Untitled Part 11

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Arjun stared at his wife who is enjoying with his brothers . He can see Nakul is holding her arm and standing close to her . Bheem and Yudhishtir is laughing merrily teasing Drisht . Drisht's wife is carrying her child . All are laughing merrily , Even draupadi looks like the happiest person in this world .


We crossed the mud path , Arya Bheem carried me on his shoulders , I could hear Arya Nakul's shouts , He helped Drisht and Bhabi as well . Now me , Arya Yudhishtir , Arya Bheem , Arya Nakul , Drisht , Bhabi all are standing in a hill . Sunset is clearly visible from here . I only heard that natures beauty is unparalleled , now I realized it's meaning .

When Arya Bheem dropped me down , he side hugged and pecked me , Such a caring soul he is , He is a very caring husband , I saw Bhabi clapping her hands seeing us together . " Bhrata Bheem , Keep her happy like this always " I heard my Bhabi's words . Arya Bheem nodded his head . He instantly picked me in his arms in bridal style and twirled me , I laughed heartily . Arjun made me cry but my other four husbands always tries to make me the happiest . "Drop me down Arya" I caressed his face , He , like an obedient boy placed me down .

Suddenly I saw Drisht's child , My nephew coming towards us . " Putr , Stop , It is mud there , You'll get dirty " Arya Yudhishtir warned him . " But  I want to come there Mamashree " He whined . " I will help you " Arya Bheem came forward . "Putr , You just jump I 'll catch you " Arya Bheem instructed . My nephew made a quick jump and fall into Arya's arms . Arya Bheem kissed his forehead and patted the eight year old child . " You proved that you are my nephew " Bhrata Bheem patted him . "So good dear " Arya Yudhishtir praised him 

"He only jumped , He didn't win war , This much praise !, Don't pamper him this much" Bhabi pouted . " Why can't I pamper my nephew " Arya Bheem kissed his forehead . I smiled . " Priye , He is my child , Unlike his bua , He didn't hesitate to jump " Drisht indirectly teased me . " Bhratashreee Drishtadyumn , Can we have a sword fight match tomorrow ??" I raised my brow 

"Spare me dear sister " He raised his both palms in mid air , Everyone laughed even the little child giggle . " Putr , Tell me which Mama you like the most , Mamashree Bheem or Mamashree Nakul " Arya Nakul said to my nephew in his baby voice .

My cute nephew placed his forefinger on his chin , pretending that he is thinking .  Suddenly Arya Nakul whispered something in his ear , "I love Mamashree Nakul the most " Child jumped . "It's cheating " Arya Bheem whined . Arya Yudhishtir took my nephew in his arms . "What did Nakul say to you dear " he asked sweetly . Arya Nakul came towards me and hid his face on my nape . "He said if I say I love him the most , he'll take me to horse ride tomorrow " All of us burst into laughter whereas Arya Bheem glared at Arya Nakul . 



I saw her laughing merrily when Bhrata Bheem carried her , Will she be happy if I carry her like this ???? My nephew , Drisht's child jumped to Bhrata Bheem's arms , They all were laughing merrily , My eyes were only at my Krishnaa , How happy she looks , How delighted she is , Her eyes are reflecting it ! , She looked extra gorgeous in Dark Blue and her beauty multiplied with her cutest smile . She must be angry on me , Now she will be extra angry because of Bhadra's pregnancy , How can I win her back ?? How can I make her laugh like this when she is with me ??? How can I let her tolerate my touches ??? How can I make her respond to my love filled side glances , I sighed deeply . A lone tear escaped my eyes , I don't know why but now I feel my brothers are more caring towards her than me ...........


Nakul made a puppy face to draupadi which was more than enough to melt her . "Don't be this much cute " She kissed his cheeks . "Arya , Forbear , He is your brother know " She said to her second husband . He smiled and nodded . "Thanks love " Nakul kissed her cheeks . 

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