Oh God here we go

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Ok uh, how did you get here again?
ah yes well, it seems that you have transmigrated somewhere judging from the unnaturally big trees that's great

mm yes wonderful just what you'd want on a regular ol Tuesday night yeah?

well, it's not everyday you fall face flat on the concrete as you're taking out the trash

and it's not everyday that once you get back up you're in some unknown big ass fucking forest.


Things really never work out do they?

You massaged your face in an attempt to get rid of the pain that was currently assaulting your face.

...hey. Were your hands always this small? The trees looked like they were naturally really fucking big but according to your height they shouldn't be this monstrously dwarfing you right now

And where on earth did you go with the whole ass trash bag in hand? whoever or whatever sent you here didn't have the decency to leave that shit back home? now you gotta walk around big ass trash bag in tow because you were not about to litter here, nahh... shit transmigration -5/10 so far

littering is for losers and you are not a loser or at the very least you keep telling yourself that

In fact you're quite calm about the fact that you currently have no idea where you are only that it can't be on earth, maybe that's just indication that you're out of touch with reality but who cares right? wooo

Okay, you took a deep breath and started mentalizing yourself you're gonna stop being a little pussy and get going, stop actually processing the situation and get going before you have a breakdown about this.

You looked around and picked a random direction because really, where else can a lost mf go?

As you treaded through the rough and uneven ground you eventually found what seemed to be a dirt road

Hallelujah motherfucker! you lucky bastard!

you picked a direction and followed it, civilization here you come!

you hadn't walked for very long before you saw very familiar gates

Aw shit, are those the fucking Naruto gates awww fuckkk

what is this? 2018? 2020? are you in a fanfiction?

of course, it's always this easy in fanfictions. In fact your body probably regressed into a kid too didn't it? that's why you're viewing the world like an oompa loompa with a big ass bag full of trash

fuck the bag by the way, morals be damned. or not, discarding morals is the first step to insanity and you're not insane not yet at least. maybe a little mentally ill but that's different.

well, it could be worse you'll admit that. you could be in Boruto right now after all.

It's clearly not Boruto since the village doesn't look as developed. thank fuck. you were not about to live in that dumpsterfuck!!

although, it's possible you will live through it since it happens just after Naruto's story kinda ends.

hm, nahhh

you being here probably already threw things out of whack so Boruto was not happening wooop

Alright so, how were you gonna do this? well you were just a kid so normally people wouldn't go as hard on kids but then again this is Naruto and while you didn't remember the plot very clearly you could remember that it wasn't that long ago in the timeline that they had child soldiers and child spies sooo..

oh fuck it. What other choices did you have? the same dangers were possible if you tried elsewhere and trying to live outside wasn't exactly recommended

Okay...You just hoped it would go as easy as it does in the fanfictions


you walked along the streets of konoha keys to your new apartment in hand

'Im gonna be so fr I did not expect that shit to actually work'

You didn't think you were even gonna get past the gates much less actually score living arrangements

Y/n: 1
Shitty transmigration: 0

By the power of plot perhaps you managed to sell the 'Im just a teensy weensy little amnesiac kid wah wah' act

'Maybe this won't be so bad' you thought

anndddd you fucked it, that definitely raised some sort of flag. Saying that type of shit always raises a flag.

You shook your head as you admonished yourself for putting your guard down and not staying vigilant.

Getting caught lacking was the last thing you wanted, especially when you knew basically nothing about how or why you were here.

Your thoughts wandered as you got closer to the building in which your apartment was supposed to be according to the information given to you by the hokage.

'he said I was gonna be sharing the apartment with a kid my age..haha wouldn't it be funny if it was Naruto himself haha'


Maybe you should get into fortune telling.

That's what you thought as you slurped on a cup of instant ramen sitting beside Naruto.

'He looks to be around 8? I don't know, it's debatable.'

He was pretty chill considering his living space was suddenly gonna be shared with some random kid that just showed up at his doorstep like "heyyy" with finger guns.

Or maybe he was just lonely who knew? not you that's for sure, you barely knew yourself and you weren't about to overanalyze.

"So where are you gonna sleep?" He asked from behind the cup ramen bowl he was chugging down

"Well, the hokage was kind enough to hand me a sleeping bag of sorts and a starting fund that I think I'm gonna use to get some basic clothing since I don't think I can just get by with what I have on right now" You mused

What the Hokage had given you wasn't exactly a lot considering the amount you had seen people pay for stuff as you were on your way over to Naruto's and now yours as well's place.

But it wasn't a measly amount either, it was just about enough to buy basic necessities which was good enough for you. Even just letting someone of unknown background like you in was kind enough.

And clothing well, you looked down at the Shrek t-shirt and the pajama pants you had on that had followed you back from home.

You seriously had no idea how the Hokage could take you seriously when you were looking like this.

The arrangement you had was that you would attend the academy alongside Naruto and pay off the amount borrowed when you had a stable ish income as a ninja.

the clothing you had on at the moment wasn't exactly optimal for the academy or ninja work, unless you were going to change profession to a professional clown you were gonna have to buy a change of clothes that could integrate well into this society.

You sighed at the thought of all the stuff you would have to do in order to regain stability in your life.

'This is such a bother, stupid ass garbage bag dragging me over here'

Your eyes wandered over to Naruto who thought he was being sneaky as he chugged down your ramen broth down as well.

your eyebrows raised and your mouth curved in amusement at his antics

'I suppose it's not that bad, could be worse for sure'


Everyone who read the first version is probably gone by now to be honest 💀

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being transmigrated to Naruto is sooo 2018 [Naruto various x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz