"It's hurting heavily, please don't give me any more injections" she said still crying her eyes out.

He wiped her tears with a tissue.

"I know it hurts like hell but we can't do anything other than that. I don't have to explain the importance to you like other patients. You are a medical student and you have to accept it and face it with confidence" he said as like encouraging her.

She sniffed and slowly her cries reduced.

"You are cheating me daily" she hiccuped.

"See now it's over. You can be free today without any injections" he replied.

"But it hurts heavily" she replied.

"If I give you with gap, you will think about it the whole day and it will cause you stress then it will pain more. That's why I'm giving it in the morning itself so that you will be free the entire day" he replied genuinely.

She hummed simply while wiping her own tears and she slowly turned her body sidely.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive this pain for next 12 days" she murmured. He sighed.

"The thing is don't stress yourself about tomorrow. Distract yourself and make your mind relax. Start studying for your exams because at the middle of the treatment, you won't be able to study" he said. She gulped thinking of what could happen to her.

After advising her for few minutes, he went to resume his work.

The next two days passed with him always convincing her to take the shots. Her back was paining even if someone touch it.

They both got even more closer than before. He liked her a lot of her childish nature. Even when she was studying, he helped her and she narrated her college stories and they both have become very close like very best friends.

In the evening, she got heavy fever. The nurse checked her and informed him.

He came to her room in a rush as he has got many appointments to look as it is a Friday evening.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he asked checking her heart beats.

"My entire body is tired" she replied at him weakly. He hummed and checked her temperature.

"Let's do blood test and then I will give you medicine" he said looking at the temperature.

"Is there any problem with me?" she asked almost scared.

"No, it's just a positive sign that the medicines are working properly. Just to confirm it, blood work is needed" he replied.

He quickly put gloves on his hand and hurriedly tied the band on her right hand. She looked at him worriedly and closed her eyes.

He quickly stabbed the needle. She hissed in pain lightly. He drew the blood and pulled out.

"Okay take some rest. I have many appointments today, I will try to come in between" he said while passing the blood to the nurse.

He quickly went out in tension without even looking at her. It hurted her for the first time being here. She doesn't have anyone here, only him.

The nurse tries her hard to be her friend but she didn't allow it. She only trust him.

After an hour, nurse entered back and smiled at her.

"Your reports are back. Sunil sir asked me to give you fever reducer and antibiotic as he is very busy now" the nurse said shocking her.

"No wait, let him come and give me. I will wait" she argued immediately.

"He has lined up works. He cannot come soon" the nurse said and pulled the syringe out from the drawer. She was scared.

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