Untitled Part 20

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Draupadi got up from bed to move but stopped as Arjun tugged her wrist . What? She asked bitterly . Draupadi is miffed with him , She felt his hold is tight enough to not let her leave . Why is he doing so?? Who is she to him ??? Always disturbing her , first he did it with his love now with his betrayal .

What Arjun ? If you wanna tell something then tell , I know you will not come here simply , This chamber I mean my chamber has became unfamiliar to you , You only know the way to Subhadra's chamber only . She sulked 

Arjun pulled her closer , He circled his hands around her waist . Arjun , leave me . Yagyaseni retorted . Who told I forgot the way to your chamber , If you want I'll stay here for an eternity but you will not agree know . He said with a fake hurt expression 

How can I agree ?? What you did is a crime according to me . She ate his heart out . 

Krishnaa , I was bound to bring Bhadra here , You think Balram dau will sit silent watching me leaving Subhadra?? Never , He would have chopped me off . Arjun said 

Yes , of course , Your Bhadra's family is more important to you than mine , You know how much you hurt Prishati Mata ? She asked 

Krishnaa , I apologize , I didn't mean to hurt neither you nor our  mother . He said 

Arjun , Why are you trying to show ? I know your heart belongs to Bhadra and no one else but still you are behind me ? I know it hurts you when you move away from Subhadra , Then why this show off??? She asked bitterly

Accept my admission , I loves you , I loved you and will love you only , Subhadra , Chitrangada , Uloopi , they are parts of my life but you are my life Krishnaa , It's truth , I know what I have done hurt you beyond measure and the most interesting thing is you still loves me . He said

Who said I love you ? She bowed her head down 

Don't you ? He raised his brow 

I don't . She sternly replied

Arjun let out a chuckle . He slowly uplifted her chin .

Say it again . He said 

Draupadi felt uncomfortable , Why he is behind her , He himself proved she is nothing to him then also , What he wants??? 

These eyes tells a different story , I can't see neither anger nor hate here . He said , glancing at her orbs , dreamily 

Then what can you see here ? She taunted

Love . He replied , caressing her cheek with his rough thumb 

Love ??? She again taunted

Love , Passion and , He replied

And ? She asked

Pain . He concluded 

Draupadi bowed her head . A single tear escaped from her eyes .

Arjun lifted her chin and wiped the tear 

This tear , It is symbolizing your pain beloved , You know I'm craving to wipe it off with my passion , Let our love flourish , Come , Melt in my embrace . He said with utmost passion 

Whenever I touched other woman , I imagined you in their place , I only felt for you , True ! I was smitten with Subhadra , Have you ever thought why I was besotted , Because I saw you in her and my naughty Krishnaa always pulls me towards her . He concluded with a chuckle 

My life became a hell without you , without your love , I began finding you in everything , When I left Indraprasth , I decided I will remarry and bring alliance to my country , It's my duty Krishnaa and my responsibilities made me submit to Uloopi , Chitrangada and last Subhadra but I alternated them seeing you in them . Arjun's eyes turned teary 

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