chapter 45

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Chapter 45 It’s not Difficult

“I’ve never been so speechless in my life.”

“Let me ask. Ziana doesn’t know how to choreograph, so why did she take it on?”

“I can’t stand. Can Ziana have a sense of team responsibility? Isn’t that a deliberate act of mischief? The program group let her mess around like this?”

“Isn’t the attitude of the program team obvious? I’m done. I’m out.”

“Although I’m a fan of Ziana, her behavior today is indescribable! Choreography is not something that anyone can do. She just started learning on the spot. What the hell can she make up in the end?”

The audience was noisy. But it didn’t affect Ziana at all.

She calmly clicked on the first answer on the page and started to study seriously.

Choreography Step One: [Understand the motivation of choreography. You need to figure out why you want to choreograph and what effect this dance wants to achieve. What emotions do you express?]

Choreography Step Two: [Choose the Music.]

Choreography Step Six: [Adjust the choreography. Two days later, do the choreographed dance again, adjust the movements and modify.]

It took Ziana ten minutes to finish her study. And then she thoughtfully turned off the phone screen, resting her chin with one hand, thinking.

Looking through the camera, her back looked so confused.

“What is she doing now? Isn’t she going to choreograph? Can the dance be done in a daze?”

“Shhh, Miss Scott is doing a magic trick! When she finishes her magic trick, there will be an immortal who will help her choreograph! Hey guys, it’s time to witness the magic!”

“Ha-ha. What you said was so funny.”

“Knowing how to dance doesn’t necessarily mean she can choreograph. Shame on her.”

“The sixth group didn’t get anxious at all. Have they all given up trying? How can they put up with Ziana screwing around and not say anything?”

Someone raised the topic, and the following comments began to mock and attack the members of the sixth group.

Because this group was the weakest, the audiences were not spared. Their comments were increasingly harsh.

At this moment, in the dance room, Molly, who was secretly playing with her mobile phone, saw the endless humiliation and ridicule on the screen. Her face turned red with anger.

She couldn’t bear it anymore, threw the lyrics on the table, and stood up abruptly.


Her voice was not low, and the dance room was quiet. This voice instantly made everyone look at


Susan held down the strings, her piercing eyes narrowed in displeasure. “What’s the matter?”

her “Look at this first!” Molly walked around her teammates and walked to the front, holding up mobile phone to Susan, “Look at what the netizens are saying! Anyway, I don’t agree with letting Ziana choreograph! She doesn’t even know it. We will all be eliminated with her choreography!”

“That’s right! We are not very good at dancing. But letting someone who doesn’t even know what choreography is to choreograph, you don’t take us seriously!”

“As far as I know, for an experienced dance teacher, it’s hard to create a new dance in three days, let alone her! If you insist on Ziana choreographing, I’ll quit right now!”

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