chapter 65

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Chapter 65 Successfully Attracted Mr. Lewis’ Attention

“Just one sentence?” Ziana protested, “I can remember the lyrics, singing all five sentences is not tiring for me, so let me sing them all.”

Susan couldn’t help but cry and laugh at the same time, she wanted Ziana to sing, but Ziana was off-key!

There were only five sentences in total, and Ziana messed up four of them.

Who wouldn’t be scared?

Susan remained silent.

Suddenly, Ziana asked, “Did I sing off-key?”

Her expression was serious as if she really didn’t know she was off-key.

Susan reluctantly nodded and said, “Yes, you were off-key for all except the first sentence.”

Ziana’s little face wrinkled with seriousness.

Seeing her like this, Susan couldn’t bear it and comforted her, “Were you nervous just now and couldn’t perform well? How about you sing it again?”

“Okay!” Ziana immediately agreed.

Although Ziana’s family all doted on her, they didn’t allow her to sing, so Susan was the first person willing to listen to her sing. She treasured this opportunity.

She said to Susan, “I’m going to do my best this time!”

Ziana took a deep breath and closed her eyes before even starting, immersing herself in her own


From her demeanor, she looked like a great singer.

Susan stood up straight and said, “Relax and start singing.”

She couldn’t believe that Ziana had such good innate conditions but still couldn’t sing in tune!

Wasn’t she just wasting her talent?

However, two minutes later.

Susan heard a completely different song from the previous one.

Ziana sang off-key again, and each time it was different from the last.

She was rubbing her eyebrows frequently with a pained expression. Although Susan didn’t want to


discourage Ziana’s enthusiasm, she made up her mind.

“Miss Scott, you can only sing the first sentence.”

Ziana tried to negotiate, “Can I sing two sentences? Can you give me the second sentence?”

Susan changed the subject at just the right time, creating expectations for Ziana, “You go practice singing first, and I’ll give you feedback when you get out of tune.”

Ziana stood still, chest held high like a primary school student making a promise, “I will practice


The netizens in the live broadcast room are accustomed to the versatile master Ziana. Faced with her off-key yet cute performance, many passersby have unexpectedly become her fans.

“No, you don’t want to!”

“Dear, trust me, you don’t need the second sentence, please let it go!”

“Lol guys, is this newbie a j*nkie?”

“Ziana is so adorable! She sang it twice, which is like singing two songs. The key is that she seems

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