"This is a bad idea, " he husked.

"I know. But I don't care. I just want you. "

"I could be just as bad as those guys. "

She licked her lips, tongue slightly brushing against San's lip. "Yeah I know. But you can't be worse. "

"What does that even mean? "

"It means shut up and kiss me. " she captured his lips in a rough kiss and arms coming up to wrap around his neck. San sighed and kissed her back, breaching his tongue past her swollen red lips from all the heavy making out they had done hours ago. She moaned needingly and she started grinding her crotch on his hardening clothed dick. He remembered thinking fuck it then grabbed her by her underthighs and lifted her off the ground.

She giggled and nibbled on his bottom lip and San was just about ready to lose his damn mind.

"You're going to fuck me again? "She practically purred into his ear.

Something between a growl and a moan left San's lips before he pinned her against the wall.

" You asked for it "He attacked his lips like he was starved which technically he was and she reciprocated with just as much passion. Maybe San didn't want it to end here too.

With one hand, he reached down to unzip his jeans when his phone vibrated. He detached his lips from hers and she whined in frustration.

"Just ignore it. " she kissed up his jawline, grinding even harder against him.

"Fuck, Ari. Wait. Let me just check who it is. " he reached behind and fished it out of his pocket.

When he saw the caller id he immediately forgot he was holding Ari and let go of her sending her back down on her feet with a little stumble from the sudden movement.

"Ouch, a warning would have been appreciated. " she winced.

San wasn't even paying attention to her and quickly answered.

"Woo ?"

"You actually picked up, I was starting to think you ditched me. Where they fuck are you anyway?" Wooyoung drawled.

"I'm with someone right now. Why did you call? Is everything okay? "

Wooyoung huffed "you fucking asshole, you're seriously going to ask me why I called when you invited me to stay the night at your place? "

"What do you..... " then it hit San like a ton of bricks.

" fuck. "He pinched the bridge of his nose feeling like the actual asshole he had just called him for forgetting.

" Should I go home or wait? Be quick with it, I'm high off my ass right now and tired. "

"Shit, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. Just give me 20 minutes and I'll be there. You're still at Mingi's right? "

"No. Your house. "

"Okay. I'll be there in 20."

"Sure Whatever." Wooyoung hung up before San could say anything.

"Who was that?" Ari asked putting a gown on and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"A friend of mine. Look, i have.... "

"To go? " she cut him off.

San nodded with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine. It sounded like it was urgent. "

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