Power ups are great.

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Man this transmigration SUCKS.

Where's the cool power ups?????

Where is your super suit???

You weren't some transmigration expert (well maybe you were) but you were pretty sure being transmigrated to Naruto would give you bigger perks than just the peace out vanishing meme? Well, access to Chakra was also nice but that was basically a given!

The way you even discovered your power was honestly some silly shit too


You let Naruto do the laundry for once considering how you'd taken over such a chore once you'd arrived

You had a lot of studying to do to catch up on all the material you missed in the academy on account of not being there initially, a lot of ninja mumbo jumbo stuff that you had to memorize for some quiz that you really didn't care about but couldn't afford not to care about (literally, you were in debt already at the ripe old age of 8)

So using your common sense you let Naruto take over on laundry while you studied, he couldn't possibly fuck up such a simple task right?

Oh how naive and innocent you were, while he may not have done major damage to the clothes he lost a good couple of socks, leaving you both with mismatched socks instead of proper pairs

To add salt into the wound he lost the Shrek pajamas you were wearing when you came into this world.

As the bearer of bad news Naruto was going to bear the brunt of your wrath but one good look at his incredibly guilt ridden face and his body language made the anger fizzle out as soon as it came.

"I-Im really sorry Y/n!! I promise it wasn't on purpose or anything like that! it's just that the laundry bag had a hole in it that I didn't notice until I got home, believe it!"

He repeatedly apologized as you massaged your temples

"it's fine Naruto, I'm not mad I'm just disappointed-wait no sorry forget that. what I meant to say was that it was an honest mistake that I could've made if I was the one who went"

You comforted Naruto taking his feelings into priority before the clothing. It was just a couple of socks and your prized pajamas...

a tear slipped from the corner of your eye as you tried desperately not to mourn the loss of your Shrek pajamas.

A couple of deep breaths and some internal hyping up later you took the laundry bag that was still in Naruto's sheepish hands and set it down on a chair you pulled from wherever was closest.

"ok here's the game plan Narubro, you'll retrace your steps and I'll follow via the roofs for an aerial perspective. That way we'll have covered our blind spots and it won't hurt as much if the clothes are completely gone because at least we will have tried."

"you got that?" You held his shoulders in place as you made eye contact with him and gave him an encouraging smile

"Got it Y/n, believe it!" With his spirits back he straightened up out of his sheepish posture and brightened up at your smile

"alright then let's go!" You said and he ran out to retrace his steps.

You followed closely behind using chakra to stick to the roofs to give you stability, on your first day when they introduced the concept of chakra and had the class do some small but simple chakra exercises you were worried you wouldn't be able to do it

However, your worries were put to rest when you realized you could feel chakra inside of you

You didn't know if it was always there or if it was just a transmigration perk but you weren't complaining about having access to chakra!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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being transmigrated to Naruto is sooo 2018 [Naruto various x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now