tiny spa open and opened my eyes a fraction to see a robe slip to the floor and a pair of legs step into the Jacuzzi opposite me. I closed my eyes again in disappointment, I was enjoying the peace and quiet and I was annoyed that I now had to share it with one of the other guests. I was of a mind to get out of the pool and head back to my room when I was startled out of my thoughts by a foot touching my calf. It wasn't like it was an accident either, the toes had quite deliberately ran down my leg to my foot and I jerked away and snapped my eyes open... stare into the brown eyes of the woman I knew that I unashamedly loved.

"Hi there," she said brightly, "do you normally let complete strangers play footsie with you."

"All the time," I teased, safe in the knowledge that those little misunderstandings were behind us. "thought you were out with the family."

"Mum got me out of it, dad was fucking about with one of his cronies drinking whiskey before the meal so she said we were leaving. Even Jisoo walked away, I don't think he even noticed."

"So you haven't eaten then?" suddenly realising how hungry I'd become.

"No," Jennie replied stretching her arms out on the sides of the spa pool and sighing contentedly, "and I'm starving as well Have you eaten yet?"

"Nini you ate your dinner and mine earlier, how the hell can you be starving love?" I asked utterly gobsmacked.

"Cheeky," she said pushing me with her dainty little foot. I caught it with my hand and cupped her heel, running the fingers of my other hand along the strong muscle of her calf. "I was nervous anyway, you can't tease me for eating when I'm nervous."

I frowned at her, my hand pausing mid-caress.

"What?" she asked cocking her head at me.

"I thought you said you don't eat when you're nervous, that's what you told me on Sunday when you were scaring me shitless by starving yourself."

"That's different love," she said soothingly, stretching out another lithe leg, her foot reaching out to prod my arm insistently. "I was nervous for you earlier."

"You were nervous for me, so you ate a shitload of food?"


"But you were starving yourself because you were nervous last week," I said, really not getting it.

"Yes, that's right baby, I was; I was nervous for me then, I always find I can't eat when I'm nervous for me, but I can't stop eating when I'm nervous for someone else. When we were thirteen Jisoo got hit in the head with a hockey stick at school, total accident of course, or so everyone thought..."

"Wasn't it?" I interrupted, the investigator coming out again.

"Maybe it was, but I was never convinced. The girl that hit her claimed it was an accident, talked her way out of it as well. Thing was Jisoo had been a bitch to her all term and I think she just lost it. Anyway, that's not the point, the point was I ate my way though my entire sweet hamper while I waited to find out how she was; and I ate most of hers when they kept her in overnight. I couldn't stop eating the whole time, it's been the same ever since. I'm nervous for me I can't eat; someone else, can't stop."

"You're very strange," I said to her, stroking her leg gently."

"Yeah well, you asked."

I settled down into the water, cradling Jennie's feet in my lap, massaging her legs and running my fingers between her toes. We soaked away in silence the bubbling of the water a replacement for conversation. It was one more thing I loved about Jennie, she was self contained. There were times when I couldn't shut her up, that was undeniable; but there times like this where she didn't need to fill the spaces with noise, where she was happy to sit in blissful silence. She was not in the slightest like Amy, who could never just sit like this, never just allow herself to relax and be quiet; endlessly talking, not caring who was around.

"Lisa," she said after about ten minutes of heaven. "As much as I want to stay right here and let you do that, I'm starting to get all wrinkly. Want to go back to our suite and order food?

"Sounds like a plan hun," I said letting go of her legs and stretching. "Gods I ache, even this hasn't helped."

"I have the very thing for you back in your room," Jennie said cryptically turning her back on me and pushing her way out of the pool, the water trickling down the back of the swimsuit that clung to her buttocks, leaving almost nothing to my imagination. I sat back and enjoyed the sights as she, very deliberately, slicked the water from her body and pulled on the robe that had been dropped on the floor.


Like the answer was going to be no.



"Oil Lisa, not oils. Just a lovely lavender scented oil to give you a nice aromatherapy massage. Lavender to relax you, and a good massage to ease those aches. Got to look after my trophy winning girlfriend; now get that suit off and get on that bed."

"You don't have to do that Nini," I said stripping off my swimsuit as ordered. "Besides I'll make the bedding all wet."

"Then we'll sleep in my room tonight," she replied peeling off her own swimsuit and towelling herself down. "Come on, stop complaining and get on the towels babe; let me do this for you, trust me you won't regret it."

With a grin at her forcefulness I slid my stiffening body onto the towels she had laid out carefully on the bed; resting my head sideways and shuffling until I was comfortable. I heard her walk away from me and hum to herself over by my dresser and then the room was filled with music as she turned on the radio. I heard Jennie drop her towel to the floor, felt the bed sag slightly as Jennie climbed on and then came the pleasurable feeling of her naked body settling over the small of my back, her weight resting on my backside.

"You ok baby?" she said as she stretched out my arms, her weight shifting as she leaned over me. I grunted in reply, not wanting to speak.

"Good, now just relax ok, I want you to do nothing else but lie there and relax."

It wasn't long before I was doing exactly that; Jennie's hands turning my muscles to butter. There was no denying my girl had skills, in fact she was incredible. As I lay on that bed her long, powerful hands pushed up my spine, gently pressing on each vertebrae before spreading out over my shoulders, her thumbs driving them on. As her fingers edged over my shoulder they squeezed gently and rotated, her thumbs circling my bony shoulder blades, the movement and pressure untangling the bunched knots that the spa hadn't shifted.

"God your tense babe," she said as I groaned with pleasure as her hand hit the proverbial spot. "This is going to need a bit of work I think."

"No hurry," I mumbled before groaning again as she began to knead away at the tight muscle, her hands siding easily under the wonderfully smelling massage oil.

"No," she agreed, "no hurry at all."

For the next twenty minutes she worked over my body, her touch both delicate and hard as it was needed. From head to toe she pushed and pulled, kneaded and squeezed until my body was buzzing and my head was mashed. I'm sure there's only so much pleasure like this I can take before I would actually die; Jennie Kim was going to massage me to death and there was absolutely nothing I could, or would, do about it.

"How you feeling now honey?" Jennie asked finally easing up and sitting back on my butt, her hands resting on my waist.

"Great," I murmured, "absolutely great."

"You look it too," she said and I felt her lean forward and run a single finger up my back, slipping over the oiled skin tracing the spine of my red dragon. "I love this tattoo you know, I really fucking love it. It looks fantastic right now; it gleams, they look almost alive."

"Thanks, I'm really proud of it; it means a lot to me. Took fucking ages to get done too."

"It was worth it," she said her hands running up and down it, even down to tracking the kanji down the side. "You never did tell me about it."

"What do you want to know," I said, melting under her touch once more as that single digit roamed across my shoulder blade and all the way down my spine to the base.

"What does this say?" she asked her nail cutting through the oil as it scraped my skin over the lettering.

"Mother and daughter," I replied simply and winced as her nail accidentally dug into my flesh.

"Oh Lisa," she said wonderingly, running her hands back across my tattoo lovingly; pressing against the skin delicately as if it was the most precious thing she had ever handled. "I can see it, I can totally see it. You're the little blue dragon aren't you?"

"That's me," I replied simply, "my mum and me; red and blue, fire and ice."

I grunted as Jennie's weight shifted on my body, feeling her bare skin press across my back, her stiff nipples poking into me as she lay down against me, her arms pressed against mine, our fingers entwined; a double crucifix splayed out on the covers.

"Baby, you're anything but ice," she whispered into my ear. "I don't know why you think that. You're a wonderful, wonderful person, you care so much about everything. How can you believe you're like ice?"

"It's just the way I am Nini, don't tell me you haven't thought I was an ice cold bitch once or twice over the last couple of months."

"Once or twice," she admitted, sliding down my glistening body and placing a kiss on the spot where I knew the head of my dragon was etched into the skin. "But I also know that you're only like that because you're passionate and caring, about the job, about me, about everything. I think your mum would be proud of you Lili, in fact I know it. I've known you for such a short amount of time, and I'm so proud of you I feel I can't even contain it."

We lay like that for a while, my massage being completed as Jennie shifted her weight around on my back, her lips working their way up and across my shoulders and neck until I was sure she wasn't just kissing me, she was making love to my dragon. Eventually though the inevitable happened, Jennie sat up and shifted her weight off me; my body feeling the slight chill of the air conditioning as she got up.

Slowly, so as not to ruin the good work she had done I rolled onto my back and looked up at her, as she squatted next to me, her hands on her thighs.

"You're pretty wonderful you know that, providing me with guns and massages," I said looking up at her naked body, her eyes shining as I spoke. "I think I'll spend my winnings on getting you cookery lessons, then you'd be the perfect girlfriend."

"You know I think that's the first time you've called me that," she replied sliding herself onto me once more, my stomach twitching involuntarily as her neatly sculpted pubic hair tickled it as she sat down. "It's nice."

"That's the problem with a secret love affair Nini, I don't get to introduce you as anything but my boss."

"Or your package," she replied, leaning forward and running her hands over my body once more.

"Yeah," I said slipping my own hands up her smooth skin, caressing her sides softly before running them lightly over her breasts; smiling at her sharp intake of breath as the rough pads of my thumbs scraped across her nipples.

"But what a package it is," I said throatily as she lowered herself down, her lips attacking my neck. "They do say great things come in small sizes, and they're certainly right when it comes to you love."

"Shush Lili," she rasped as she nipped at my earlobe, "just shush."

"I thought we were going to order room service babe," I whispered, wrapping my legs around her as she slipped down my body, her tongue darting, tasting my skin.

"We will," she said before her mouth enveloped my own nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure through my body.

"Later," she clarified, that husky, lust filled, voice managing to turn me on almost as much as her touch. "Much, much later..."


I lay staring up at the ceiling, as the moonlight from the window painted cobwebs of light and dark on the white plaster. It was long after midnight and Jennie was fast asleep, her red hair spread out over the pillows and me as she curled up by my side in my room, our room.

I had a discovered a special love for this room and for this bed; the crisp white sheets acting almost as a protective blanket for the two of us. Here in this room there were no dangers, no mutterings and no funny looks. There was no snide comments from Woobin and no sarcastic jibes from Jisoo Kim-Jung. In this room, there was just me and Jennie, and the love we both shared, a love I was still coming to terms with, but a love I felt as deeply as the one I had for my mother.

I loved this room for what it meant to me, the place where I had finally began the path to commitment, the place where I began to accept that I could live and love.

If love was about winning and losing, I now knew I was a winner; game over, mission complete.


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