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Krishna's feet were touched by Draupadi as she approached him. He had her stand and say, "May Mahadev be happy. Glory to the gorgeous son of Pandu ! Glory to the most beloved wife of Arjun". Krishna gave her a bear hug and kissed her on the head. The scene was incredibly relaxing for all who witnessed it. Krishna and Draupadi have a sibling-like resemblance in their bond, which is evident in the way they interact with each other. Their friendship and love for each other are a true testament to the power of pure and unconditional relationships. 

 Seeing the interactions between the two closest friends , Arjun smiled with pride. Rukmini blessed him as Nakul touched her feet. She then turned to Draupadi and gave her a strong embrace. Rukmini kissed her cheeks and gave her a firm hug while chanting, "May Mahadev be pleased, Appreciation to the supreme being, Glory to Arjuna's woman." Draupadi responded to Rukmini, "May Mahadev be delighted, thank you Queen of Dwarika. 

In a sense, Rukmini and Draupadi were like sisters who shared everything in their lives, not just sister-in-laws and closest friends. They share an unbreakable affection and respect for one another. Both Draupadi and Rukmini have extraordinary affection for each other's offspring also. Draupadi was given a bear embrace by Sathyabhama, who also kissed her cheeks. She murmured, "May Arjun's Queen be glorious, victory to Mahadev." "Victory to Mahadev, Glory to Devaki's son and daughter of Satrajith ," said Draupadi as she clasped hands with Sathyabhama.

"My Satya, Where are our heroic kids? Bhanu and Pradyumna? Draupadi enquired. Satya said, grinning at Draupadi, "My Sweetheart, I searched them for the last hour. They must be practicing sword. 'My courageous Sister , Our resilient sons Pradyumna and Bhanu are here, so let your heart be free of fear " , said Rukmini. " Victory to Mahadev ; may the empress be delighted. Pradyumna remarked, "My heartfelt greetings and prayers to the Daughter of Drupada. Pradyumna and Bhanu each touched Draupadi's feet, and Draupadi grinned joyfully. They were made to stand while she stroked their heads.

 "My brave sons, My pure souls" said Draupadi , Two of them gave her firm hugs, and she returned. Pradyumna and Bhanu both exclaimed " Glory to Mother Krishnaa" at the same moment. Sathya held Pradyumna by his shoulder and said, "I heard, my Pure ones, that you are going to take over the duties of some imperilled villages of Dwarika. My Sons, can you talk about it?"  . 

Pradyumna said, "Well, My heroic mother, I was assigned the command of all endangered villages of Dwarika, including Northwest Dwarika's villages. Sathyabhama embraced Pradyumna with uttering , "Victory to Mahadev, Hail Uma's husband, My brave boy," before giving him a tight hug.  Draupadi and Rukmini both cast proud glances in the direction of Pradyumna. Draupadi planted a kiss on Pradyumna's hair and hugged him on the side. Draupadi cried out, "Thanks Mahadev , My brave son, hail Krishna's son."

The love Draupadi bestows on Krishna's offspring is unconditional, and Rukmini loved the pair for it. As though they were her own boys, she adores them. Draupadi abruptly observed Bhanu lowering his head in dismay. She addressed him gently, "And you, My brave boy of glorious neck, What responsibility you took," as she gently patted his shoulder.  "My Janani, I was not given any responsibility," Bhanu remarked. Sathya's expression darkened, and Rukmini and Draupadi's predicament were both plain to see. Bhanu remarked, "My apologies, My Brave Queens, I was not able to raise your name.

Rukmini approached Bhanu and lightly stroked his shoulder. "Victory to Mahadev, My Little Lamb , This is a test that the Lord of Lords has laid before you. The moment has arrived for you to sharpen your abilities so that no one would dare question your brilliance or fortitude. My courageous son, I am confident you will pass the exam, murmured Draupadi at his side, holding him. "May Uma's lord be pleased," she said. Rukmini gave Draupadi and Bhanu hugs while saying, "May Uma's lord be pleased, Victory to my brave son, Victory to Yadava Clan." Pradyumna walked right into Draupadi's arms and promptly closed his eyes while placing his head on her chest. Draupadi kissed his forehead and stroked his hair.

Arjun proudly observed what was happening. He was now persuaded that the Pandavas' offspring were fortunate to have a mother like her. Now he knows for sure that in her arms, his boys will be secure. He believed that Abhimanyu is very blessed to have been born into the Pandava Clan, which is headed by such a powerful and loving Mother. 

Arjun's Pov 

I was drowning in sorrow as I observed my brother and my wife's intimacy. I felt a feeling of comfort when Madhav contacted me out of the blue. I witnessed my darling receiving blessings from Madhav, who acknowledged her as my most cherished Queen in doing so. The phrase "Arjun's Beloved" that Madhav used to refer to her made me grin; it is the most befitting title for my love, My Krishnaa. 

 Madhav suddenly gave my Krishnaa an embrace. I initially felt a twinge of envy at the sight, but it quickly changed to appreciation. They appeared to be sibling-like. I do occasionally feel like they are brother and sister when I see them. Even though Madhav claims she is his companion I have a sneaking suspicion that he cares for her on a level greater than Subhadra. 

As his sister, I occasionally had the impression that he loved her more than Subhadra. At first, it would seem as though he is doing everything for Subhadra, but in the end, I realised that Draupadi profits from all he does. He never intends to harm her, but his actions unintentionally do. He claimed that my marriage with Subhadra is inevitable . Later on , there would be a situation where Draupadi faces challenge on her parenthood , Subhadra is the main individual who will assume a significant part in helping Draupadi . He speaks in riddles as usual, making it incredibly challenging to comprehend Madhav and his puzzles.

She then gave my friend Sathya and Krishna's eldest wife a bear embrace. It's very astonishing how well sisters get along. Panchali does attract people. People are drawn to her readily, even the Brahman in her Swayamvara who stepped forward to garland her  because he could not bear to see her marry another Kshatriya. That Brahman, who was enamoured with the princess of Panchala, is still present inside of me.

As she gave Prince Pradyumna an adorable embrace, I couldn't help but see our own boy being held by her. Our son will receive the greatest attention from everyone since he is the youngest Upapandava. He will win the affection of my other sons, the Upapandavas, and Son of Subhadra. I pictured myself and Panchali fighting over who gets to hold our kid. He will be shielded by my daughter, who is presently growing within my darling. 

I felt a tinge of envy since she is now carrying my brother's kid during the time that was set aside for me and her, even though the life within her womb is as precious to me as my own children. I don't blame her.  It was my stupidity to think Subhadra should carry my first child as my darling deserve some time to adjust with my actions and I can't force my desire and feelings on her . I thought I would give her some time to accept me and forgive me meanwhile I will give Subhadra a son , then I can get my Krishnaa all by myself .I had believed that Subhadra's son would bring us closer, but I now see how much further away she has grown from me. She longs for Our Brave Boy, our own creation, just as much as I do, but she is not yet willing to accept.  

End of Arjun's Pov 

Then Draupadi and Nakul asked Satrajith for his blessings, and Satrajith gave them both a firm embrace. Draupadi immediately approached Anasuya, Satrajith's wife, and gave her a hug while Satrajith kissed her forehead.  

Panchali was pleased to have a big brother like Satrajith who serves as both a father and a brother simultaneously. Her adored sister-in-law, who is married to him, treats her like her own daughter. It's really endearing to see a mother and daughter bond. Draupadi felt fortunate to know Anasuya would love her kid as her own and that her child would experience her affection. 

 The eldest son of Satrajith, Paranjaya, abruptly touched her feet. Draupadi caressed his face with a big grin as her eyes began to well up with tears. She gave Paranjaya a bear embrace and said, "My brave Lad." She exclaimed, "My Paranjaya, My Bull Bannered Son." Paranjaya was crying. More than an aunt, Panchali was like a mother to him.

Panchali felt the affection of her entire family, including the Yadavas and the Panchalas. Kunti also revealed that King Dhritarashtra and Queen Gandhari are excited to meet Draupadi.

 The family members were chatting among themselves while seated in a circle. Nakul requested something out of the blue that stunned everyone and broke Arjun's heart. "Mother Kunti Can I move my pregnant wife from Brother Arjun's to my mansion since she is expecting my kid and I need to cater to her needs while she is pregnant?"

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