" Because the situation isn't just black and white," I yelled shocking Disha and my brothers while Rohan had a look of realisation.

" Why you are having that look, Rohan?" I asked in confusion.

" I got it by what Guru Ji meant that your bond with Geeta will be different. You always said no two wrongs make right or vice versa. Now you reason her action by saying the situation wasn't black and white," Rohan answered while I shake my head.

" You met her Rohan. She is harmless," I said.

" Because she was scared for her sister's life and didn't know what to do," He muttered.

" For those sisters' protection, she did. Shark loaners aren't nice people, for money, they can sell or kill anyone. Geeta did everything to protect her younger sisters. Just like you would have done for Roshini," My words did make Rohan think.

" Asha please, if the shark loaners were so cruel then why did she got involved with them in the first place? Why didn't she ask for help from the police?" Luv growled behaving like an ignorant man.

" Because the situation forced her. How many times do I have to repeat it?" I shouted in frustration and notice my brothers' expressions that they are having an internal fight.

" Disha, Geeta is a nice girl and you can trust her," I pleaded because Disha's decision is final.

" I have to meet her to decide if she can be a member of our pack," She muttered and I couldn't help but hug her.

" So our opinion doesn't matter," Luv snorted.

" It does," Disha reasoned.

" Then we will vote," Luv declared.

" Why are you being adamant about hating Geeta, when you haven't met her?" I asked trying my best so the voting doesn't happen because I know she won't be accepted.

" She tried to ruin someone's life, Asha," Luv yelled.

" She didn't have a choice. She was abandoned when she was a child. She was less than ten years old when she begged for money but no one gave her a penny. So she started to ask for loans and everything she can to feed her sibling at least one meal a day," I can see my words did affect everyone to some extent.

" I don't think voting is necessary, Disha. All of you have to think for a while then meet Geeta. And you won't be having an objection to her being a member of our pack," I placed my final pinches and walked to my room as I badly wanted to go to the bathroom.

By the time I come back to the living room. Nina, Roshini, Yasmin and Haniya arrived and my sister was shaking in rage.

" So Asha, do you justify rape?" Nina asked as soon as she notice me.

" What the hell? That's a ridiculous question, Nina," I shouted.

" There is no need to yell. We can discuss like the adults we are," Khush spoke making sure the matter doesn't go far. He was always best at that.

" She is the one shouting here. Geeta is no less than a rapist and you are supporting her, Asha," I growled at Nina's words.

" Both of you control yourself. Mom messages me, they are on the way and will be coming any time now. We will talk about this later," Disha spoke with authority that doesn't leave any place for disagreement... For me.

" Control yourself, Asha. Otherwise, you will reveal your true self. A narcissistic woman," Nina mocked me.

" Nina, stop it," Luv and Khush shouted at her.

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